My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 456 The Fans Are Crazy

Chapter 456 The Fans Are Crazy

In the box of a high-end liquor store...

Zhao Han was sitting at the desk, staring at the computer with a gloomy expression.

"Meeting of the mysterious person?"

"Guests include Justin, Zhou Jielun?"

"This kid, to be able to cooperate with two big guys so frequently, really underestimate him!"

But at this moment, on this webpage, there was another young man who attracted his attention.

"The Love Song King of Imperial University, Chen Xin?"

There was a sneer on Zhao Han's face, and he said in a low voice: "These big guys actually invited a campus singer?"

"It seems that the sunset is really over. Even such a king-level figure will end one day."

"Today, I will show you what it means to be a super-popular singer of the younger generation!"

As soon as Zhao Han saw Chen Xin, he felt that the standard of Lin Yang's entire meeting was not much higher.

In the entertainment circle, there is a fairly obvious chain of contempt.

Some big names will basically not cooperate with an unknown person.

This is self-deprecation and will damage your own commercial value!

And there is usually only one reason for choosing to cooperate with some small characters!
That means I am no longer popular, and have fallen to the [-]th line!

At this time, the secretary came in with a stack of documents and said respectfully, "Mr. Zhao Han, the meeting at [-] o'clock in the afternoon is ready."

"I will go by myself later." Zhao Han said lightly.

"Mr. Zhao, the mysterious person also held a meeting next door to our meeting place today. This..."

The secretary lowered his head, hesitating and hesitating, hesitant to speak.

"Just say what you want to say." Zhao Han said impatiently.

"Lin Yang invited Zhou Jielun and Justin, and just announced that there is another mysterious guest."

"Why don't we change the meeting date? Otherwise I'm worried—"

"What are you worried about?" Zhao Han interrupted the secretary, and said arrogantly: "A few veteran stars who have been mixed with Internet celebrities."

"Could it be possible to make all my fans turn against me? I've been broadcasting live these days, and I have just gained a lot of fans! This mysterious person may not win!"

Seeing Zhao Han's confident expression, the secretary couldn't say anything more.

She could only lower her head and agree, "Then, then I'll go out and do business with the meeting."

After the secretary left, Zhao Han crossed his legs, lit a cigarette, and opened the fan group.

"Baby, have you all gone to wait for me?" Zhao Han sent a message.

"We're all here."

"Brother, when are you coming?"

"We are waiting for you here! Welcome you well!"

"Brother, there seems to be a meeting next door, and it's from the mysterious person."

"What is the mysterious man? An ugly ghost wearing a mask! My brother is the most handsome!"

"Yes, they just sent a message today, they must want to challenge our brother, we can't lose!"

"I'll call all my friends right away, and I'll give 500 yuan to each of them! You can't lose to the mysterious man!"

The atmosphere in the fan group was about to be ignited.

Zhao Han immediately sent another message.

"Everyone, don't be impulsive. As long as you come to see me, I will be very happy."

"It's just that this mysterious person brought a lot of guests. Alas, they are all seniors. If they make things difficult for me later, don't be angry."

How can these fans bear these words?
In their eyes, Zhao Han is like a god.

How can the gods in their hearts be made things difficult?

"Senior can make things difficult for others? Just wait, we are not easy to bully!"

"Brother, don't be afraid, we are not easy to bully! We will shame the mysterious people later!"

"Yes! Brother, don't be afraid, we are here!"

Zhao Han looked at the reaction of the fans, with a sneer on his face.

He murmured in a low voice: "It's really a group of evil pens, it's really good to stir up emotions."

He immediately typed another line of words casually, saying: "Everyone, thank you, I will prepare a song and perform it for you later."

"Wow, brother is working so hard!"

"Brother, you have worked so hard, we will feel sorry for you."

A group of fans were impassioned in the fan group, and they were so excited.

The smile on Zhao Han's face became more and more arrogant.

He threw the cigarette aside casually and went straight out the door.

At this moment, the rehearsal of Lin Yang and others who were still in the recording studio had come to an end.

Bai Ning at the side was on the phone while typing on the computer, very busy.

"Bai Ning, why are you so busy?"

Seeing Bai Ning put down the phone, Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

Bai Ning rolled his eyes at him and said, "Do you think a meeting would be so easy?"

"I have to report and find the security team. Now there is someone named Zhao Han on the Internet who is actually holding a meeting next door to us."

"His fans said. We held the meeting today to deliberately make things difficult for him, and threatened to make our meeting impossible."

Lin Yang was taken aback, and asked with a blank face, "Who is this Zhao Han?"

"Ker, have you heard of this Zhao Han?"

Lin Ke'er also shook her head, and said blankly: "It sounds familiar, but I don't know it, and I don't know."

Bai Ning pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, "This is an idol who just debuted not long ago."

"The company behind it seems to be something from abroad... Crooked Chicken Entertainment."

"It's still a pretty big company, with a lot of capital invested."

"If he wants to do something, I guess today's meeting will not be too easy."

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, looked at Justin who had just arrived, and asked, "Do you know this company?"

Justin said disdainfully: "It's just a small company with strong capital, but the relationship is not good."

"Their artists come from all over the world. They are all useless idols. Their singing is like howling by ghosts."

While speaking, Justin was full of disdain for such idols.

"Let's take one step at a time." Bai Ning put away the computer and said, "Our fans are here too, let's hurry over."

"There is still more than half an hour before our meeting will begin."

"That's right, go over quickly, so that our fans won't fight with each other later." Zhou Jielun said.

"Still fighting?" Lin Yang was taken aback, and said, "It's not so exaggerated, is it?"

"It seems that you don't know how crazy the fans of these idols are now, and they can do anything." Zhou Jielun said.

As soon as they heard that there might be a fight, Lin Yang and the others hurried towards the scene.

But at this moment, at the scene of Lin Yang's meeting, although they didn't say they were going to fight.

However, the fans of Lin Yang and others, and the fans of Zhao Han, were clearly divided into two camps. The atmosphere was tense and the smell of gunpowder was extremely strong!

Many fans of Lin Yang and others came, from the entrance of Jielun's music bar, they lined up all the way to the end of the street!
Fortunately, after Bai Ning reported to the police just now, the whole street was blocked, otherwise there would not be enough Lin Yang fans to line up.

(End of this chapter)

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