Chapter 437 System Tasks
After Lin Yang came to the recording studio, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Jie Lun staring at a pile of documents with his brows furrowed.

"Mr. Lin, you are here." Jie Lun immediately put away the documents and said, "Justin is not here, you can take off the mask."

"Did Justin say what to do when he goes back?" Lin Yang asked.

"This... seems to be because of some awards ceremony, he is the judge and sponsor of the entire awards ceremony." Jie Lun said.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, thinking of the award ceremony that Liao Cong mentioned last time.

But now Liao Cong didn't notify, so Lin Yang didn't think much about it.

"Mr. Lin, my tour is about to start. Which stop do you want to be my guest?" Zhou Jielun opened the file, handed it to Lin Yang, and said, "These are the cities and times I will go on tour."

Lin Yang took a glance and found that the first stop and the last stop were both imperial capitals.

And the first stop starts, there is still half a month.

"Well, I'll come to the first stop, the imperial capital." Lin Yang thought for a moment, thought about today's task, and said.

"Jinglun, can you do me a favor today?"

"What's busy?" Jie Lun asked.

"Aren't we going to record a song? Can we release the demo now?" Lin Yang asked.

Zhou Jielun thought for a moment, then said: "It is possible, but why?"

"I need some popularity now, and I want to become the most popular entertainment star in the country today!" Lin Yang said after thinking for a moment.

"Why don't you ask, do you think there is any way?"

Lin Yang really didn't have any special means to create a topic of public opinion.

Every time before, the enthusiasm was also caused by Lin Yang's inadvertent insertion of willows and willows.

It's really the first time Lin Yang has done it specially to create heat like today.

"Create popularity, but also number one in the country?" Zhou Jielun thought for a moment, then said: "According to the popularity of the two of us, if you add Coco, there must be a topic."

"But if you want to become the number one in the country, you still need something to create hot spots."

"Can you give me an example? What should be done?" Lin Yang asked.

"In this way, I happen to have a fan who is now in the Imperial Capital." Jie Lun said: "He said he is making music now, but he was rejected by his girlfriend and broke up."

"I think we can help him and broadcast this incident live."

"This way, it can not only gain popularity, but also help children who make music, how about it?"

Lin Yang thought about it, since he could help others and complete the enthusiasm, why not do it?
"Okay, no problem." Lin Yang said, "Do you have a way to contact him?"

"Yes! Just wait a moment."

Zhou Jielun said, and went outside to make a phone call himself.

After making the phone call, he entered the recording studio and said, "Let's go, he is now in the apartment in front of Imperial University."

"He said that his girlfriend was going to find him with a middle-aged man, and that the middle-aged man was his landlord."

"What? Landlord?" Lin Yang was startled, and asked suspiciously, "Why did his landlord get involved with his girlfriend?"

Zhou Jielun said helplessly: "It's not because this young couple lives in someone else's house, and his girlfriend is taken by the landlord."

"Then the landlord was rich, so he abducted his girlfriend, and let him check out by the way."

Lin Yang just found it ridiculous.

He smiled wryly, and said: "There is really everything these days, and I don't know how this boy feels now."

"Let's go, I told him, I will go to him later and help him solve the house problem." Jie Lun said: "It's not easy for children who make music, especially poor ones. It's better to help him."

"Okay, let's go!"

The two of them did what they said, and went out to drive to find this young man.

In the car, Lin Yang started a live broadcast directly.

Not long after it started, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 300 million.

"I'm going, the anchor who started the live broadcast randomly started broadcasting!"

"Congratulations! I have to buy a lottery ticket today!"

"Anchor, are you in a car? Where are you going, do you want a chance encounter?"

"Damn! Look, who is next to the anchor?"

"Heavenly King Jielun? Good guy, is this going to be a CP? Then I'm so awesome!"

"Warning for rotten girl fans! You are not allowed to appear here!"

Lin Yang looked at the scrolling screen and said, "Jie Lun and I are going to help a young man today."

"He made music, but he had no money and was abandoned by his girlfriend."

"So Jie Lun and I want to see if we can help this child."

This envied many fans in the live broadcast room, especially fans who made music, everyone was jealous!

"Damn it! Why don't I have such a life! No, I will send you private messages every day from now on!"

"That's right! I'm poor too! I want to help too! The point is that I don't have a girlfriend either!"

"Why don't you come and help me? There is such a good thing?"

"Mysterious Man and Jie Lun are simply too good, the ceiling of the idol world! They would actually do such a thing."

"Yeah, many idols still think they grew up in the sky, they are so arrogant all day long! The mysterious man and Jie Lun are still grounded!"

Lin Yang glanced at the barrage, and many people said they wanted to ask him for help.

Lin Yang thought for a moment, and said, "Well, if you need any help in the future, you can send me a private message. I will pick a few to help when I have time and spare time."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you are busy, and you must really need help."

After the voice fell, it undoubtedly sparked a heated discussion in the live broadcast room.

"Really! It's just a fairy idol!"

"I will be a fan of the mysterious person from now on! I will never lose my fan in this life!"

"Yes! I'm not a fan! Where can I find such an idol?"

"Great, I'll private message you from today on!"

"Everyone, we can communicate in our fan group, what can we talk about?" Lin Yang suddenly remembered that there is another fan group.then said.

"You can check the situation in the group, and I can help you."

"Okay! I'll join the group right away!"

"Great, there is still hope in making music!"

A group of fans kept praising Lin Yang.

And Lin Yang's move was naturally posted on the Internet.

Jie Lun on the side looked at the messages on his phone and said in a low voice: "Look, we are now the number one most searched on a certain blog."

"Now the popularity has gone up, as long as this live broadcast is over, it should be able to achieve a day's popularity."

Jie Lun's voice was so low that the fans in the studio couldn't hear him at all.

When Lin Yang looked at the network data, he suddenly had a bottom line.

He thought to himself: "It seems that the influence is still there, and the tasks that can be linked to the influence can be completed in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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