Chapter 454 Devil
The rich second generation who was tapped had a bitter smile on his face.

He said tremblingly: "This...Master Shao, I, I have never seen this mysterious person—"

"Don't be nervous, let's get to the point." Shao Mou smiled at him, poured a glass of wine, and walked up to the rich second generation.

The rich second generation lowered his head in fright, trembling all over, and said falteringly: "Master Shao, you, what do you want to know?"

Shao Mou patted him on the shoulder, shook his wine glass, and said, "Just say what you know, I don't know this mysterious person, but I've heard about him, and I'm a little curious."

"This mysterious person is, that is, the last time Liu Chang said, let the son of our imperial capital not to provoke him."

"Liu Chang also said that he is an existence that is harder to provoke than the Chen family. If he provokes the mysterious person, even the Chen family will not be able to keep it."

The rich second generation said tremblingly: "Master Shao, I really don't know this mysterious person, I have nothing to do with him at all."

"I see." Shao Mou smiled slightly, patted him on the shoulder again, and said, "Have a good time tonight."

"Thank you, thank you." The rich second generation said tremblingly.

"Have fun, everyone. I'll pay for tonight's expenses!" Shao Mou raised his wine glass to everyone with a smile, and drank it down in one gulp.

"Everyone have fun, have fun!" A dog leg said loudly with a smile.

The music continued to play, and everyone continued to shake their bodies.

Shao Mou walked through the crowd and left the box directly.

The moment he stepped out of the door of the box, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Easier to provoke than the Chen family?" He murmured in a low voice, "How mysterious is this mysterious person?"

"Since he has such ability, why should he be an anchor?"

He frowned, looking puzzled.

After leaving the clubhouse, I boarded a Maybach and said, "Drive, go home."

"Yes, master." The driver said respectfully.

"Wang Yuan, how long have you been with me?" Shao Mou asked suddenly while lying on the back seat of the car.

The driver shook his hand and said, "I, I have been driving for the young master since I graduated from university. It has been more than five years."

"I haven't treated you badly these years, have I?" Shao Mou asked again.

"No, no." Wang Yuan replied anxiously: "Young Master has been very kind to me. In the past five years, I have made a lot of money."

What the driver said was right, he had earned more than 500 million under Shao Mou's hands these years!
A driver with an annual salary of one million!

Even some small bosses may not be able to earn millions a year, and besides manpower, there is no investment at all!
"Then can you do something for me?" Shao Mou asked.

"Young master told me, if I can do it, I will do it!" Wang Yuan hastily expressed his loyalty.

"Okay, tomorrow, you'll go find a man named Mysterious Man." Shao Mou said calmly, turning the ring in his hand.

"You go to be his driver, and no matter what he does, you must report to me at any time."

Wang Yuan was startled, and said in surprise: "You mean the most popular anchor recently?"

"Oh? You know him?" Shao Mou raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I can't say we know each other." Wang Yuan said, "Even if I watched his live broadcast, he is also very familiar with superstars like Zhou Jielun."

"Also, there is a beautiful woman beside him, who seems to be his agent, but she doesn't often appear on the Internet."

"According to netizens, this manager seems to be called Bai Ning."

"Oh?" Shao Mou raised his eyebrows, and thought to himself: "A person with such a deep background is an anchor, and Zhou Jielun is still friends?"

"It is absolutely impossible for such a person to appear in the imperial capital out of thin air just to be an anchor! What is the relationship between him and the Chen family?"

"It must be made clear that if the Chen family climbs up to a certain capital chaebol for commercial deployment, Gaoyuan Capital must not lag behind!"

Seeing that Shao Mou was silent, Wang Yuan asked nervously, "Master, do you know where this mysterious man is?"

"Where should I go to find him to apply for a job tomorrow?"

Shao Mou came back to his senses, and said lightly: "Tomorrow I will investigate clearly, and then I will give you the address."

"By the way, Wang Yuan, if I remember correctly, your sister is currently in the intensive care unit of the Imperial City Hospital, right?"

Wang Yuan trembled all over, his heart immediately rose to his throat, and he said in a trembling voice: "Yes, yes, I didn't expect you, young master, to be so concerned."

"I will have him transferred to a better private hospital."

Wang Yuan was shocked when he heard this!
Before he had time to speak, Shao Mou went on to say: "By the way, this is a hospital invested by Gaoyuan Capital."

"Don't worry, where you are, your sister will definitely be able to get the best treatment, and it won't cost you a penny!"

Wang Yuan was shocked, he naturally knew what Shao Mou's purpose was!
"Thank you young master, I, I will definitely try my best to help young master!" Wang Yuan immediately expressed his loyalty.

"I believe in you." Shao Mou smiled slightly.

The car has parked beside Shao Mou's house.

Wang Yuan immediately opened the car door for Shao Mou and stood aside respectfully.

After the latter got out of the car, he patted him on the shoulder and said: "Wang Yuan, you are honest and honest, follow me to do things well, and I will not treat you badly."

"I will be loyal!" Wang Yuan said with his head down.

Shao Mou smiled again, and then walked into the house.

Watching Shao Mou enter the door, Wang Yuan let out a long breath of foul air.

He got into the car, kicked the accelerator and left Shao's house.

While driving, he thought to himself, "Shao Mou... What a devil! A devil more terrifying than his father!"

"The disgusting thing is, every time I do something disgusting, I can actually laugh!"

Wang Yuan hated Shao Mou so much in his heart, but even when he was driving, he didn't dare to say a word.

Because he didn't know if that Shao Mou had also installed a bug or a camera in the car!

Shao Mou, who returned to the bedroom, sat on the large leather sofa with a cigar between his fingers.

He took a deep breath, and let out a breath of foul air slowly.

"Mysterious man? Interesting..." Shao Mou's mouth raised an evil arc, and he said in a low voice, "An interesting man finally appeared in the imperial capital."

"Chen Shaobing, Liao Xu, those second generation ancestors are all trash!"

"I hope this mysterious person is really capable, and have fun with me!"

Shao Mou's eyes shone brightly, especially bright in the dark room, like a poisonous snake hidden in the night!

Lin Yang never thought that he would be targeted by such an opponent because of a little girl.

He never thought that after he defeated the Chen family in the future, Gaoyuan Capital would become his even stronger opponent!
In the early morning of the next day, just as Lin Yang woke up from home, a system notification sounded in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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