Chapter 443 Repayment
The landlord looked at Wang Qian angrily, feeling that he had been tricked.

Wang Qian said in a panic, "I, I, I..."

She looked flustered and faltered for a long time without uttering a complete sentence.


"I'm going to Nima, female cousin! How dare you lie to me?" The landlord slapped Wang Qian on the face, his eyes widened.

Lin Yang glanced at the two of them, and said, "Take care of your own affairs and return the money to Chen Xin."

"Repay the money? Labor and capital have been tricked, and you still want labor and capital to pay?" The landlord glared at Lin Yang, and angrily said: "Get out!"

"Don't think that you are afraid to hit people because you are broadcasting labor and management! If I do it, you don't know how to die!"

The people in the live broadcast room were delighted when they heard this.

"This landlord is so courageous!"

"Who gave him the confidence? If he knew that the anchor can fly over the wall, he would still say that?"

"Sure enough, it's terrible to be uneducated. Anyway, I usually surf the Internet more often."

Netizens are chattering.

A sneer appeared on Zhou Jielun's face, he patted Lin Yang's shoulder, and said, "Sir, this bald head seems to be about to make a move."

"I'm too lazy to fight with him, my hands are dirty." Lin Yang said flatly, "Hurry up and pay back the money."

When the landlord heard this, the anger in his heart rushed to Tianling Gai.

Being tricked by a woman, and being looked down upon by others, and it's still live broadcast!
He felt that if he didn't make a move now, wouldn't it really be a joke?
"You kid is looking for death!"

After the words fell, the bald head punched Lin Yang in the face.

Lin Yang snorted coldly, and said, "Overthinking one's abilities!"

She turned her head slightly, dodged a punch, and slapped the bald head with a slap.

"Crack!" There was a clear and crisp sound.

Although Lin Yang didn't use much power, it was already quite a lot of power for ordinary people.

After the slap, the landlord immediately stepped back three steps, and his face swelled up.

He held on to the door frame, feeling his head buzzing.

"Repay the money." Lin Yang said.

"Ouch, hit someone, hit someone!"

The landlord collapsed to the ground and yelled, as if his father had died.

"Come here, beat someone! Watch this anchor beat someone! Zhou Jielun beat someone!"

The landlord yelled loudly, as if killing a pig.

"Forget it, let's go, I'll let the law enforcers take care of it."

Lin Yang glanced at the landlord, feeling disgusted, and didn't want to entangle with such a person anymore.

"Chen Xin, let's go. This kind of person is very difficult to deal with. Let the law enforcement come." Zhou Jielun patted Chen Xin on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry about your financial problems."

Chen Xin glanced at Wang Qian who was standing aside with a flustered expression, sighed slightly, and said, "Okay."

Lin Yang and Zhou Jielun glanced at them, and they were about to leave with Chen Xin.

Wang Qian watched Chen Xin, Lin Yang and others leave, feeling regretful in her heart.

She thought, "If I could do it all over again and follow Chen Xin, wouldn't I be prosperous too?"

"No! Chen Xin must still have feelings for me! Maybe there is still a chance!"

Her eyeballs were rolling, and just as Chen Xin was about to enter the elevator, she suddenly yelled, "Chen Xin, wait a minute!"

Chen Xin stopped and looked at Wang Qian again, his eyes were only cold.

The cold eyes made Wang Qian's heart tighten, and she was completely disappointed.

She stood there for a while without speaking.

But the landlord got up on the ground, with a flattering smile on his face, and said: "Well, Chen Xin, I didn't know that Wang Qian was such a person."

"In this way, I will return the money to you, you, you don't let the law enforcement come."

After thinking about it with a bald head, even now, he is no match for Lin Yang and Jie Lun, so he might as well apologize directly.

Chen Xin thought for a moment, then said, "Okay."

Hearing the words, the bald head immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately transferred a sum of money to Chen Xin, said.

"I've already paid you back, don't worry, I have nothing to do with this female watch."

Chen Xin glanced at him, followed Lin Yang Jielun into the elevator without saying a word.

Watching Lin Yang and others leave, the bald head let out a long breath of foul air.

He touched his swollen face and couldn't help feeling angry.

He looked back at Wang Qian and said, "Female cousin! Labor and management won't let you go! Get the hell out of here!"

"But, but I have no place to live!" Wang Qian said in a panic, "I can—"

"Get out! Labor and capital don't want dirty goods!" The landlord gave Wang Qian a look, and said, "It's dirty to beat you!"

Wang Qian was reprimanded by the bald head and could only leave the apartment.

And this matter, for Lin Yang and others, has come to an end.

After Lin Yang and the others ate, they returned to the recording studio.

He glanced at the trending search, and he still firmly occupied the first place!

"It seems that today's task can be completed." Lin Yang thought to himself.

"Anchor, what are you going to broadcast? Sing a song with Jie Lun?"

"That's right, it's rare for the host to work so hard today, hurry up and sing another song with Jie Lun!"

"Yes, yes, there are not too many god-level scenes like this!"

Fans asked Lin Yang and Zhou Jielun to cooperate one after another.

He glanced at Chen Xin who was sitting on the side, and said, "Chen Xin, why don't you sing a song? We can also know how you sing."

Chen Xin sat on a chair beside him, sitting upright, lowered his head, rubbing his hands nervously.

"Ah?" He heard Lin Yang's words, and said nervously, "Now, now? I, I..."

"Come on, fans want to see it too." Lin Yang said, "It's okay, be bold, don't be nervous."

Zhou Jielun heard this and couldn't help joking: "Mr. Mysterious Man, I'm even nervous singing in front of you, let alone Chen Xin?"

Chen Xin smiled wryly, scratched his head, and said, "I, I'm a little nervous."

Lin Yang smiled wryly, and said, "How about this, if you can sing well, I'll sign you to be our company's anchor, how about it?"

"Really?" Chen Xin suddenly became interested, and his eyes lit up.

The current mysterious person, whether in the mainstream or on the Internet, is a very popular existence!

More importantly, in terms of music, the status of the mysterious person is even more unshakable!

If you can get into the live broadcast company of the mysterious person, if you can get a little advice, it will be a great thing!
Chen Xin was so excited that his eyes were shining when he looked at Lin Yang.

"Can there be a fake?" Lin Yang said, "How about it? Sing one?"

Chen Xin took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll sing one, and the two teachers, if you can't sing well, give me more advice."

He got up and took a guitar, calmed down, and began to sing slowly.

The moment Chen Xin plucked the strings, he suddenly seemed to be a different person.

There is no longer a little tension in his body, and the whole person has entered the emotion in the song.

(End of this chapter)

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