Chapter 432

With a cold face, Zhao Han gritted his teeth and said, "It seems that this kid is quite rich."

"So what? No matter how rich you are, can we be as rich as our company?"

"Isn't it an international superstar? Wouldn't it be good if the company finds me two international superstars to cooperate with?"

"This mysterious man... Laozi wants to see how capable he is! He can replace me like this!"

The most important thing for a traffic star is not singing skills, nor acting skills, but commercial value.

The word traffic star, the important thing is the traffic, not the star.

For a traffic star like Zhao Han, what he is most afraid of is that his commercial value will be compared with others.

Once someone has more traffic than him, or even surpasses him.

That means that he is no longer the top in the industry, not popular, but a bargain!
And becoming a bargain in the entertainment industry means that he is not far from being cool.

He also knew in his heart that for a traffic star like himself, once the burst of traffic is over, he will be nothing!

So, today he didn't want Secretary Liu for free, but chose Lin Yang.

This is a great irony and blow to his commercial value!
The secretary stood at a loss, and asked tremblingly, "Then, what should I do now?"

"Send me a certain blog, and say that I want to start a live broadcast on this blog!" Zhao Han jokingly said, "You just say, I want to challenge to become the most popular Internet celebrity! I will do everything that an Internet celebrity can do." !"

"Isn't this kid an Internet celebrity? Then labor and management will compare with him. Labor and management will make him unable to become an Internet celebrity."


The secretary agreed, and left the office as if running away.

At the moment, Lin Yang is busy with Zhou Jielun and Justin in the recording studio.

Before I knew it, it was past eight o'clock in the evening.


Zhou Jielun came out of the recording studio, sat down on the sofa, and exhaled a long breath.

He said with a wry smile: "This is the happiest sound I have ever recorded in these years, but the pressure is a bit high."

"Yeah." Justin also let out a long sigh of relief, took a sip of water, and said, "When I made my first record, I didn't feel so much pressure."

Lin Yang looked at the two suspiciously, and asked, "What do you say?"

"Aren't you in the recording studio every day? What's the pressure?"

Zhou Jielun and Justin stared straight at Lin Yang, like a wronged daughter-in-law.

"Sir, don't you think your singing skills are a bit out of reach?" Justin spread his hands and said helplessly.

"I'm a well-known singer anyway. I can sing with you. I may not be as good as you, but I can't be too far behind you, right?"

Zhou Jielun also said with emotion: "Yes, please be merciful. After I cooperate with you, maybe the fame of the whole life will really be ruined."

"It's too dangerous to sing with you. My weakness in singing is directly exposed."

Lin Yang rolled his eyes and said, "Where is it so exaggerated, you two are also heavenly kings after all, fans have listened to it for so many years, how could they think you are not good?"

Zhou Jielun curled his lips and said, "Have you ever heard a word?"

"What?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

"Without comparison, there will be no harm." Zhou Jielun said helplessly: "Comparing people to others is really maddening!"

Lin Yang spread his arms and said, "Blame me? Why don't we stop cooperating?"

"Don't, don't, don't!" Zhou Jielun said: "The news has been sent out, not to mention, after singing with you, I really feel that my singing skills have improved a lot."

"Yes!" Justin agreed: "It will be easier for me to discover my vocal problems and learn some vocal methods."

"Why don't you teach us some singing skills?" Zhou Jielun looked at Lin Yang expectantly and said.

If this scene was seen by other people in the music industry, their jaws would probably drop!
The master of the majestic musician, the figure of the king level, the musician who has become popular since his debut.

How good it is now, to ask a young man for advice like a primary school student!

And this young man is actually an Internet celebrity!
Lin Yang was stunned, and said to himself: "I can sing, because the system exists, I don't think it would be difficult if I don't know how to sing, but I can't do it if you teach me."

Lin Yang was thinking about how to refuse, when Bai Ning walked in holding the phone.

"Have you finished recording?" Bai Ning asked.

"Okay." Seeing Bai Ning's anxious expression, Lin Yang asked, "What's wrong? Something happened?"

"It's nothing, just... Secretary Liu came to us for dinner." Bai Ning said.

"Her? What is she looking for you again? Is she looking for trouble?" Zhou Jielun frowned.

"Probably not." Lin Yang said calmly, "Since she wants to meet, let's meet."

"She has sent someone to wait downstairs." Bai Ning said.

"Then let's go and see what she wants to do." Lin Yang said.

After a while, Lin Yang and Bai Ning arrived downstairs in the recording studio.

A Maybach stopped at the door, and there was a man in a suit and white gloves standing beside the car.

With a smile on his face, he respectfully opened the door for Lin Yang and Bai Ning, and said, "Miss Bai, Mr. Mysterious Man, please get in the car."

After Lin Yang and Bai Ning got into the car, the driver continued.

"Miss Bai, Mr. Mysterious Man, after Secretary Liu's special order, after today, this car will be yours."

"No need." Lin Yang directly refused.

The driver smiled and said, "Miss Liu expected you to say that."

"She said that she hopes you can accept this car, which represents the importance she attaches to the friendship between you."

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, and immediately understood what Secretary Liu meant.

This car is a letter of sincerity!
"Okay, I see, I'll accept this car." Lin Yang said.

Bai Ning looked at Lin Yang suspiciously, but didn't ask any questions.

She thought to herself, "Aren't you afraid that Secretary Liu is cheating?"

Bai Ning didn't understand what happened in the basement that night.

Lin Yang firmly believed that it was impossible for ordinary people to have the idea of ​​resistance after seeing his miraculous methods.

What's more, Secretary Liu is just a woman no matter what, so how can she not be afraid of Lin Yang's methods?

After a while, the car drove to the entrance of a luxurious hotel.

As soon as the car arrived at the door, it attracted the attention of countless people.

Although this is the imperial capital, there are not many people who drive such a car!

The two parking boys and the two security guards at the entrance of the hotel kept glancing at the car from the corner of their eyes, their eyes filled with envy.

Under everyone's envious eyes, the driver got out of the car and respectfully opened the door for Lin Yang and Bai Ning.

"Miss Bai, Mr. Mysterious Man, please get out of the car." The driver said respectfully.

Lin Yang took Bai Ning out of the car and went straight into the hotel.

At this time, a woman walking in a hurry came up to the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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