Chapter 463
Liu Mingzhong glanced at Zhao Han lightly, and asked condescendingly, "Are you my precious daughter's idol?"

"Daddy, he is my idol." Liu Qing said with a smile.

"Then I want you to come to my house every week to accompany my daughter." Liu Mingzhong didn't even look at Zhao Han, and said in an orderly manner: "I can double your resources in the big country."

"Thank you, thank you, it's my honor." Zhao Han tried his best to keep a calm smile on his face.

But his heart has already been turned upside down!

Doubling the resources of a big country means doubling its commercial value!
And the money brought in this way is more than doubled now!

"You take Qingqing to the side, and I'll handle it here." Liu Mingzhong said domineeringly.

"Brother Zhao Han, let's get in the car. I have a lot of things I want to ask you." Liu Qing said excitedly.

"Okay, you can ask anything you want."

Zhao Han is as obedient as Liu Qing's subordinate.

He knew very well that such a young lady was not something he could offend.

But if he can win the favor of such a young lady, he will definitely be on the rise in the future!
The other fans of Zhao Han looked at Liu Qing and Zhao Han enviously, chattering one by one.

"I'm so envious of the president, having such a father."

"That's right, my dad is just a stinky worker! It's useless! After I went to college, I asked him to give me 5000 yuan a month! Haha!"

"Five thousand? That much?"

"That's too much? He's not exhausted yet, I'm already being merciful."

"That's right, I'm useless, but I still have to give birth to us fairies. Of course they will be cows and horses for us."

"I really envy the president, if only my dad was so rich."

The fans' comments were not loud, but Lin Yang heard them clearly.

He glanced at these fans, and secretly said: "It seems that I really want to manage fans."

"It's like this at such a young age, is this still considered a human being?"

"Now, I will still give you the same choice as before, and you can choose for yourself." Liu Mingzhong interrupted Lin Yang's thinking.

Lin Yang turned his head to look at him, and said calmly, "I don't choose either, I choose the truth!"

His words were resounding and extremely firm!
But Liu Mingzhong couldn't help but sneered, and said: "I really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, okay, let's see if you have the ability to find out the truth."

While talking, he took out his mobile phone and made a call, saying: "20 people, I want the best, the address is..."

After that, he hung up the phone directly.

Liu Mingzhong stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Lin Yang with a haughty expression, as if he was looking at an ant.

"Since you want to fight, I'll wait until your men come." Lin Yang said calmly without any fear, "It's just that you don't want to find out the truth. It seems that you know your daughter's nature and can't do it." Something good happened."

"Presumptuous!" Liu Mingzhong's eyes narrowed, and he scolded angrily: "What are you, dare to insult my daughter?"

"I want your two legs later, so you can apologize to my daughter on the ground!"

Lin Yang sneered and ignored him.

With such a person, Lin Yang didn't want to talk nonsense at all.

Liu Mingzhong saw that he was being ignored, and the anger in his heart almost burst out from his chest!

His eyes became more and more cold, and he was already thinking about how he would torture Lin Yang later.

But at this moment, Yuan Jie and Xiao Zhang, who were rushing over, got stuck in a traffic jam on the way.


Yuan Jie slammed the steering wheel hard and said, "Damn it, why is it so blocked?"

She glanced at the endless car queues on the viaduct, and became more and more anxious.

Xiao Zhang on the side was relieved during the traffic jam, and took out his mobile phone to watch the live broadcast.

"Damn it, how many hot news stories did we miss just now?" Xiao Zhang's eyes widened, and he said in surprise: "The comment section said that this old man wanted the mysterious man's legs and the life of this dick!? "

"In this day and age, are these rich people still so awesome? Lawless!"

Yuan Jie felt even more itchy when she heard this.

At this time, the car dragon finally moved.

Her eyes were fixed, and she kicked the floor oil directly.


Qishou's van let out a roar, and the body made a whine, as if it was about to fall apart.

An unexpected acceleration, Xiao Zhang did not react.

With an "ah", he screamed, and the phone clanged and fell under the car.

He didn't care too much, grabbed the handrail and said, "Yuan Jie, this, these are all cars! You, drive slowly!"

Yuan Jie and Xiao Zhang hurried to the scene of the meeting.

But when he was about to reach the place, he suddenly saw one black Mercedes after another, blocking the way.

"Damn it, why are there so many luxury cars? Are they all for the meeting?"

Xiao Zhang looked at the entire row of Mercedes-Benz outside the car window, and said in a daze: "How rich is this, to be able to afford so many cars?"

Xiao Zhang looked bewildered, but Yuan Jie frowned and said, "Prepare the equipment, follow these cars, and shoot them!"

"Shoot, shoot them?" Xiao Zhang asked suspiciously: "What's so good about these luxury cars?"

"You can just shoot if you want to." Yuan Jie said impatiently.

Looking at these luxury cars, she thought to herself: "At this time, there must be something wrong with so many luxury cars going to the meeting!"

It was just as Yuan Jie thought.

The people sitting in these luxury cars are all the thugs that Liu Mingzhong called just now!
In the car at the front, a burly man in black sportswear with a bald head was smoking a cigar and sitting on the boss' seat.

A younger brother driving him asked: "Brother Long, today Boss Liu called us here suddenly, who is he trying to deal with?"

"I don't know." Long Ge said flatly: "Anyway, let's take care of Boss Liu's affairs well, and everyone will make money."

"Boss Liu is really rich, and he calls his brothers to do things every day." The driver said.

Brother Long stroked his bald head and said with a sneer, "Our brothers are the most professional in the entire imperial capital."

"Any martial arts master is vulnerable in front of us. If you want to hire us to do something, you will naturally have to spend a lot of money!"

When Brother Long said this, he was full of confidence, his eyes sparkling.

At this moment, Lin Yang, who was at the entrance of the meeting, saw a row of black Mercedes-Benz driving slowly in the distance.

The smile on Liu Mingzhong's face became more and more wonderful.

He said proudly: "If you choose to lose your legs now, you may suffer less later."

"No need." Lin Yang said coldly.

"Ask yourself for trouble!"

Seeing that Lin Yang was still so proud, Liu Mingzhong's eyes were cold, and he said to himself: "We'll see how you beg for mercy later!"

(End of this chapter)

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