Chapter 464
At this time, Mercedes-Benz one after another slowly drove to the entrance of the meeting.

There are a total of ten Mercedes-Benz, and four big men in black got off each of them!

The leader was a burly man with a full face, a cigar in his hand, and his eyes were cold, showing no emotion at all.

"Do it." Liu Mingzhong pointed at Lin Yang and said calmly.

"Go!" Brother Long shouted.

The men in black behind him rushed up one by one without delay.

Dozens of men in black, each well-trained, shot cleanly.

Moreover, the cooperation of dozens of people was not flustered at all, and the attack rhythm was orderly!

Maybe every one of these people is not a top player when singled out.

But with the tacit cooperation of dozens of people, even if the top experts came, they would be vulnerable!
Facing dozens of menacing men in black, Lin Yang stood in front of Bai Ning and the man in Wei Yi, without giving in a single step!
His eyes are firm, he stands with his hands behind his back, and he has the aura of being one man in charge of the gate, and ten thousand men can't open it!
At this moment, Yuan Jie and Xiao Zhang, who were holding a camera in the car in the distance, opened their mouths in surprise when they saw this scene, they could almost stuff an egg!
"My God, so many people hit one? This, isn't this killing people?" Xiao Zheng said in a panic: "Yuan Jie, should we call the law enforcement officers?"

Yuan Jie frowned, stared into the camera, and said, "Did you see that bald head?"

"Well, it looks so ugly." Xiao Zhang complained.

"He is the president of the Royal Security Association of the Imperial Capital." Yuan Jie sneered, and said, "An organization that specializes in thugs for the rich, but the name sounds nice."

"Ah? I thought he was a more advanced hooligan." Xiao Zhang said, "This guy doesn't look like a good guy."

"You are right, he is indeed not a good person." Yuan Jie said seriously: "However, he is not easy to deal with."

"In the entire imperial capital, there are very few who can fight against them, and those who can defeat them are even rarer!"

"It can be said that they are the ceiling of the entire security industry!"

Xiao Zhang was taken aback, looked at Lin Yang in the camera, and said nervously: "Then, isn't this mysterious man dead?"


Just as Yuan Jie said a word, her brows were furrowed suddenly, and her eyes were almost glued to the camera.

She watched Lin Yang toss and turn among these dozens of people, with ease!
Although they didn't fight back, these dozens of people couldn't take advantage of it at all!
The more Yuan Jie watched, the more frightened she became, and she said in shock: "Not necessarily, this, why is this mysterious good at fighting?"

"He is so fast, these dozens of people are being teased like monkeys in front of him."

Xiao Zhang was taken aback for a moment, and then looked carefully into the camera!

I saw Lin Yang was like a black lightning, constantly shuttling among the men in black.

These men in black were played around, but they couldn't even touch Lin Yang's clothes!
Only Yuan Jie and Xiao Zhang were shocked by this.

Liu Mingzhong and Brother Long, who were watching the battle, were even more terrified!

"Xiaolong, your people don't look good." Liu Mingzhong's eyes were serious and his tone was deep.

He secretly said in his heart: "What is the origin of this kid, his skills are so good!"

Brother Long frowned, and stared straight at Lin Yang's swaying figure, but found that his sight could hardly keep up with Lin Yang's speed!

His heart was shocked, and the cigar in his hand fell to the ground with a "click".

"Mr. Liu, this kid is tough, I will personally take him down later!"

"But for this price, we have to renegotiate!"

Liu Mingzhong nodded and said, "The price is not a problem, let's solve it!"

Brother Long raised a ferocious smile, twisted his neck, and said, "It's been a long time since I had a good time, I hope this kid has something."

While he was speaking, Lin Yang was facing the fist of a man in black.

His eyes were calm, and he easily avoided the fist, which hurt the chest of the man in black.


With a muffled sound, the man in black flew close to the ground for a full ten meters before hitting the ground heavily, unconscious.

All the men in black around were dumbfounded and stared at Lin Yang in a daze.

"Let's all back down." Brother Long said, "I didn't expect to encounter a hard stubble today, so I didn't come in vain."

Hearing this, a group of men in black retreated to the side.

Brother Long walked up to Lin Yang, looked him up and down, and said, "If you weren't my target today, I really want you to work under me."

Lin Yang sneered, and said bluntly, "You are not worthy."

"Oh?" Brother Long raised his eyebrows and sneered, "Rampant!"

After the words fell, Brother Long punched Lin Yang's temple.

He was extremely fast, his feet hit the ground, his body was like an arrow from the string, and his fists made a sound of breaking through the air!

If ordinary people were hit by this fist, they would definitely die on the spot!

Brother Long's eyes were cold, and he looked at Lin Yang with a sneer, as if he had already thought about how miserable Lin Yang would be when he fell to the ground later.

There was also a faint smile on Liu Mingzhong's face, and he secretly said: "Ask for trouble, overestimate your own strength, and oppose me, that's how you end up!"


He was proud when a crisp sound came.

Liu Mingzhong's heart tightened, and he looked surprised.

I saw that Lin Yang received Brother Long's punch easily, and his feet didn't move half a step!

Brother Long was even more surprised!

He stared at Lin Yang with wide eyes, trying to pull his arm out of Lin Yang's hand.

The veins in his arm were bulging, and he almost used all his strength, but he couldn't shake it in the slightest!
At this moment, Brother Long felt a little more fearful!

He looked at Lin Yang in a daze, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva!
He knew that if Lin Yang wanted to, his hand might be lost at any time!

"Do you still want to fight?" Lin Yang asked coldly.

"No, I won't fight anymore." Brother Long confessed directly.

If he lost his hand, how would he lead people and do business in the future?

Lin Yang let go of his hand and said coldly.


Brother Long waved his hand, and ran away without looking back.

"Zhang Long! You want to run!?" Liu Mingzhong shouted angrily.

Brother Long didn't answer, he took people into the car and left.

Brother Long and the others came and went in a hurry.

Now, only Liu Mingzhong was left on the field.

He took a deep breath and looked at Lin Yang with hatred in his eyes.

"Boy, if you're not alone today, you'll definitely have a hard time in the future!" Liu Mingzhong said viciously.

"Today's matter is not over yet." Lin Yang said coldly: "You must find out the truth about your daughter's matter, right?" 
(End of this chapter)

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