My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 450 Highest Specifications

Chapter 450 Highest Specifications

These words, like a heavy punch, hit Wang Qian hard in the heart.

He looked at Bai Ning and Lin Yang in disbelief, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

He had no idea that a mysterious person who had just debuted, and his former employee, would now be someone he couldn't afford to mess with!

Although Wang Qian bowed his knees in front of the Chen family, he was also a giant in the entire live broadcast industry!
A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!In the live broadcast industry, he still has weight!

He couldn't figure it out, how could a fire media make him untouchable...

His eyes are wide open, and his mouth is open enough to stuff an egg!
Lin Yang got up slowly, glanced at him coldly, and said, "Mr. Wang, today you have to blame yourself!"

"Mr. Mysterious Man, do you need me to arrange a place for you to eat again?" Secretary Liu said respectfully.

Seeing this, Wang Qian was shocked!
He stared at Lin Yang in a daze, and said to himself, "Well, what is the origin of this mysterious man, to make Secretary Liu so respectful..."

He couldn't figure out Lin Yang's identity.

But he knew that if he didn't want to go bankrupt, he could only ask the mysterious person in front of him!
"Mr. Mysterious Man, I, I'm obsessed with ghosts." Wang Qian knelt on the ground and kowtowed without saying a word, saying, "I, I really can't help it."

"You are at the height of your power in the live broadcasting industry, me, a small company like ours can't survive anymore."

"I beg you to give me a way to survive, look, because I used to be Miss Bai's colleague!"

Lin Yang sneered, looked at Wang Qian condescendingly, and said, "How did you manage to be so shameless?"

"You just brought the blame on yourself, no wonder me!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang took Bai Ning, turned around and left the box.

Wang Qian's whole body was limp on the ground, looking devastated.

At this time, his phone rang.

Picking up the phone, the customer's voice came from the other end.

Before Wang Qian could speak, the customer on the other end of the phone taunted him directly.

"I said Wang Qian, do you want to lose your face? You are almost bankrupt, and the company is about to change hands. Are you still bragging to me?"

"The Chen family has already sent a notice, asking us to terminate the cooperation with you, and we will cooperate after the company gives the mysterious person."

"Didn't you say you were going to sign a mysterious man? Then what's going on?"

"Go! Go!"

When Wang Qian heard this, he was furious!He dropped the phone to the ground.


The phone fell to pieces.

Wang Qian stood up from the ground in a daze, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes!

"Mysterious man... I don't care who you are! I won't let you go so easily!"

Wang Qian gritted his teeth.

It's just that he would never have imagined that the mysterious person he can't fight now is Lin Yang who was in his company back then!

Lin Yang and Bai Ning, who left the hotel, received a call from Liao Cong on the way.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, our preparations are almost done here, and the Love Song King Variety Show is about to start. Do you have time here?"

"Yes." Lin Yang asked, "When will you start recording the live broadcast?"

"See when it's convenient for you. You don't know that many people are rushing to invest in our variety show."

"Don't worry, it's still the same as what I said, you must get the most of the money!"

"It's easy to say." Lin Yang said.

"Then you have time now, let's meet and chat?" Liao Cong asked.

"Okay, I'll go to your company." Lin Yang said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the company."

After hanging up the phone, Liao Cong smiled brightly.

While humming a little song and drinking tea, he murmured in a low voice: "Tsk tsk tsk, I never thought that this Mr. Mysterious Man would be so popular!"

"If it works this time, the market value of the labor-management company is estimated to double directly!"

For investment companies like Liao Cong, what they look at is the performance of the company's investment projects.

If the companies invested by an investment company can make profits, then they will definitely be favored by more people.

More capital will also choose to invest in Liao Cong, and let Liao Cong use the money to invest in these capitals.

And this time he invested in Love Song King Variety Show, because of Lin Yang's appearance, countless investors rushed to invest in him!
The current Liao Cong has received countless capital blessings!

As long as Lin Yang's popularity keeps up, the ratings and traffic of this variety show will increase.

Liao Cong was able to make a lot of money directly with this variety show, and even doubled the size of the company!
"This mysterious man is my cash cow! I don't know the background behind him, no matter what, I have to hug this thigh tightly!"

With this in mind, Liao Cong called out to the door, "Secretary, come in."

"President Liao, what are your orders?" the secretary asked respectfully.

"Let me tell you, Mr. Mysterious Man is coming later, so prepare for him to be greeted properly!" Liao Cong said solemnly, "We must highlight the importance we attach to Mr. Mysterious Man, understand?"

"Understood." The secretary nodded and said respectfully.

As soon as he got out of the office, he immediately took the walkie-talkie and said: "All security guards, go to the gate and line up, there are important guests coming!"

"I've checked the grooming at the front desk! If you neglect the distinguished guests, all of you will go home!"

"Cheer up and meet Mr. Mysterious Man with the highest standard!"

Following the secretary's order, the whole company immediately boiled up and down.

The two teams of security guards immediately gathered at the door, each of them standing upright, and their clothes were also meticulous.

A long red carpet was laid out at the entrance of the company.

The two female receptionists hurriedly touched up their makeup, tidied their clothes, and put on a stiff and polite smile on their faces.

One of the front desks asked in a low voice: "Who is here? Why is there such a big show?"

"Didn't you hear that it was Mr. Mysterious Man?" Another receptionist said, "Let's stop talking and just stand still."

At this moment, a girl about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a long black dress and light makeup on her face appeared at the door of the company.

She has a beautiful appearance, two watery eyes, a tall nose bridge, and pale pink lips. Just looking at her facial features, she is a first-class beauty!
And her figure is even more uneven, even more standard than the model's figure.

With her appearance, she couldn't tell that she was the little girl just now.

She looked curiously at the grand battle at the entrance of the company, and with her beautiful eyes wandering around strangely, she whispered: "Does Uncle Liao know that I'm coming?"

"Someone specially came to welcome me like this? No way, my dad didn't even notice that I ran away from home. How did he know?"

The girl rolled her eyes and said to herself, "It doesn't matter, since I'm welcome, I have to give Uncle Liao some face."

(End of this chapter)

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