Chapter 442

Hearing this, Chen Xin showed a complicated expression on his face, and said, "Do you think you can pretend?"

"No! I said, what are you guys doing?" Pointing at Lin Yang and Zhou Jielun, the landlord said, "Why are you standing at my door with a broken mobile phone?"

"I tell you, this is my private residence! You are not allowed to shoot! Otherwise, I will sue you!"

There was a sneer on Lin Yang's face under the mask, and he asked coldly, "Mr. Landlord, what do you say about deducting 3000 yuan from Chen Xin?"

"Fart!" The landlord cursed.

As soon as Lin Yang finished speaking, the landlord scolded his mother, looking very angry, as if he had been wronged.

"What are you talking about? Three thousand has been deducted from labor and capital? This is a special deposit!"

"Two young lovers live here, I don't charge a deposit?"

"It happened to be collecting rent today, and I came, but the little girl gave all the money to this little brother."

"It's good for you, follow this little brother and come up to ask me and the little girl for money? Are you shameless?"

The landlord said that his face was red and his ears were red, and he looked confident, as if he was really wronged.

Wang Qian also cried and said, "I only have a hundred on me, so I'll give it to you."

"Chen Xin, I like you very much. For your future, I can break up with you."

"I'll help you find a solution for the rent. You guys go away and don't disturb my life."

As Wang Qian spoke, she glanced at the camera from time to time.

The landlord slapped his head and said, "I recognized you, Zhou Jielun and the mysterious man, right?"

"You are broadcasting live, right? I guess it was this little boy who found it again?"

"Dear netizens, two big stars, let me tell you the truth, it's not easy for these two young couples, especially the little girl."

"I can't bear to keep this man and be bullied all day long. You can't wrong good people."

When Chen Xin heard this, he was furious!
He gave everything, was deceived and bullied, and now it's a good thing, but he was beaten up?
He was about to argue with reason, when Lin Yang spoke.

"Mr. Landlord, and this lady, you mean that Jie Lun and I helped the wrong person?" Lin Yang asked, "You mean that you are the good people?"

"That's right! That's right!" The landlord spread his hands, and said as a matter of course, "Do I look like a bad person?"

"That's right." Wang Qian said coquettishly, "Mr. Mysterious Man, I gave everything to Chen Xin..."

As she spoke, tears were about to fall down her face again.

There was a sneer on Lin Yang's face under the mask, and he asked, "But how can I trust you?"

"Mr. Mysterious Man, I'm just a female college student from an ordinary rural area. I will definitely not lie." Wang Qian said with a "sincere" face.

"If I lie to others, I will drop out of school directly! If I treat Chen Xin in the slightest badly, I will not only pay him, but also drop out of school!"

What Wang Qian said was swearing, as if she really gave up everything for Chen Xin.

This made everyone in the live broadcast room laugh.

"Good guy, this girl is really good! Can you say that?"

"The cow is approved, is this digging a hole for yourself?"

"This woman's level of shamelessness is really unprecedented."

"If it weren't for the netizens breaking the news, I guess I would have believed this woman."

"One thing to say, this woman is good-looking but pretty good-looking."

"So you want someone to catch your fish? You also find a scumbag to play with?"

"You can't just look at the value of the face, this thing is a living example."

"There's almost too much black material on this woman's internet to put it down, why should she put it here?"

Netizens discussed it one after another, but no one believed Wang Qian.

After all, with so many real hammers on the Internet, how could anyone still believe her?

After Wang Qian finished speaking, before Lin Yang could speak, Chen Xin spoke.

"Are you sure you want to pay me money and drop out of school?" Chen Xin asked with a surprised look.

As a student of Imperial University, he naturally knew what it meant to drop out.

For a girl from the countryside, a diploma from Imperial University can be said to be the beginning of a life-changing experience.

But now, once the graduation certificate is gone, it means being beaten back to its original shape!
Moreover, he was dropped out of Imperial University, and after some other companies know about it, there is a high probability that they will not hire him.

Seeing Chen Xin's surprised face, Wang Qian said confidently: "I keep my word! If I tell a half-truth, I will drop out of school immediately!"

There were crystal tears on her face, and she looked pitiful.

She is confident that she can win the sympathy of netizens!
The landlord on the side also chimed in and said, "Chen Xin, this is all live broadcast. If you have any face, you should hurry up and apologize to Wang Qian."

"You don't need to act any more." Lin Yang said flatly: "You have enough black material on the Internet, and now netizens have reported it to Imperial University."

"Everything you said just now, I have recorded it here, and wait for the school to give you the notice of withdrawal."

Netizens in Lin Yang's live broadcast room were all angry seeing Wang Qian being so shameless.

I have to say that the efficiency of this year's netizens is still amazing.

It didn't take long for this matter to be reported to the school's senior management immediately.

When Lin Yang's words fell to the ground, Wang Qian only felt a bolt from the blue!

Her eyes were wide open, and she looked at Lin Yang in shock, with a flash of panic in her eyes.

She said in a panic: "This, how is this possible, I, I... I didn't do anything to me..."

"Stop acting, Wang Qian!" Chen Xin sneered, and said, "Do you think no one will know what you did?"

Wang Qian was shocked, and stared at Chen Xin.

With a trembling voice, a fierce gleam appeared in her eyes, and she said, "Chen Xin! How could you do this to me!"

"Didn't you say you loved my old lady! How could you do this to me!"

"You're a scumbag! You—"

"Enough!" Chen Xin shouted angrily, and said, "Whether I am a scumbag or not is left to others to judge."

"You, as long as you pay me back now, I will leave immediately!"

Seeing that something was wrong, the landlord looked at Wang Qian suspiciously and said, "What the hell are you doing? What did you do before?"

"Didn't you say that you came from the countryside, so you just had a boyfriend?"

When the landlord finished speaking, Lin Yang and the others were stunned.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also amused, and said, "Damn it? I thought these two were the same breed, but I didn't expect the bald head to be kept in the dark?"

"This woman is so clever! What if this ruins my girlfriend?"

"Upstairs, maybe your girlfriend doesn't need to bring it, hahaha."

(End of this chapter)

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