Chapter 457 Crazy Fans

And Zhao Han also has a lot of fans, but compared with Lin Yang's side, they are still a lot worse. After all, Lin Yang's guests are not small.

Most of Zhao Han's fans are young girls, and boys are almost impossible to find.

These female fans are very avant-garde, some cute uniforms, or ancient costumes, each with exquisite makeup.

It's just that the hostile eyes on their faces, sharp and mean, don't match their clothes at all.

As far as the fans of Lin Yang and others looked, most of them were boys and people in their thirties.

These people are wearing suits and leather shoes, or simple T-shirts and jeans.

Quite a few people seemed to be well-educated, and they didn't even look at the provocative eyes of Zhao Han's fans.

After all, many of these people are already parents, so who would know about these little girls?
And the more Lin Yang's fans didn't care about these little girls, the more unhappy these fans felt.

"Look at how they've been turned into bulls one by one."

"That is, a group of grandpas and aunts are not at home to nurse their children, but they still come here to see the meeting?"

"I've heard that Zhou Jielun's fans are all old aunts. I've seen it."

"I'm dying of laughter, who still listens to Zhou Jielun these days?"

"Look, the clothes these people are wearing are really dead, and they still think that the songs they listen to are art?"

A group of girls were chattering, discussing in groups of three or four.

At first, the voice was quite low, so Lin Yang's fans pretended not to hear it.

But the more these people talked, the more excited they became. After a while, almost everyone started pointing at Lin Yang's fans.

A young fan of Lin Yang who was queuing couldn't bear him.

He frowned and glared at the female fan who was talking about him.

Good guy, he didn't even think of this eye, it's like lighting a dynamite keg.

The girl who was stared at was wearing a jk costume, with two ponytails, she looked cute, and had a round face. She probably looked like a high school student.

She pointed at the boy who glared at her, and began to curse at him at the top of her voice.

"What the hell are you looking at? Have you never seen a woman? Go home and watch Nima! Peeping at my old lady here?"

"Look at what you're wearing. You're wearing a street sweater. Are these pants also street goods?"

"A person like you actually has the money to come to the meet and greet? You don't come here to find female fans to be salty pigs, do you?"

"Mysterious man's fans are at this level? Kneel down and apologize, or I'll go online and say you're a slut! You're human, you'll lose your job! You'll be ridiculed!"

The girl blared a lot at the top of her voice, agitated, with a haughty and mean look on her face.

This yelling directly confused the boy.

He looked at the girl and subconsciously asked: "Little girl, do you work in the vegetable market?"

"This eloquence, if you haven't practiced it in the vegetable market for more than ten years, you can't practice it."

After the words fell, many of Lin Yang's fans covered their mouths and laughed.


"Brother, you are awesome, little girl, save some face for others."

"That's right, such a little girl, don't bother with them."

"Let's see, when these girls grow up, they probably feel like they're going to die because they liked such idols."

None of Lin Yang's fans wanted to talk to these little girls.

After all, they have reached a certain age, and many of them are highly educated, and many of them are also teachers.

These people don't bother to talk to such a child at all.

The man in the sweater just now complained a few words and didn't even think about responding.

As a result, the other party was ridiculed for a while, and he was completely unhappy.

Who is not a little princess at home?
"What the hell are you talking about? You said I'm from the vegetable market?" The girl frowned, took out her phone, turned on the camera, and started taking pictures of the man in the hoodie.

"You, you scumbag, you are actually a salty pig's hand, you just touched me!"

"Sisters, have you all seen it? Such a scumbag should be exposed!"

"Netizens, you must remember this man, and you must stay away from him when you see him!"

When the girl opened her mouth, tears came down suddenly, and the one who cried was pear blossom with rain.

The man in sweater was dumbfounded when he saw it.

Good guy, tears come when you say it?

The man in Wei Yi felt that he had met a movie queen. With this acting skill, how many little fresh meats could he kill in seconds?
"You guys, what are you doing?" The man in the sweater pointed at the girl and said, "I didn't do anything! This is slander!"

"There are cameras all around here, do you believe I will sue you?"

The girl sneered, put away her phone, and the tears on her face disappeared instantly.

This speed of entering and exiting the play, I have to say, is really worth learning from many young meat.

The girl looked at the man in the sweater with a proud face, and said, "Do you think people on the Internet will care about the truth?"

"Look at what you're wearing, you look like a salty pig's hand. When I cry, the netizens must believe me."

"If you kneel down and apologize to me now, and shout brother Zhao Han's eternal god three more times, I can consider deleting the video."

The girl with the ponytail had a smug look on her face, her nose almost went up to the sky.

The other girls around also sneered, and looked at the man in the sweater with sharp and disdainful eyes.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it looks like a wretched man at first glance, what if he is really?"

"Laughing to death, asking for trouble!"

"There are not many good people who like Lin Yang. Such a man, at first glance, is a low-level man, damn it!"

"That's right, it's a waste of air for such a man to live."

Seeing this, the man in Wei Yi couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore.

He also didn't expect that the current little girl, who looked glamorous, could be broken into such a state.

He was about to fight his case when the phone rang suddenly.

Picking up the phone, there was a call from his wife.

"Didn't you say you went to see Lin Yang's meeting? You actually want to take advantage of the little girl? Come back! Divorce!"

"Wife, wife, listen to me, wife—"

Before the man in Wei Yi had time to explain, a busy tone came from the other end of the phone.

"Hahaha, uncle, you didn't expect that, did you?" The girl shook her phone and said triumphantly, "The power of the Internet is very powerful now."

"Your wife already knows about it. When do you think your colleagues and leaders will know about it?"

The man in the sweater had red eyes, glared at the girl, and said through gritted teeth: "I really don't know how someone like you was taught!"

"Delete the video and explain it again, I can forget it! Otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

"Oh, you are at your own peril?" The girl said eccentrically, "Are you overthinking it?"

"What consequences can I have? It's you! A middle-aged man who has lost his wife and job. According to the plot, you should commit suicide, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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