Chapter 436 System Upgrade
This kneeling directly confused the Young Master's family.

He stepped forward eagerly, yelling, "Oh, Mr. Liu, what's the matter with you? What happened? Are you feeling unwell?"

He ran in front of Liu Ji, and stretched out his hand to help him.


As soon as he bent down, Liu Gang slapped him across the face.

At this moment, the fear in Liu Gong's heart turned into resentment towards the Young Master's family.

If it weren't for this young master, he wouldn't have provoked such a big shot at all!

"I'm going to Nima, why do you want to kill me?" Liu Gang yelled angrily with his face flushed and his face ferocious.

This slap and roar made Young Master's head buzzing.

"Liu, Mr. Liu, what's wrong? I..."

"You, Nima? Do you know who these two are!" Liu Gang shouted: "This Mr. Mysterious Man is my grandfather! My grandfather!"

"This Secretary Liu is my elder brother's sister! What the hell are you trying to kill me?"

When the words fell to the ground, the Young Master sat down on the ground with a "plop".

His face was dull, as if he had received some huge blow.

"I, I, I..." Shaodong's family muttered for a long time, but couldn't utter a complete sentence.

His woman, seeing this quietly, and seeing that everyone's eyes were not on her, turned around and ran away.

She thought to herself, "Stupid, you can mess with anyone! What the hell, money is not enough, you have to have brains!"

Secretary Liu sneered, looked at the two people on the ground, and said, "You two, if Mr. Mysterious Man can forgive you, I won't care about it."

"But if Mr. Mysterious Man doesn't want to let you go, you should stop doing business in the imperial capital."

Secretary Liu's tone was cold, making the two of them even more like falling into an ice cellar!
Liu Yuan immediately came to his senses, knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Lin Yang, saying, "Grandpa! I, I have nothing to do with this idiot of the Haijia Group!"

"I didn't know he wanted to deal with you. If I had known earlier, I would have cleaned him up for you. You let me go. It has nothing to do with me!"

Seeing this, the Shaodong family immediately knelt down on the ground, kowtowed continuously, and knocked their heads with a "boom bang" sound, and blood came out after a while.

"Grandpa, I, I was wrong, I dare not provoke you again, I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, no! I have no eyes at all, I..."

"That's enough!" Lin Yang scolded, "Get out of the way, don't get in the way! Don't provoke me in the future, and don't bully others!"

"If I see you bullying others again, I won't be polite."

"Yes, yes, you taught me the right lesson. Listening to what you say is better than listening to ten years!" Liu Hao said after holding back for a long time.

"Get out!" Lin Yang said impatiently.

Seeing this, Liu Gang and Shaodong's family immediately ran away as if they had been pardoned.

The rest of the bodyguards saw that they had kicked the iron plate, and all of them seemed to run away.

"Are all the rich second generations in the imperial capital like this?" Lin Yang sneered, and said, "It's not as educated as ordinary people."

"This is only a part, and the rest is relatively low-key and not easy to meet." Secretary Liu said: "Don't worry, sir. After today, I promise that no second generation ancestor will dare to disrespect you again."

"What are you going to do?" Lin Yang asked.

"Naturally, the means will not be excessive, don't worry, sir." Secretary Liu said.

"All right, I don't want to waste time dealing with these people." Lin Yang said lightly.

"Please, sir." Secretary Liu made a gesture of invitation and said, "I'll ask someone to drive the car back for you."


Lin Yang agreed, and took Bai Ning back to the hotel where he was staying.

During the drive, Bai Ning joked: "I noticed that you have become more and more tempered recently."

"What?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

"You didn't treat people like this before." Bai Ning said, "Even if you are provoked by others, you don't have a temper."

Lin Yang gave a wry smile, leaned back on the seat, stretched his waist, and said, "Forced, this is the way of the world, people are good and bullied."

"I backed down step by step, but I didn't have the sea and the sky, but I was pressed by people step by step."

"Now these rich second generations dare to provoke me, I dare to hate!"

"That's right." Bai Ning said jokingly: "Otherwise everyone will think that you are easy to bully, and when you have money, they will all miss your cake."

Lin Yangchang sighed, and said, "Why don't people know how to be content? In this world, I don't think I can live alone in peace."

"Every man is innocent and he is guilty." Bai Ning said helplessly: "No matter what you do, anyway, this is how the world is."

Lin Yang looked out the window and nodded without saying a word, obviously agreeing with Bai Ning's statement.

Along the way, Lin Yang naturally understood this truth.

If you don't have money, you will be looked down upon by others, even people in the same village will be jealous and look down on him.

rich.He will be hated by others, and even envied and framed by others!
If he wants to live a stable life by himself, many people will want to curry favor with him.

No matter what, Lin Yang understood that now he has no choice but to become stronger!

Otherwise, not only might he not be able to live a stable life, but there would be no bones left that might be eaten by others!
Even if he has a system, he won't be the Chen family's opponent for a while now!
After the two returned to the hotel, they went to rest separately.

There was nothing to say all night until the next morning.

Lin Yang received a call from Zhou Jielun and said, "Mr. Lin, Mr. Justin is going back to China today. Today, I will cooperate with you to record a song. Do you have time?"

"Yes." Lin Yang stretched himself on the sofa, and said, "I'll look for you later."

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the recording studio."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang suddenly heard the voice of the system in his mind.

"The system is being upgraded... After the upgrade is complete, the new version of the system plays as follows."

"From today, there will be a random mission every day. Completing a mission will reward you with money and experience corresponding to the mission. Five hundred experience points will upgrade the system."

"Every time the system is upgraded, the host's rewards will be added, as well as the system upgrade, if you complete the achievement, you may get the trump card to defeat the Chen family!"

"Today's mission, get the number one topic among entertainment stars in the country, mission rewards, 500 million cash, and [-] experience points."

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, he was not interested in money.

But the system said, "The trump card to defeat the Chen family" really caught Lin Yang's attention!
"Let's level up, maybe get the trump card to defeat the Chen family? It means drawing a card? A lottery?" Lin Yang thought to himself, "No matter what, you must try it!"

"If the Chen family doesn't fall, it's impossible to take off my mask!"

Lin Yang immediately drove to the recording studio after receiving the task.

(End of this chapter)

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