Chapter 449

The man in black didn't notice anything unusual, and opened the door to the side with a promise.


The heavy iron door was opened, and a dim yellow light spread from the room.

Under the light, five young and beautiful girls were curled up in a corner in ragged clothes.

The clothes on them were almost bare, and their bodies were covered with dirt.

But their faces were exceptionally clean, and their skin was nourished like an egg with its shell peeled off.

"Secretary Liu, do you think these guys are okay?" The man said, "The faces of these guys are in the best condition."

Secretary Liu glanced at the girls, nodded, and said, "Just these few, take them to take a bath, eat something good, and then deliver them tomorrow night."


The man agreed, then went in and left with a few girls.

The girls kept their heads down the whole time, without saying a word, as if they had lost their souls.

Seeing these girls passing by, Secretary Liu took a deep breath, and said to himself: "If I didn't force you to die, would I be one of these people?"

Secretary Liu didn't think about it any more, but the light in his eyes became colder...

At ten o'clock the next day...

The sun was still hot, Lin Yang and Bai Ning sat on the Maybach and rushed to the place Wang Qian said.

On the way, Lin Yang received a call from Secretary Liu.

"Mr. Lin, what do you want to do with Wang Qian?" Secretary Liu asked respectfully.

"I want him, I have nothing!" Lin Yang said bluntly.

"Understood, I'll do it right away."

After hanging up the phone, a sneer appeared on Lin Yang's face, and he said to Bai Ning, "What do you think Wang Qian's mood is now?"

"I guess he's still dreaming." Bai Ning sneered, "Let him be happy for a while longer."

Lin Yang and Bai Ning already knew it very well.

Panda Live and Wang Qian probably won't survive today.

But for Wang Qian who is in the hotel at the moment, he thinks that today is his day of prosperity!

He was sitting in the hotel box, smoking a cigar, and talking on the phone.

"Mr. Wang, your company's Internet celebrities are not popular now, let's forget about our cooperation, let you endorse, and there is no sales!"

On the other end of the phone came the voice of Wang Qian's client.

Wang Qian laughed loudly when he heard the words, and said, "What if the Chen family makes a move? Let me tell you! I'm in the imperial capital right now! Meet Secretary Liu immediately!"

"If you don't believe me, I'll show you Secretary Liu later!"

"Also, I want to sign the mysterious person today! If you don't want to cooperate, forget it!"

Wang Qian had an airy look.

With the Chen family as the backer, he is confident that he can go sideways in the live broadcast industry!
When the customer on the other end of the phone heard the words, he immediately changed his mouth and said, "Oh, Mr. Wang, am I joking with you? What do we have to do with each other?"

"It's just... isn't it rumored by the outside world that you have nothing to do with the Chen family?"

Wang Qian sneered, and said: "If you believe the outside world, then believe them!"

Seeing that Wang Qian was so confident, the client was skeptical for a while.

He thought for a moment and said, "Secretary Liu, do you really want to meet with you?"

At this moment, the door of the box was opened, and Secretary Liu walked in.

When Wang Qian saw it, he immediately raised his voice on purpose, and said, "Secretary Liu is here? Please sit down, please sit down..."

The customer on the other end of the phone listened to the voice and thought to himself: "Could it be that Wang Qian turned over again?"

He considered for a moment, and said: "Mr. Wang, please go ahead and say hello to Secretary Liu for me. I will go to your company tomorrow to talk about cooperation!"

"You can do whatever you want!" Wang Qian said and hung up the phone.

For him now, currying favor with the Chen family is more important than anything else!

As long as there is the Chen family as the backer, the mysterious person will be signed.

Not to mention such an endorsement contract, it is easy to enter the mainstream media!
Secretary Liu sat opposite Wang Qian, smiled gracefully, and said, "Mr. Wang, you are quite busy."

"Meeting Secretary Liu, how can I do business?" Wang Qian said flatteringly: "By the way, that mysterious person will come later."

"Secretary Liu, please come forward, I want to sign him."

Secretary Liu raised his eyebrows and said, "Let's talk about it when someone else comes."

"Okay, okay." Wang Qian said obsequiously: "Secretary Liu, what do you want to eat, I will arrange it right away."

"You're welcome." Secretary Liu said flatly.

At this time, Lin Yang and Bai Ning also arrived at the hotel and sat at the table.

Wang Qian glanced at Lin Yang and Bai Ning, and said eccentrically, "Secretary Liu is here, and you two didn't say hello?"

"Do you really think that you guys dominate the live streaming industry? As long as Secretary Liu says something, I think you guys will have to go home and farm!"

Lin Yang glanced at him, and said lightly: "Mr. Wang thinks he has found a backer?"

"I don't dare to say that." Wang Qian said angrily: "It's just that I'm not like you, I'm disrespectful to Secretary Liu! When we meet, I don't even say hello!"

"Don't waste time." Lin Yang said bluntly: "Let's get down to business."

"Okay, I'm talking about business!" Wang Qian looked at Secretary Liu and said, "Secretary Liu, why don't you open your mouth?"

Secretary Liu glanced at Lin Yang and said, "Okay, I'll get down to business."

Seeing this, Wang Qian couldn't help smiling, and looked at Lin Yang proudly.

He was already imagining the scene where Lin Yang apologized to him later.

He was very excited at the thought of being able to sign a contract with the mysterious person!
"In the entire live broadcast industry, the mysterious person is the ceiling. If I can sign the contract, I will be the leader in the entire industry in the future!"

"At that time, the entertainment industry in the entire big country will have to give me a piece of cake! Those high-ranking clients will probably ask me to cooperate!"

Wang Qian is brainwashing the beautiful picture of the future.

Suddenly, Secretary Liu's words interrupted his fantasy.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, I have already done what you ordered." Secretary Liu said: "Already contacting various customers of Panda Live, and canceling cooperation with Panda Live."

"Also, I have arranged for people to buy the shares of Panda Live. You will be the new owner of Panda Live by tomorrow morning at the latest."

After the words fell, Wang Qian only felt that he had been hit in the head, and his brain was buzzing!
He stared at Secretary Liu in a daze, opened his mouth, but was speechless for a long time.

"Mr. Wang, are you okay?" Lin Yang looked at him jokingly, and said, "How is it? Can you still eat today's meal?"


Unable to withstand the blow, Wang Qian fell off the chair.

"Secretary Liu, you, you didn't promise me, you said—"

"Mr. Wang, I don't seem to promise you anything?" Secretary Liu sneered and said, "You can only blame yourself for messing with the wrong person for your ending!"

(End of this chapter)

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