Chapter 441

A hint of cunning and arrogance flashed in Wang Qian's beautiful eyes.

She has a plan in mind. Over the years, there have been too many young boys who have followed her, and too many rich people who coveted her body.

She began to feel that no matter what, as long as she hooked her fingers, countless people could pay for her, at most, she could just sleep.

And not only can you accompany one person, but you can also accompany several people in turn, so that you can receive more money.

For a long time, Wang Qian has become more and more blindly confident in herself.

But this time, she was also confident, but what she didn't know was that before she pretended to be pitiful this time, countless people already knew her true face!

At this moment, on a certain blog's hot search, there is one that belongs to her!

Under the post with the title "Female Haiyang Wangqian of Imperial University!", there have been more than [-] comments!
In this post, almost all three generations of Wang Qian's ancestors were picked up.

And all kinds of black information about her, all kinds of jobs she has done, and many men she has been with have all been picked up.

Public opinion has been generated, and more and more people started breaking the news, and even many people started to smear it!
In any case, Wang Qian has already become famous on the Internet.

It's just this name, not only will she not be able to make money, but it may ruin her future!
It's just that she doesn't know all of this.

She leaned on the bald head's chest, lit a cigarette, and smoked.

Just then, the doorbell rang.


"That kid won't really let Zhou Jielun come over?" Wang Qian said in a daze.

If she really wanted to meet people like Zhou Jielun and the mysterious man, she still felt a little guilty.

The bald man threw the cigarette butt on the ground, got up and put on his clothes, and said, "I'm not afraid of him coming, I'm afraid he won't come!"

"Go and open the door later, and then start pretending to be pitiful." The bald head said, "I'll just say that I'm here to collect rent, and then I'll start to testify for you, saying that poor boy is a heartless man."

"If these people dare to say that I'm wrong, labor and management will tell him to sue him! I don't believe that Jay Chou and the mysterious man can cause trouble for a poor boy?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Wang Qian nodded and said to herself, "Maybe I'll be famous this time! I have to dress better."

"If Zhou Jielun and the mysterious man can take a fancy to me... then wouldn't I really be prosperous?"

Thinking of this, Wang Qian became even more excited, and hurriedly dressed and touched up her makeup.

"Bang bang bang-"

Chen Xin knocked on the door impatiently, and said, "Wang Qian, come out for me! I know you are inside!"

"Come here!" Wang Qian said twice, with a smile on her face, and ran to open the door.

After a while, Lin Yang at the door saw the door open, and a young girl in jk costume opened the door.

He guessed that this was Wang Qian.

Lin Yang held up his mobile phone and stood aside to broadcast live without speaking.

Chen Xin also gained confidence now, and spoke first, and said, "Wang Qian, return my rent to me, and I'll leave right away!"

"Ah! My dear, did you really bring Jie Lun and the mysterious man?"

Wang Qian looked at Lin Yang and Jie Lun with glowing eyes as if she didn't hear Chen Xin's words.

"Hello, I'm Wang Qian, and I'm Chen Xin's girlfriend. You are all my idols. May I take a photo with you?"

Wang Qian looked excited, as if a fan really saw their idol.

It has to be said that Wang Qian has been tossed among various men these years, and her acting skills are already proficient.

Lin Yang and Zhou Jielun looked at each other, with doubts on their faces.

Before the two could speak, Chen Xin scolded, "Wang Qian, what are you talking about!"

"Didn't you break up with me? I came to ask you for my rent!"

"I'm telling you, don't play tricks, this is a live broadcast!"

When Chen Xin saw the girl he once loved so much again, he felt mixed feelings in his heart.

But he also understands that with so many people watching the live broadcast, if he is soft-hearted, wouldn't he be laughed at?

What's more, no matter how reluctant Chen Xin was to give up such a woman, he no longer had any hope for her.

Faced with Chen Xin's reprimand, Wang Qian pretended to be innocent.

In her big black eyes, tears came as soon as she said it, like running water.

She pouted, stared at Chen Xin with straight eyes, and said innocently: "Chen Xin, you, why did you break up with me?"

"Why do you still broadcast live after breaking up? You, did you become like this?"

"Yes, did our relationship affect your development? Then I can leave you! But, why do you ask me for money? "

Lin Yang and Jie Lun looked at each other, and there was a bit of teasing in their eyes.

If it weren't for the netizen's revelation just now, Lin Yang might really have believed Wang Qian's words.

I have to say that this girl's acting skills are really good enough.

Seeing this, Chen Xin felt disgusted!
He said angrily: "Wang Qian, can you not be so disgusting as a human being?"

"Where is the landlord! Is that bald head still in there, and was on the bed with you just now?"

"You are now saying that I am a heartless person? Wang Qian, how can you be so shameless?"

Wang Qian was taken aback.

She didn't expect that Jie Lun and Lin Yang would be unmoved by all the tears, without saying a word.

She was heartbroken, and secretly said: "It's live broadcast, I will definitely cover this matter up, and then become an internet celebrity!"

She made up her mind, and immediately cried even more fiercely, as if she was really being bullied.

"Chen Xin! You, you heartless man! You can break up with me for the sake of your future, why do you still ask me for money?"

"I, I don't have any money anymore. All my money is used for your living expenses. I work three-part jobs a day, and I—"

"Three jobs? The No. 78 hostess in the bar?" Chen Xin sneered and interrupted her.

Wang Qian was taken aback for a moment, and a surprised expression obviously flashed across her face.

She thought to herself: "When did this happen? How did this poor boy know?"

She looked at Zhou Jielun's face again, with a faint smile on her face.

She felt a "thump" in her heart, and said to herself: "Could it be that he knows everything I did before?"

But she still had an innocent look on her face, and she asked blankly: "You, what are you talking about? What are you talking about?"

"Chen Xin, what are you talking about! I, I have never—"

"What's wrong? What happened?"

The bald head heard these words in the room and knew that something might be wrong.

He hurried out the door, looked at Chen Xin and said, "You are finally back, and you have to pay today's rent."

Chen Xin sneered, and said, "You two can really act."

"Acting?" The landlord frowned and said blankly, "Boy, what are you talking about? Don't you want to pay the rent?"

"Your girlfriend has no money, do you still want money from him?"

(End of this chapter)

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