Chapter 461
The female reporter who ran out of the company acted vigorously!

She was wearing a black sportswear, with neat short hair, shrewd eyes, a high nose bridge, fair skin, and oval-shaped facial features. She was a complete beauty.

But now she completely disregards her image, her fair skin is all relying on God to favor her face, there is no rouge and water powder on her face.

With a piece of bread in her mouth, she got into the car, put on her seat belt, pressed the car to start, released the handbrake, and ran out of gas.


The speed of the car instantly increased, and there was a roar.

Her assistant Xiao Zhang got into the car, threw the machine into the back seat of the car, put on the seat belt immediately, and grabbed the armrest of the car.

"Yuan Jie, you, you..."



Before Xiao Zhang finished speaking, Yuan Jie kicked the accelerator, and the car flew out almost as if flying close to the ground.

Xiao Zhang yelled in fright, his face turned pale instantly.

Yuan Jie rolled her eyes at him. Although she didn't say a word, it was full of sarcasm.

"Yuan Jie, you, you are a woman after all! Can I do the driving next time?" Xiao Zhang shouted at the top of his voice, with a distorted expression on his face.

Because this car is a seven-hand van bought by the company.

Although the sound of driving is not like the roar of a sports car, it must be as thrilling as a tractor!

Because Xiao Zhang always felt that this car would disintegrate on the road sooner or later.

"Are you a man?" Yuan Jie slanted her eyes, looked Xiao Zhang up and down, and said, "I really can't tell, I'm so frightened."

Xiao Zhang's face was full of grievances, and he wanted to cry, but he didn't dare to refute at all!
Because, he is indeed not as fierce as the woman who looks like a little woman in front of him!

"Yuan Jie, you, you drive slowly, in time." Xiao Zhang shrank in the co-pilot and said with an aggrieved face.

"You know what a fart! News news, it must be new! It must be fast! It must be fast!"

"And the mysterious person is the current traffic code. Today he had a quarrel with Zhao Han. If we can get first-hand information about this matter, we will get rich!"

When the word "money" was mentioned, Xiao Zhang clearly saw the green, crazy light shining in Yuan Jie's eyes.

Xiao Zhang thought to himself: "With such a beautiful appearance, can you stop liking money so much? It's very vulgar!"

"I'm vulgar, I just want money! Do I have to rely on men to support me! Men are trash and unreliable! I support myself!"

Yuan Jie seemed to be able to guess what Xiao Zhang was thinking, so she opened her mouth to yell.

Xiao Zhang can only act like a wronged little daughter-in-law, looking at this beautiful and crazy woman in front of her.

But at this moment, Zhao Han and Lin Yang at the scene were still confronting each other face to face.

After the ponytail girl put down her phone, she raised her head higher, as if she had gained more confidence.

She walked up to Zhao Han triumphantly, and said as if asking for credit: "Brother, let's get them all into jcj later!"

"My father said that in the imperial capital, there are no more than two families who can challenge him!"

"It's from other places..." The ponytail girl looked Lin Yang up and down, raised her voice, and said, "It's impossible for someone to touch my daddy and me!"

Zhao Han raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and said to himself: "If what this little girl said is true, maybe I can still use her to solve the mysterious person?"

Thinking of this, Zhao Han had a friendly smile on his face.

He pretended to be spoiled, rubbed the girl's head, and asked in a soft voice: "So powerful? Then what does your father do?"

"My name is Liu Qing, and my father's name is Liu Mingzhong!" The girl said obediently with a look of enjoyment: "Brother, my father said that although he is not very popular in the imperial capital."

"But he is a brother who is in charge, and he is not afraid of anyone in the imperial capital except the Chen family."

As soon as Zhao Han heard the word "Chen family", his heart tensed up!
He immediately thought of Secretary Liu showing off his power in front of him that day.

Later, he also specifically found his leader abroad, intending to deal with Secretary Liu.

But he was scolded bloody, and was warned once, don't provoke the Chen family!

At that time, he realized that the Chen family in the imperial capital had a noble status!

When he thought of this, he murmured unconsciously, "This mysterious person was chosen by Secretary Liu, will Secretary Liu cover him?"

"No, definitely not, an artist is still an internet celebrity! Secretary Liu doesn't need to offend Liu Qing because of him."

"Perhaps, after breaking him down, it's not certain that Secretary Liu's variety show will come back to find me again."

A cold smile appeared on Zhao Han's face, and he looked at Lin Yang proudly.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, you heard it too. In the imperial capital, that's how it is. The background speaks."

"The truth of the matter, friends on the Internet have already given the answer, so you don't need to delve into it anymore, right?"

"In addition to Mr. Liu who will come later, are you still planning to help the fan beside you?"

Every word Zhao Han said hit the heart of the man in the sweater.

In the entire imperial capital, at the feet of the emperor, anyone could be rich.

And a Beidiao like him, even among ordinary people, can be regarded as having face.

But in front of these capitalists, there is still no power to fight back.

He smiled wryly and lowered his head, feeling that Lin Yang would not help him anymore.

"Okay, I admit it." The man in the sweater said.

"Recognize what? I don't recognize it." Lin Yang said: "Since you said that Mr. Liu is coming, just wait for him to come."

The man in the sweater was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that Lin Yang would help him!

And the countless netizens who watched the live broadcast on the Internet were instantly excited!

Zhao Han himself didn't know that his career in the entertainment circle had also come to an end with what this person said.

"The mysterious person is amazing! He did not surrender to the power!"

"Otherwise, do you think Jie Lun only respects him because of his good singing?"

"Where are those elder brothers, those who shouted at elder brothers? Are they all gone?"

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, labor and management are actually fans of such a thing as Zhao Han!"

"Ma De, take off the fan! My old lady is off the fan! The mysterious man, the eternal god!"

"Damn, how can I like Zhao Han?"

"What's wrong with Brother Zhao Han? What he said is the reality! Is there something wrong?"

A female fan still loves Zhao Han relentlessly.

As soon as I said this, my good guy, I immediately attracted criticism from countless netizens!

And Zhao Han's reputation on the Internet has been completely wiped out.

And Lin Yang's popularity not only increased again, but he also gained countless fans.

It's just that Lin Yang and Zhao Han, who are the parties involved, are completely unaware...

At this moment, a black Bentley drove slowly and stopped in front of everyone.

Liu Qing immediately went up to meet him and shouted: "Daddy, help me back up!"

(End of this chapter)

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