Chapter 438
Lin Yang and Jie Lun were rushing to the apartment outside Imperial University.

And at this moment, the young man the two of them were looking for was in the rented house...

"Hey! Chen Xin, should you get out?"

A man was yelling at a young man.

This man has a big bald head and almost no neck, just a gold necklace squeezed in the fat of his neck.

He is potbellied, full of fat, and has a chubby figure, about 1.7 meters tall.

He was wearing a shirt with Wenlong Huahu, a pair of large jeans on his lower body, and a pair of flip-flops on his feet.

The fat on his feet almost broke his flip flops.

In his arms, there was a young woman in her twenties who looked like a small bird.

She has a standard oval face, long black hair, typical black long straight, a pair of big black eyes, and a pure face.

It's just that the coquettish way she cuddled up to this man made people look a little disgusted.

"Why do you drive me out! I have already paid for it!" The young man named Chen Xin said unconvinced.

He looks clean, with good features, wearing a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and white canvas shoes.

Although he is not particularly handsome, he is exceptionally sunny and clean, and he is also the type that is popular with girls in the class.

And the woman in the arms of the bald head at this moment was also his girlfriend.

And this bald head was originally his landlord!

Chen Xin never expected that after falling in love, he and his girlfriend would rent a house together, and then the girlfriend would be abducted by the landlord!
"Chen Xin, do you still want money?" The woman frowned, with a look of disgust on her face, and said, "It's fine if I don't ask you for money!"

"My darling said, after you leave, we will find another tenant. At that time, all the rent will be mine!"

"Hahaha, of course." The bald head pampered the woman's face and said, "But I only want female tenants."

"Oh, I got it." The woman said delicately, "It seems like who doesn't know your thoughts."

When Chen Xin saw the two flirting in front of him, anger rose in his heart.

He clenched his fists tightly and asked angrily, "You guys, do you still want to harm other girls?"

"Also! Wang Qian, what money do I owe you? I didn't treat you badly. Why do you treat me like this!"

"If you don't refund the rent to me, I'll have to sleep in Tianqiao!"

Chen Xin looked at the girl in front of him, he never imagined that there was such a vicious heart hidden on such a beautiful face.

"Chen Xin, what the hell did you buy for my old lady?" Wang Qian said confidently, "You are a piece of trash! You don't even buy anything for my old lady when you are in love!"

"If you're in love with me, if you don't buy gifts, you're rubbish! Now I don't ask you to make up for me! You want to get the 3000 yuan back?"

" woman! You're nothing but a cousin!" Chen Xin was furious, and sternly cursed!


The bald head punched Chen Xin hard in the face!
He yelled angrily: "It's too generous for Laozi to spend time talking to you here!"

"You're calling labor-management women a female watch now, so who is labor-management?"

"Get out now! Otherwise labor and capital will throw you out! You choose one!"

Chen Xin was punched and staggered back a step.

He gritted his teeth, stared at the two in front of him coldly, and said, "You will regret it!"

Wang Qian sneered disdainfully, looked Chen Xin up and down sharply, and said in a strange way.

"Yo, will you regret it?" The woman sneered and said, "People who are rich and powerful play music, that is to debut as a star, and accept those evil leeks."

"You play music, what do you have? You still regret it, a person like you has been singing on Tianqiao all your life, why should I regret it?"

"Zhou Jielun and the mysterious man are coming to find me soon!" Chen Xin said.

"Who?" The bald head touched his big bald head, and said, "Zhou Jielun?"

"Hahaha, if he can come to you, I will kneel down and call you Grandpa!"

Wang Qian also laughed at the side, her face was full of sarcasm, and said: "Do you really think that Zhou Jielun and the mysterious man will talk to you?"

"You don't take a picture of your urine, so what kind of onion are you?"

Chen Xin glanced at them coldly and asked, knowing that he would never get the money back, and he might get beaten up.

He snorted coldly and ran downstairs directly.

Watching Chen Xin leave, the bald head stretched out his hand towards Wang Qian, and said, "It's just the two of us, look..."

"Oh, I hate it." Wang Qian said coquettishly: "But look at that trash, what if Zhou Jielun really comes?"

The bald man gave a sinister laugh and said, "I'm not afraid of him coming, I'm afraid he won't come!"

"What do you want to do?" Wang Qian emphasized her tone, and said, "Well, this week, Jielun is a star at the level of a heavenly king."

"Besides, this mysterious person is also a big internet celebrity! We can't afford to provoke such two people."

"Can't afford it?" The man sneered and said, "If they come, labor and capital will let them know what social evil is!"

"They become stars one by one, so they are not afraid of public opinion? Are they not afraid of people touching porcelain?"

"You are still too young. When the time comes, you will say that Chen Xin is a heartless person. I will go to touch porcelain again. Once everyone broadcasts live, we will definitely become popular!"

"What does Zhou Jielun look like with some mysterious person? What does it matter to us?"

When Wang Qian heard this, her eyes lit up immediately!
She said pleasantly: "Yes, I will be an Internet celebrity by then! How many people will give me gifts."

"My face must be worth a lot of money!"

"Look at you." The bald head said, "I not only want your face today..."

"Oh, I hate it..." Wang Qian said delicately as she lay on her bald head.

At this moment, Lin Yang and Jie Lun, who were heading to the rental house, were sitting in the back seat of the Maybach, calling Chen Xin while broadcasting live.

After a while, the phone was connected.

"Hello? Hello, is this Chen Xin? I'm Jielun." Zhou Jielun asked, "Where are you now?"

"Me? I'm in the clinic." Chen Xin said helplessly: "Mr. Jie Lun, you'd better not go to my rental house, I don't live anywhere anymore."

"What's wrong? Your house was..."

"Well, the house was taken back by the gangsters!" Chen Xin said bitterly: "Besides, I didn't even refund my rent."

"You can go to the legal department." Jie Lun said, "They will definitely help you."

"I only have 50 yuan left, and it's all spent in the clinic. How can I get there?" Chen Xin said helplessly: "Mr. Jie Lun, otherwise, you wouldn't come to me, it's shameful."

"Let's meet again. I'll go find you. You'll be waiting at the clinic."

After finishing speaking, Jie Lun hung up the phone, looked at Lin Yang, and asked, "Tell me, how should we help him?" 
(End of this chapter)

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