Chapter 455

"The system prompts, today's task!"

"Hold an offline meeting, and reach the top of the day's hot search."

"If the mission fails, the [-] experience points from the previous mission will be cancelled."

"If the task is successful, the reward will be 1000 million cash, a bottle of vitality potion, and [-] experience points."

Lin Yang rubbed his temples, and said in a low voice, "What the hell is going on with this system? Why do you need to find a meeting?"

He shook his head helplessly, but when he thought about it, if he got [-] experience points, he might have an opportunity other than the Chen family, so he could only complete the task.

As soon as he left the living room, Bai Ning was already eating breakfast.

"Are you up? Jie Lun said that Justin is coming back today. He heard that he was going to make an album last night, so he rushed back."

Lin Yang was overjoyed, and said, "It really is the right time."

"Huh?" Bai Ning asked suspiciously, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to hold a fan meeting." Lin Yang said with a smile: "Didn't you say that I'm not down-to-earth?"

"Now that we have a fan base and we're working on an album, why don't we have a meet and greet?"

"What's more, it's just right for Justin to come back today."

When Bai Ning heard the words, he didn't think much about it.

She lowered her eyes, stuffed a piece of bread into her mouth, and said, "That's just right, I'll announce the news now."

"Hurry up and let Jie Lun choose the location, otherwise it will be too late."

"By the way, Justin said to arrive at one o'clock in the afternoon, so let's have a meeting at two o'clock."

"Alright, I'm going to find Jie Lun now." Lin Yang said.

Bai Ning immediately posted the news on various social platforms.

The news immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

Lin Yang found Zhou Jielun and told him this.

The other party also immediately forwarded Bai Ning's news, and all Lin Yang's fans and Jie Lun's fans were all excited.

But at this moment, Lin Ke'er, who was in the company, immediately pouted when she saw the news.

"This Lin Yang, invited Zhou Jielun and Justin as guests at the meeting, and didn't even think of me?"

She pouted, looking unhappy.

At this moment, Chen Ping opened the door and walked in wearing a red cheongsam and high heels.

"Ker, Lin Yang is going to hold a meeting, do you know?" Chen Ping sat gracefully beside Keer, and asked softly.

"I know!" Lin Ke'er said angrily.

"What's the matter? He held a meeting, why are you unhappy?" Chen Ping joked: "Now Lin Yang is a popular spicy chicken, are you unhappy?"

"Oh, sister Chen Ping, how is that possible." Lin Ke'er pouted, and said aggrievedly: "But, he found Jie Lun and Justin as guests, but he didn't find me!"

"Hahaha." Chen Ping covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "How do you know he won't look for you? Maybe he will look for you later?"

"I think he must have forgotten me." Lin Ke'er pouted and said with an unhappy face.

At this moment, Lin Keer's cell phone rang.

When she saw the call notification, it was Lin Yang calling, and she couldn't help but smile on her face.

Chen Ping on the side looked at her with a smile.

Lin Ke'er immediately straightened her face again, picked up the phone, and asked unhappily: "What's the matter, big star, what can I do for you?"

"Ker, what are you talking about, what big star?" Lin Yang said lightly, "I'm going to hold a fan meeting, are you free? Can you be my mystery guest?"

"Mysterious guest?" Lin Ke'er raised her brows, and immediately felt a lot of joy in her heart, with a smile that couldn't be stopped.

It's just that she still asked in an unhappy tone: "But didn't you all send messages? Didn't see any mysterious guests."

"If you send a message, wouldn't it be mysterious?" Lin Yang said naturally: "It's just a surprise to the audience, so it's mysterious."

"That's it..." Lin Ke'er rolled her eyes, her feet were shaking happily, and said, "Okay, okay, I just don't have any schedule today, so I'll just go."

"Okay, come here now." Lin Yang said, "I'm at the Jielun recording studio."

"Okay, just wait for me."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ping on the side joked with a smile: "What's the matter? Are you so happy when Lin Yang called you?"

"What!" Lin Ke'er blushed suddenly, and said stiffly, "He said he asked me to be a mystery guest, so I just went."

"Sister Ping, I don't have any activities today, can I go?"

Chen Ping shrugged and jokingly said, "If I stop you from seeing Lin Yang, why don't you go on strike?"

"Go, go, she is also a popular fried chicken now, hurry up and raise some heat for yourself."

"Oh, sister Ping, what are you talking about." Lin Ke'er stomped her feet and said, "Then I'll go find Lin Yang, goodbye."

While speaking, she ran out of the office briskly like a butterfly.

Chen Ping watched her leave, shook her head, sighed slightly, and said in a low voice: "I don't know what Ke'er is thinking."

"If you really like Lin Yang, you can do it, why don't you say it?"

"If I hadn't called Lin Yang, this girl would probably have a hard day today."

How did Lin Keer know that the reason Lin Yang called Lin Keer was entirely because of Chen Ping?
Seeing that Lin Yang was about to hold an offline meeting, Chen Ping called Lin Yang.

It turned out that Lin Yang completely forgot to invite Lin Ke'er!

Only then did Chen Ping ask Lin Yang to call Lin Ke'er by herself.

Chen Ping shook her head, and said in a low voice: "This girl, she talks about Lin Yang all day in the company, and she doesn't know what's on her mind."

At this moment, Lin Ke'er has arrived at Jie Lun's recording studio, and the three of them are sitting on the sofa in the living room of the recording studio.

"Lin Yang, why did you remember to have a face-to-face meeting?" Lin Ke'er asked curiously, "Didn't you want to show up before?"

Lin Yang stretched his waist, and said, "After all, I have to be on the mainstream media now, and I can't do it all the time on the Internet."

"Besides, I should show up now. After all, next month there will be a variety show, Jie Lun's concert, and an awards ceremony."

"I have to show up more now, so that everyone can get to know me."

"You've really got the hang of it." Lin Ke'er covered her mouth and chuckled, jokingly said, "You were such a fool before, no matter what you said, you didn't want to enter the mainstream."

"Since everyone is here, let's choose the repertoire for the meeting and rehearse quickly." Zhou Jielun said.

"As for the venue, I've contacted my music bar to get everyone ready."

"Okay, then let's hurry up and rehearse." Lin Yang said.

Lin Yang and his group are rehearsing the song to be sung today in the recording studio.

As everyone knows, his meeting caused another celebrity to be upset!

(End of this chapter)

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