Chapter 448

Secretary Liu looked terrified, and after recovering, he said, "Mr. Lin, you can definitely trust me."

"Because even without you, I still want the Chen family to disappear!"

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and asked with great interest, "What do you mean?"

"You are under the Chen family, alone! With the help of the Chen family, you can dominate the imperial capital and call the wind and rain."

"No matter who wants the Chen family to fall, it's not surprising! Only you should hope that the Chen family is young, right?"

When Secretary Liu heard this, a trace of bitterness appeared on his face, and he said, "Mr. Lin, do you know when I came to Chen's house?"

Lin Yang stared at her, without speaking.

Secretary Liu took a deep breath, and spoke in a helpless and angry tone.

"After I graduated from university, I joined the Chen family as an intern. By chance, Chen Shaobing saw me."

"With his nature, you know what he will do!"

"I had three abortions for him! I thought he and I would be able to get married and have children."

"But it turns out that I was too naive. Not long after, he found another woman, and I was directly abandoned by him!"

Listening to Secretary Liu's words, Lin Yang didn't find it strange.

Secretary Liu had an outstanding appearance and an elegant temperament. With Chen Shaobing's disposition, it was perfectly normal for him to do such a thing.

"But why did you stay in the Chen family and become Chen Shaobing's secretary?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

Secretary Liu smiled bitterly, and said, "In the beginning, he didn't want me to stay, but he erased all the hospital files."

"I also want to let me leave the imperial capital forever, and prevent all companies from hiring me."

"He thought that with the methods of the Chen family, it was enough to scare me."

"But he didn't expect that I have no father or mother, but only one younger brother! If I fall down, my younger brother will be finished!"

"So I threatened to die and told him in Chen Xiong's office, either I die! Or, give me enough money!"

When Secretary Liu said this, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, as sharp as a knife blade!
Lin Yang thought to himself: "This woman is really not simple, she has such courage just after graduating from university..."

Seeing that Lin Yang didn't speak, Secretary Liu went on to say: "Chen Xiong saw that I had the guts to be ruthless enough! So he asked me to stay with Chen Shaobing as a secretary."

"Because he knows that his son is not successful, but he can't let his son stay in the company without a name."

"Since then, I have been in charge of all of Chen Shaobing's business and decisions, big or small, until now."

Lin Yang nodded slightly, and asked jokingly, "So it's because of this that you want the Chen family to collapse?"

"Compared with your current status, the cost of three miscarriages, do you think it's a loss?"

"No!" Secretary Liu gritted his teeth, the light in his eyes became colder and colder, and said, "If that's the case, forget it."

"But I'm in the company now, and Chen Shaobing will come to me every three days! And I can't refuse!"

"Everyone thinks I'm the only one, but no one knows that I'm just Chen Shaobing's doll!"

"Moreover, the real core business of the Chen family has never been in my hands! Chen Xiong holds the core! If I had grasped the lifeline of the company, he would have killed me long ago!"

Lin Yang nodded slightly, and said, "I understand, so you are just a doll now?"

Secretary Liu smiled wryly, and said, "And it's likely to be discarded soon!"

"Chen Xiong will not let Chen Shaobing wait to die, no matter how bad it is, he will definitely find a strong woman to manage the overall situation for Chen Shaobing!"

"In the future, Chen Shaobing's son can also take over Chen Shaobing's seat."

Lin Yang nodded, and naturally understood what Secretary Liu said.

The Chen family has a big business, no matter what, it is impossible to really let an outsider take care of it.

People like Secretary Liu are at best temporary pawns!

It looks beautiful, but in fact, it is just a tool that can be discarded at any time.

"Then do you have any way to defeat the Chen family?" Lin Yang asked: "After all these years in the Chen family, you haven't discovered any core secrets?"

Secretary Liu shook his head and said helplessly, "Chen Xiong is not that easy to deal with."

"Okay, this is the end of today's meal." Lin Yang said lightly: "What you said today, I believe it to be true for the time being."

"But if you want to betray me..."

Lin Yang didn't continue to speak, turned around and left the box directly.

Secretary Liu sat on the sofa, let out a long breath, and murmured in a low voice: "I dare not betray anyone now, but... I won't believe anyone either!"

At this time, Secretary Liu received a text message from Chen Shaobing.

"Bring a few good-looking women from the basement to the Yongze clubhouse tomorrow night. I'm going to play with my friends."

A cold light flashed in Secretary Liu's eyes, and he replied: "Yes."

"Chen Shaobing, I'm afraid Chen Xiong doesn't even know what you've done?"

"You just wait, sooner or later, this will definitely be the last straw that crushes the Chen family!"

Secretary Liu muttered in a low voice, and also left the box.

As night fell, the night of the imperial capital was still bright.

After Lin Yang returned to the hotel, he told Bai Ning everything.

Bai Ning frowned slightly, and said, "Do you think what Secretary Liu said was really scolding?"

Lin Yang shook his head and said, "I don't know, but at the moment I can only choose to trust her."

"After all, there is still a place to go to her now, not to you really want me to kill people?"

Bai Ning frowned, and said: "Let's take a step at a time. Even if what Secretary Liu said is true, if you want to deal with a giant like the Chen family, you can only take your time."

Lin Yang nodded and said, "Is there any news about Wang Qian?"

"He just called and said that tomorrow at twelve o'clock noon he will make us look good." Bai Ning said with a sneer, "If he knows that Secretary Liu belongs to us, I don't know what he thinks."

"Go and rest. After Wang Qian is dealt with tomorrow, the Chen family will be left!" A gleam flashed in Lin Yang's eyes.

In the night, both Lin Yang and Bai Ning fell asleep.

And at this moment, in a basement in a deserted suburb...

Secretary Liu stood in the middle of the corridor in the basement, and on both sides were rooms that looked like prison cells.

In these rooms, there are always a few shrill screams from time to time.

A black man standing behind Secretary Liu said: "Secretary Liu, some little girls have just arrived. They look good, but they are not very obedient. Do you want to send them to Young Master Chen?"

Secretary Liu shook his head and said, "Get some obedient ones."

"Yes." The man respectfully agreed.

"By the way, these obedient girls, don't treat them badly, let them be willing to stay here with peace of mind! Don't cause trouble for the Chen family!"

Secretary Liu's tone was cold, but there was a little more helplessness in his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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