Chapter 460

Zhao Han was taken aback, looked at the girl beside him, and said, "You really framed him?"

The ponytail girl shook her head quickly, and said aggrievedly: "I didn't! How could I frame others for eating my tofu?"

The girl looked at Zhao Han with a sincere face, Zhao Han couldn't help but feel soft-hearted with such aggrieved and pitiful appearance.

"Okay, let's investigate." Zhao Han sneered, and said confidently: "You all saw it, my fans said she didn't!"

"Look at this man, then look at this girl, you can tell who is lying at a glance, right?"

Bai Ning glanced at the girl, then at the anxious man, and thought to himself: "This matter must be resolved, otherwise Zhao Han will take the opportunity to attack Lin Yang."

"What? Don't talk? Scared?" Zhao Han asked jokingly.

"It's a guilty conscience!" The girl sneered: "My daddy is the boss of a listed company, do you think I want to frame such an uncle?"

Bai Ning thought for a moment, and said to the fans: "Fans, please come in first, today's meeting may be postponed."

"If you want to refund your tickets, you can choose to refund your tickets. We will definitely tell you the truth about this matter."

"If it is indeed this man's mistake, I hope everyone will not make the same mistake!"

After Bai Ning finished speaking, he gave Zhou Jielun a look.

"Everyone, let's enter the arena." Zhou Jielun said: "Today's meeting can be said to be truly zero distance."

"Yeah, this is the opening method that I have never done since I have been a star for so long." Justin joked on the side.

The two tried their best to enliven the atmosphere and entered the arena with a group of fans.

Zhao Han glanced at his fans, flicked his bangs, and asked, "My dears, do you want to witness justice being done with me, or do you want to enter first?"

A group of fans looked at each other, and finally all looked at the girl with ponytail.

"Do you want to enter?"

"Our president's father is the big boss, what are you afraid of? This mysterious person must be scolded on the hot search today!"

"Yes, besides, our brother's background is not bad, okay? We should support brother!"

"Yes! Just look at how this Nan man was dealt with!"

A group of fans chattered.

The ponytail girl put her hands on her hips and said confidently: "Our brother will definitely be able to handle it! We should stay here with him!"

"Brother, then we will stay with you."

"That's right, since my brother isn't here, there's no point in entering."

A group of girls stayed at the door of the meeting.

The departure of Lin Yang's fans left the entrance of the venue quite empty.

"Mysterious man, how do we deal with this matter now?" Zhao Han raised his eyebrows and asked jokingly.

"Let's find jc." Lin Yang said lightly, "You can find out about this kind of thing by looking at the surveillance."

"Yes, yes, watch the surveillance! I really didn't do anything! Now that my wife has run away, the company probably won't be able to go back!"

The man in the sweater gritted his teeth and looked at the girl with the ponytail, and said, "It's all you! You are so uneducated!"

"What did you say!" The ponytail girl stared, and said, "You are the one who wants to take advantage of me!"

"Don't let jc do this matter, just let my daddy do it."

The girl looked arrogant and domineering.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "Why didn't you let JC come? Are you scared?"

"I, I don't have it!" The ponytail girl rolled her eyes and said, "I, I want my daddy to come, is there something wrong!"

The ponytail girl was only 16 years old after all, and she was used to being arrogant and domineering, and she didn't know how much sensation this incident could cause.

She just felt that no matter what happened, as long as her father took action, it would definitely be resolved!

It's just that when I heard that I was looking for a jc, I was still a little flustered.

Seeing the girl's eyes dodging, Lin Yang sneered on the face under the mask.

Zhao Han naturally also saw something was wrong, and thought to himself: "This idiot, if she really framed Lin Yang, I have to bow my head to Lin Yang and admit my mistake today!"

"But fortunately, without reporters, everything can be kept private."

The expression on Zhao Han's face suddenly became serious.

The girl grumbled and ran to the side to make a phone call.

The boy in the sweater broke free from the bodyguard, ran to Lin Yang's side, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Mysterious Man, I have caused you trouble."

"I really didn't do anything, but... this girl seems to have a background, you..."

Lin Yang looked up and down at the man in the sweater.

This person was placed on the main street of the imperial capital, and he belonged to an existence that was less conspicuous than the green belt.

And there are wives who have a unit, even if they have such thoughts, they probably wouldn't dare to do anything.

Coupled with the man in the sweater's swearing appearance, Lin Yang basically believed his words in his heart.

"In the imperial capital, without any background, what can you do?" Lin Yang patted him on the shoulder and said, "As long as you really didn't do anything, you will be fine."

Seeing Lin Yang's firm eyes, the man in the sweater let out a long breath, and said with a wry smile, "I'm from a foreign country, and I really don't have any background."

"I worked so hard to buy a house in the imperial capital, married a wife, and thought I had reached the pinnacle of my life."

"I didn't expect it, because this girl's video ruined all my hard work in the first half of my life."

Lin Yang frowned slightly when he heard the words, and asked in a low voice, "What happened just now?"

The man in Weiyi told the whole story of what happened just now.

After hearing this, Lin Yang was furious and said, "Don't worry, as long as what you said is true, this girl will definitely pay the price!"

After the words fell, a sharp light flashed in his eyes!

Lin Yang raised his voice this time, every word was full of anger!
A few days ago, he met Chen Xin, a powerless young man, how he was played with.

Today is another middle-aged man whose life was ruined by a few words!
After seeing all this, Lin Yang understood why Lin Binbin became like that...

Zhao Han was startled when he heard Lin Yang's words, and secretly said: "This kid is not easy to mess with. If something happens later, let this girl stand up to him. Fortunately, there are no reporters, so I can get away."

Little did he know that one of the security teams maintaining order at the scene stole the live broadcast and put his mobile phone in his watch pocket, but no one noticed.

Because of the existence of the live broadcast, this incident immediately set off a turbulent wave on the Internet.

People are constantly posting posts on the Internet, and there are many discussions.

"If the fan of the mysterious person did it, is the mysterious person responsible?"

"Upstairs, you want to eat farts? The mysterious man has so many fans, how does he care?"

"That is, if an idol can manage fans well, why do you need JC?"

"Upstairs, you should be afraid that this man is a wretched man, implicating your idol, right?"

"How the hell do I know, are you a fan of Zhao Han? Are you impatient? Why don't you go find your brother?"

On the Internet, Lin Yang's fans and Zhao Han's fans were also arguing in full swing.

A female reporter for entertainment news, watching the online quarrel.

She immediately picked up the camera and ran out of the company in a hurry.

"Xiao Zhang! Let's go!" She called her assistant and hurried out the door.

The assistant looked blank, and could only follow up with the machine.

(End of this chapter)

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