Chapter 459 Framing
After the words fell, everyone's eyes were focused on the sports car.

The sports car stopped in front of everyone, and Zhao Han got out of the car in a handsome fashion.

As soon as the ponytail girl saw Zhao Han, she immediately started shouting: "Brother Zhao Han! Help! He wants to kill me!"

Zhao Han took a closer look, and found that this girl was the president of their support club!
He remembered clearly that this girl made him a lot of money!
Although he is not a rich man, no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat.

What's more, under such a situation where everyone is watching, Zhao Han naturally has to show it!
He pointed at the man in the sweater and yelled, "Let him go! Come to me if you have something to do!"

As soon as the words fell, two Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles also stopped in front of everyone, and a dozen black-clothed bodyguards got out of the car!

These bodyguards stood behind Zhao Han as soon as they got off the car, staring at the man in Weiyi.

Seeing this, the man in Wei Yi felt a little lost.

He was angry just now, but now he calms down a little bit, and he would never dare to kill someone.

Seeing that the man in Wei Yi was a little timid, Zhao Han then angrily said: "Let him go! Otherwise, you will be at your own peril!"


"What are you? No matter what, you can't bully a little girl!" Zhao Han interrupted him directly.

The man in the sweater was about to speak when a man in black suddenly rushed to his side.

Before he could react, he was controlled by the man in Wei Yi.

The girl with the ponytail broke free from the man in the sweater, crying and pounced on Zhao Han.

"Brother, this person took advantage of me. I found out and took pictures of him on the Internet. He even threatened me to kill me! You want to avenge me."

The girl with the ponytail pouted, her face full of grievances, tears streaming down her face.

Hearing this, the controlled man in sweater felt his heart sink to the bottom.

He roared hoarsely: "I don't! No! It's not what she said!"

"Shut up!" Zhao Han patted the ponytail girl on the back, walked up to the man in the sweater, and said, "Just now you wanted to hit someone, is that true?"

"that is because--"

"Because nothing works!" Zhao Han interrupted him again, and said, "Are you a fan of the mysterious man?"

"I, I am." The boy in the sweater said in a daze, "You, why are you asking this?"

Hearing this, Zhao Han had a playful smile on his face, and a sly look in his eyes.

He secretly said in his heart: "God helped me, the first time we met, fans of the mysterious man did something like this, he can't die without a little blood."

Zhao Han stared at the man in the sweater coldly, and said, "You take advantage of him and beat him, and I will send you to the law enforcement team later."

"Mysterious Man's fans are like this. I really don't know why some people still say that he is a music artist? It's ridiculous."

Zhao Han sneered, his face full of complacency.

Lin Yang's fans around him looked at Zhao Han with displeasure, and also looked at the man in Weiyi who was under control with sympathy.

But still no one stood up, just chirping and talking in a low voice.

"If I didn't have a family, I would..."

"Okay, okay, they are all people with families, who wants to cause trouble?"

"Hey, this brother is really miserable. He actually messed with such a girl."

"I guess there must be melons on the Internet now. I think something is going to happen to the mysterious person."

But Zhao Han's fans were all overjoyed, as if it was Chinese New Year.

"My brother is so handsome! Such a brother is the best."

"He's so handsome when he's protecting his fans!"

"Yeah, with such an idol, what more can I expect?"

"Look at the quality of these Lin Yang fans, what a shame!"

"That's right, they're all Puxin men, Guonan! Garbage!"

These female fans of Zhao Han raised their heads to the sky one by one, looking proudly at the fans of Lin Yang and others, wishing to look at people with their nostrils.

"Brother, what are you going to do with this person? Or I'll let my daddy handle it?" Ponytail ran to Zhao Han's side and said, holding his hand.

Zhao Han sneered and said, "Let the mysterious man come and let him deal with it."

As soon as the words fell, the two Maybachs slowly stopped in front of everyone.

Zhao Han looked back and saw that Lin Yang was getting out of the car.

Lin Yang, Zhou Jielun, and Justin stood in front of everyone so brightly.

But the fans around were not a little excited, but whispered something.

"What's going on? Why does it look like something's wrong?" Bai Ning frowned and said in a low voice.

"You are the mysterious man?" Zhao Han turned around, looked at Lin Yang playfully and said.

Lin Yang said coldly: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"See for yourself what good things your fans have done!" Zhao Han held his head high, stared at Lin Yang with sharp eyes, and said, "He's cheating on my fans, she's still a little girl!"

"And after being found out, he still yelled to hit someone! Shouldn't you care about your fans?"

The ponytail girl took a look at Lin Yang, and said eccentrically, "Ugly ghost wearing a mask, no wonder all the fans look like this."

Lin Yang and the others frowned immediately when they heard the words. No one thought that such a thing would happen.

Bai Ning pushed the glasses on his face, and said: "If this is the case, you should report it. No one of us can control what the fans are like."

"This means that you don't care about this matter?" Zhao Han said righteously: "Shouldn't you say a few words about this matter?"

"Sure enough, there are fans of any kind of idol, and they have no sense of social responsibility at all!"

"Regarding this matter, we will issue the latest statement. Now there are more fans who bought tickets to watch the meeting! We will not let down other fans!"

Bai Ning leaned close to Lin Yang's ear and whispered, "I'll discuss this matter with He Lin and He Bing and do public relations. You start the meeting first."

Lin Yang nodded and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

After all, Lin Yang was preparing to let a group of fans enter the arena.

The man in the sweater who was under control suddenly shouted: "Mystery man, I didn't! I didn't do anything! They framed us!"

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, turned his head to look at the man, and said, "You said you were framed?"

"Yes! I was framed!" The man in Wei Yi said excitedly, "Everyone here can testify!"

"There is also monitoring here, you can watch it, I didn't do anything!"

"Fart!" Zhao Han scolded angrily, "When I came here, I saw that you wanted to hit someone!"

"That's because this girl framed me and made me kneel! I wanted to do it!" The man in the sweater argued.

He looked at Lin Yang pleadingly, and said, "Believe me, I really didn't do anything! They framed me!"

Bai Ning pushed his glasses aside, and said, "Mr. Zhao, this matter seems to be open to discussion. Let's find out the truth first, shall we?"

(End of this chapter)

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