Chapter 458
The girl is domineering, with a look of fearlessness.

Wei Yi's masculine teeth were itchy, but he didn't dare to move.

If he was photographed again, he really entered the Yellow River and would not be able to wash away.

Seeing that the man in the sweater didn't dare to get angry, the girl with ponytail became bolder in her heart.

She stretched out three fingers and shouted to a kind of Zhao Han fan: "Sisters, let me count to three, let him kneel down and apologize, how about giving him another 3 yuan?"

"3 yuan, let's use it to buy gifts for brother and milk tea for you, do you agree?"

After the words fell, a group of girls began to cheer and applaud.

And the look at the man in the sweater was full of sarcasm!
"Great! Today is a three-happy day. Not only did I have milk tea, but I also defeated a Nanren, and I was able to meet my brother. It's great!"

"For defeating the Nan people, cheers, sisters!"

"Hahaha, look, this man looks useless, it's worse than my dog."

"Look at him, he doesn't dare to hit anyone with clenched fists, tsk tsk tsk, it's so miserable, hahaha."

"It's miserable, but it's so funny! It's their own fault! Shouldn't the Nan people be trampled under by fairies?"

"Enough is enough!" The man in Weiyi shouted angrily, "If you don't delete the video! I'll sue you now!"

"You go." The girl with ponytails shrugged and said, "I'm 16 years old, and my daddy is still the chairman of a listed company!"

"Do you think you can sue me? Are you thinking too much? Then I'll let you pay another 200 million, and give me Huahua. Let's see if you can afford it!"

Girls with ponytails are getting more and more domineering.

The man in the sweater glared at him, but he didn't dare to say anything!
Although the man in sweater has made some achievements, compared with a listed company, it is still very different.

"Brother, forget it, forget it." A man patted him on the shoulder and said, "I can't afford to mess with such a girl."


"What a fart!" The girl yelled with her hands on her hips, "I tell you, kneel down and pay me now! Thirty thousand!"

"This princess has let the word out, if you don't listen, don't blame me for being rude!"

Most of the fans of Lin Yang and others were men, and they could only shake their heads and sigh when they saw this scene.

No one wanted to offend the daughter of the boss of a listed company.

What's more, he is still 16 years old!What if he was photographed and posted on the Internet, and his wife and children might be separated?
The man in the sweater looked at the domineering girl in front of him and gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

He thought that he still had credit card bills that he hadn't paid, a mortgage and a car loan, and living expenses for his parents...

Thinking of the pressure of life, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, nodded, and asked as if resigning himself to his fate.

"Okay, if I kneel down and give you [-] yuan, you can let me go, right?"

"Yes!" The girl raised her head and said, "This princess always keeps her word!"


The man in the sweater gritted his teeth and knelt down on the ground with a "plop".

The moment his knee touched the ground, the man felt endless shame!

"Kneel down and kneel down to parents, today... actually kneel down for a little girl?"

The man's face was full of bitterness.

He raised his head, looked at the girl, and asked coldly: "Can you delete the video and clarify it?"

Seeing him kneeling down, the ponytail girl showed a surprised look.

She covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes were wide open, and she looked surprised.

"Wow! Sisters, look! This Nan is kneeling down, my God, why is this Nan so useless?"

"Who would be pitiful to find such a useless boyfriend? I really feel sorry for his wife."

"Hurry up, take a picture and put it on the Internet, let the sisters avoid the trap, and run away when you meet this Nan!"

A group of girls chattered, their eyes were mean and sharp, and each of them had a sneer at the corner of their mouths, and they took out their mobile phones.

Countless mobile phone cameras were facing the man in the sweater.

But the girl with ponytail looked at the man in sweater jokingly, as if she had played a prank.

The man in the sweater looked at these people coldly, and the anger in his heart rushed to his brain.

"What are you doing!"

He stood up suddenly, his eyes were red, as if he wanted to eat people!

His red eyes glared at the girl with ponytails, as if he was about to spew fire!

"Didn't you say that I would delete the video when I knelt down and clarify it! What the hell are you doing!"

As the Nan man said, he stretched out his hand, grabbed the girl with ponytail by the collar, and dragged her to him.


The girl with the ponytail didn't expect the man in Wei Yi to do it, and a trace of fear finally appeared on her arrogant face.

"You, let go!"

"Look, everyone! This Nan is beating a woman!"

"Take a picture and put it on the Internet!"

The girl struggled and shouted.

The girls around were holding up their mobile phones to take pictures, shouting and cursing one by one, but no one dared to make a move.

And a group of male fans of Lin Yang and others stood aside, pretending that they hadn't seen anything.

The man in the sweater let out a smirk, with a hideous expression on his face, and said, "It's useless to scream any more! I just let you go, and you ruined me today!"

"Isn't your father the boss of a listed company? If the labor and management kill you, he won't have time to come here now! Ah!"

The man in the sweater almost roared, his voice was rough and murderous!
The ponytail girl has always been domineering since she was a child, and she has never seen anyone who dared to attack her.

Seeing this situation now, how can you not be afraid?
Her heart rose to her throat, and a huge fear occupied her brain.
"You, you want to kill me? Well, there are so many people here, if you kill me, you also—"

"Lao-management just wants to die! How about it!" The man in the sweater interrupted the girl and roared angrily: "Lao-management just can't understand rich people like you!"

"Aren't the poor not human? Why do you treat me like this!"

The man in the sweater was hysterical, his face was flushed, and he questioned murderously.

The people around were all shocked, they all silently put away their mobile phones, and took a few steps back, for fear of being watched by this man.

Seeing this, the man in sweater couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hahaha, a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, aren't they rich? Isn't it very attractive? Keep pulling!"

The girl with the ponytail looked at the hysterical man in front of her, who was like a beast, and cried out in fright.

She was talking vaguely in her mouth, and the crying and talking were mixed together, and she couldn't hear what she said at all.


At this moment, the roar of a sports car came.

Everyone looked towards the voice from the voice.

I saw an Audi RS6 rushing over like a beast.

Behind the Audi, two Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles followed.

"Brother Zhao Han is here!" Someone shouted in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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