Chapter 431 Go to Nima

Secretary Liu said flatly: "I don't have time to talk to you, and I don't care which company you belong to. In short, we will never use you in our variety show again."

"If you don't use it, don't use it. Do you think that labor and capital are scarce?" Zhao Han sneered.

"By the way, those who are not used by the Chen family, go and have a look. Do you dare to use other entertainment variety shows?"

After Secretary Liu finished speaking, a playful smile appeared on his face.

Zhao Han sneered, and said, "Do you really think you are covering the sky with one hand?"

"I'll tell you right now, how many labor-management notices there are!"

He looked at the assistant at the side, and said, "Tell her how many variety show announcements there are from labor and management! And how many are from abroad!"

The assistant glanced at Secretary Liu and had no choice but to follow suit.

She dug out a form, all of which were densely packed with invitations from program crews who were waiting for Zhao Han's schedule and wanted to record variety shows with him.

And there are quite a few announcements that are already in progress, and the one-year schedule has been clearly arranged!

Secretary Liu glanced at the form and smiled without saying a word.

"How? It's too late to regret it now." Zhao Han said proudly.

Secretary Liu remained silent, looked at the assistant beside him, and said, "You know what to do."

"Understood." The assistant understood.

As soon as the voice fell, the assistant immediately walked aside to make a call.

"What? You still want to make two phone calls to block me? Who do you think you are?"

"What's wrong with the Chen family, can they still manage big companies abroad? It's ridiculous!"

In Zhao Han's words, he didn't put the Chen family in his eyes at all.

As soon as he finished speaking, his phone rang.

He looked at the phone and saw that it was an investor calling.

"Hello? Mr. Wang..."

"Xiao Zhao, I'm sorry, did you offend someone you shouldn't? Our invitation has been cancelled, so don't come to this variety show."

Zhao Han's complexion changed, he glanced at Secretary Liu, and secretly said: "I guess this is the only one, it should be—"

Before I finished speaking, it was another phone call.
"Hello? Mr. Chen—"

"Xiao Zhao, why are you causing trouble everywhere? I can't keep you anymore, let's terminate our cooperation."

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone again.

Zhao Han stared blankly at Secretary Liu, feeling a little trembling in his heart.

Just then, another phone call.

He answered call after call.

Every time he didn't finish a sentence, the other party terminated the cooperation with him, so he just separated the relationship and hung up the phone.

Zhao Han's face also became paler.

He looked at Secretary Liu in shock. He never imagined that a secretary of the Chen family could possess such powerful energy.

"I'll give you a piece of advice. In a big country, no one can provoke the Chen family!" Secretary Liu said jokingly.

Just at this moment, a young man wearing a mask flashed in her mind.

She thought to herself: "Maybe, except for that mysterious man..."

After Secretary Liu's words fell, Zhao Han couldn't hold on anymore.

After walking in capital business for so long, he no longer knows what face is.

He quickly squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, and said: "Secretary Liu, I, I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai."

"Well, I don't need money, really! I don't need money to record a variety show for you, how about it?"

"I will do my best to promote you! My influence among young people is still there."

Zhao Han looked at Secretary Liu expectantly.

In his opinion, no one would refuse such an offer.

It doesn't cost a dime, and let a popular little fresh meat do free publicity and participate in variety shows, which earns more than just appearance fees.

"Sorry, I don't need you." Secretary Liu said coldly.

The smile on Zhao Han's face froze instantly.

He said in a daze: "Secretary Liu, do you think about it?"

"Now there is no young star in a big country who can compare with me in influence."

"I, my publicity ability, you can check my data, you—"

"Who said that no one has more influence than you?" Secretary Liu interrupted Zhao Han, looking at him jokingly,
Zhao Han froze for a moment, then said confidently: "Secretary Liu, I didn't say that, there are really few new generation stars in the big country who can compare with me in influence."

"What about the mysterious person?" Secretary Liu sneered and said, "Just wait, you've offended the Chen family, you should hurry back to your country."

After speaking, Secretary Liu turned around and left directly.

The assistant followed Secretary Liu, and asked suspiciously: "Secretary Liu, Zhao Han recorded for free, why do you..."

"It's useless to use this kind of person. After cooperating, we can prevent him from using the banner to cause trouble for the Chen family." Secretary Liu said flatly: "Contact me with the mysterious person, and tell me that I will treat him to dinner tonight."

"Yes." The assistant agreed.

As for Zhao Han, who watched Secretary Liu leave, his face was pale, and he slumped on the sofa.

His secretary stood aside without saying a word, for fear of being hurt by Chi Yu.

"Do you know the power of the Chen family?" Zhao Han looked at the secretary coldly.

The secretary was startled, and said tremblingly, "I, actually, I also don't know very well."

"Fuck you!" Zhao Han cursed angrily, and slapped the secretary on the face.

With a sound of "Pa!", the secretary's face instantly turned red.

"What the hell are you pretending to be? Aren't you the best assistant? How could you not know?" Zhao Han glared at the secretary viciously, and said, "Next time, if something like this happens again, if you don't remind me, labor and management won't forgive me. you!"

Zhao Han grabbed the secretary's neck, gritted his teeth, and looked ferocious, as if he wanted to eat people.

The secretary was trembling with fright, and hurriedly said: "I, I see..."

"Get out!" Zhao Han shook his hand, pushed the secretary to the ground, and said, "Go and find out who this mysterious person is for the labor and management!"

"In the entire entertainment industry, I've heard of famous people. What is the origin of this mysterious person?"

The secretary held his throat and said tremblingly: "The mysterious man, he, he is an Internet celebrity."

"What? Internet celebrity?" Zhao Han showed a shocked expression, "How is it possible? Is Secretary Liu stupid? Let an Internet celebrity replace me?"

"He, he is the most popular Internet celebrity now." The secretary said: "And, and he sings very well."

"Hahaha, good singing skills? The most popular Internet celebrity?" Zhao Han said with disdain on his face, "How good can an Internet celebrity be if he has good singing skills?"

"What's more, the most popular Internet celebrity is just an Internet celebrity! How can you compare with traffic stars?"

The secretary glanced at Zhao Han, whose eyes were red, and said, "He, he is really good at singing. Now, he is ready to cooperate with Zhou Jielun and Justin."

"Justin? Zhou Jielun?" Zhao Han stared, as if he was about to pop his eyes out of his sockets, and said, "An Internet celebrity?"

The secretary nodded and said, "The news has already spread on the Internet."

(End of this chapter)

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