Chapter 435 No Comments
Lin Yang tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and said in a deep voice, "A big company like the Chen family does things so clean?"

Secretary Liu gave a wry smile helplessly, and said, "It's because of a big group like the Chen family that they do things cleanly. They won't leave anything behind easily."

Lin Yang nodded and understood.

He said lightly: "Since this is the case, let's go back first if it's okay."

"I'll have someone deliver the car to your hotel, do you think it's okay?" Secretary Liu asked respectfully.

"Okay." Lin Yang said lightly.

Several people walked downstairs.

What Lin Yang didn't know was that a lot of people had already gathered downstairs!

At the entrance of the hotel, there are more than a dozen black Mercedes-Benz E-classes.

In the hotel lobby, there was a group of black-clothed men standing in Wuyang Wuyang.

They are all tall and strong, all wearing sunglasses, with expressionless faces and no smiles.

The waiter in the hotel wanted to come forward to persuade these people to leave.

But when he saw the two people standing at the front, the waiter flinched.

The leader is the young master of the Haijia Group who was taught by Lin Yang just now.

He put his arms around his woman with a look of arrogance and arrogance.

Standing beside him was a man in a motorcycle leather jacket, black leather gloves, black jeans and Martin boots.

This man has a cropped head, very small eyes, but is naked, about 1.8 meters tall, with a burly figure, a fleshy face, and a cigar in his mouth.

The young owner of the Haijia Group looked at him with a bit of flattery on his face.

"Mr. Liu, I don't know when that kid will come down. Do you think you should bring someone up to find him, or wait here?" the Young Master asked.

"Go up and find him, don't waste time." Liu Gang said.

"Well, Mr. Liu, this kid probably has some foundation to eat here. Would you like to..."

"What first?" Liu Ji interrupted the Young Master's family, and said, "As long as you are not from the Chen family, labor and management are not afraid!"

"Liu Chang is my elder brother! With Secretary Liu here, half of the Chen family belongs to Liu Chang!"

"With my elder brother here, half of the sky in the imperial capital is mine!"

When Liu Gang said this, he deliberately amplified the volume.

Hearing this, a foreman nearby couldn't help shrinking his head, showing a look of fear.

He thought to himself, "I still want to call the manager, or forget it, no one in the Chen family can provoke me."

The Shaodong family also quickly echoed: "What you said is that you have a share in the entire empire."

Enjoying the fearful eyes of the people around him, Liu Da raised his head higher and said, "Go! Go up and deal with him!"


At this time, the elevator door opened.

Lin Yang and Bai Ning came out first, while Secretary Liu followed behind Lin Yang respectfully.

Everyone saw Lin Yang who was the first to bear the brunt at a glance, and all looked at him with pity.

"Do you think this kid can beat so many people?" said a waiter in the corner.

Another waiter replied: "Hitting the hammer, he thought he was Ip Man? Even Ip Man couldn't hit so many."

The moment Young Master saw Lin Yang, a ferocious smile appeared on his face, and he was about to speak.

Liu Gang frowned suddenly, and hurriedly walked towards Lin Yang.

Lying quietly in the arms of Shaodong's family, she asked, "Honey, what is Mr. Liu doing here?"

"Maybe this kid also provoked Mr. Liu, let's see, he's the one to look at." The Young Master looked like he was watching the show.

Everyone looked at Lin Yang as if they were watching a good show.

Lin Yang, Bai Ning and others also stopped immediately.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Lin Yang naturally knew what happened.

He looked at Liu Gang who was hurriedly approaching, and asked coldly: "Are you going to fight, or should you get out of the way now?"

When the words fell to the ground, Liu Gang was terrified!
He trembled all over and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He saw Secretary Liu behind Lin Yang, and also thought of the photo and words of Lin Yang that Liu Chang specially sent to their rich second generation group in the imperial capital that day.

He still clearly remembered that Liu Chang said in voice at that time: "Don't mess with this mysterious man! He is an existence that the Chen family can't afford to mess with! In the future, if you see him, call him Grandpa! Then serve me!"

"If you provoke him! I can't keep you guys, just wait to be lifted!"

Good guy, Liu Gang clearly remembers that that night, the whole empire had a wealthy second generation who went crazy and started investigating this mysterious person overnight.

But in the end, it was only possible to find out that this was the anchor of Agni Live, while the others could not be found at all.

After all, the representative of Agni Live was writing about Bai Ning, and no real information about Lin Yang was exposed!

Many people even called Qin Tianming, the boss of a certain blog that day.

But the replies I received were all just a short sentence, "No comment, I advise you not to investigate!"

This time, the rich second generation of the entire imperial capital were shocked.

A mysterious man wearing a mask, a well-known Internet boss in the country, is so afraid of him.

Moreover, even the members of the Chen family were in awe of him so much that they couldn't find out through investigation.

All of a sudden, the entire imperial capital, on which night, met such a number one person——mysterious man!

But at this moment, seeing Secretary Liu standing behind Lin Yang, Liu Gang was even more sure that he couldn't afford to offend this mysterious person!
He looked at Lin Yang nervously, not knowing what to say.

But the Young Master behind him yelled, and said, "Boy, what are you dreaming about? We, Liu, will always fight garbage like you?"

"If you have the ability to fight us bodyguards, there are so many of us, we will single you out!"

Shaodong's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Liu Ji's heart with a "bang".

He was shocked in his heart, his pupils trembled, and secretly said: "It's over, it's over, I offended people, it's over, I'm dead, my heavenly spirit cover is gone..."

He was so frightened that he could hardly speak.

Lin Yang saw that his brows were tightly furrowed, his eyes were straight and he didn't speak, and he thought that Liu Gang wanted to drink with him.

"Okay, let's play a game." Lin Yang said lightly.

"No need!" Secretary Liu said suddenly.

She knew quite well in her heart that this was the best time for her to show her loyalty!
What's more, in her eyes, these wealthy second generations in the imperial capital are just a bunch of soldiers and crab generals, and it's just a matter of little effort to deal with them.

Secretary Liu stepped forward and said respectfully to Lin Yang, "Sir, I will take care of these things."

"Are you going to deal with it? Come on! Why are you singled out our group of men? How do you want to single out?" The Young Master had an evil and provocative smile on his face.

A group of dark bodyguards behind them also showed a smile on their faces, and their eyes were all focused on Secretary Liu.


Liu Yuan felt his heart beat a beat slower from fright.

He turned his head stiffly, glanced at Secretary Liu with a frosty expression, and knelt down on the ground with a "plop".

(End of this chapter)

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