Chapter 465
Liu Mingzhong naturally knows the virtues of his daughter!
If the truth is the same as what his daughter said, he will not be contacted at all.

Liu Mingzhong stared at Lin Yang with burning eyes, and said in his heart: "This kid is very skilled, he must go back and investigate carefully."

"Here is 200 million! If you don't want me to do anything to the man behind you, you'd better shut up!"

Liu Mingzhong threw the bank card on the ground, then turned around and got into the car.

After a while, the car started, and Zhao Han got out of the car triumphantly.

He looked Lin Yang up and down, and a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"Do you really think it will be easy for you to offend the Liu family?" He looked at the bank card on the ground with a sneer, and said, "Take 200 million and spend the last days of your lives."

After all, Zhao Han is about to enter the meeting.

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

After picking up the phone, a gloomy voice came from the other end, saying: "Zhao Han, your contract with the company is terminated!"

"Because of your own misconduct, starting today, you have to compensate the company for losses! Wait for the lawyer's letter!"

The smile on Zhao Han's face froze immediately, and he asked blankly, "Why, why?"

"Why? You want to go!"

After speaking, the person on the other end of the phone hung up the phone.


Zhao Han's cell phone fell to the ground, and he froze in place with a dazed expression.

Lin Yang watched him standing with a mask on his face, and said in a low voice, "What's the matter? What are you doing?"

"Our affairs have been posted online!" Bai Ning flipped through his phone and said in surprise, "I didn't know who was broadcasting the live broadcast just now, and the whole process was filmed!"

"What?" Lin Yang was taken aback, and said, "We were the only ones just now, who took the picture?"

"I don't know, but now you are getting rave reviews on the Internet!" Bai Ning said excitedly: "Now you are the number one most searched all day long!"

"And you have a lot more fans!"

"After today's meeting, your popularity will definitely increase significantly. When we return to Shanghai, it's time to expand the company."

When Bai Ning thought of the future business map, his eyes lit up.

Lin Yang wasn't too excited about this, but thought to himself, "I still hope to crush the Chen family sooner and take off the mask."

Although Lin Yang's popularity is soaring now, she also knows it very well.

Once he takes off his mask and is discovered by Chen Shaobing, he will still be blocked!

At that time, not only will he not be able to take off the mask, but he may even be retaliated against and lose even more!

"Who! Who is broadcasting live!" Zhao Han suddenly went crazy and shouted, "Who! Stand up for me! You ruined me! I won't let you go!"

Zhao Han roared hoarsely, his eyes were red and his veins were bulging!
A group of fans on the side froze in place, staring at Zhao Han in a daze.

"Brother, are you still holding a meet and greet?" A fan asked cautiously.

"Get out! Get out! Fuck!" Zhao Han pointed at these fans and cursed.

The fans were stunned for a moment.

This kind of Zhao Han can't be said to be exactly the same as what they usually see, it can only be said to be completely irrelevant!

"Well, what about our ticket price?"

"Yeah, what about our ticket price?"

Some fans also became impatient when they thought that the money was gone.

"I'll hit your account later! Get the hell out of here!" Zhao Han cursed.

Although he said he didn't want to refund the money, he knew it very well.

If the money is not refunded, law enforcement may come to him.

Seeing this, a group of fans could only curse and leave chattering.

Zhao Han's eyes were red, and his face was ferocious, as if he wanted to eat people.

He stared at Lin Yang with glowing eyes, and said, "Is it you! Did you broadcast it live!"

"No." Lin Yang glanced at him coldly and said flatly.

"You are a street mouse on the Internet, and you want to frame us?" Bai Ning sarcastically said.

"You, you..." Zhao Han pointed at Bai Ning's face, and was furious for a moment.

His eyes were fixed, and he was about to make a move!

Lin Yang immediately stopped in front of Bai Ning.

"We did the live broadcast!"

A sonorous voice came.

Everyone looked back, only to see two people who looked like reporters walking over.

The headed one has a graceful figure, fair skin, big piercing eyes, and no makeup on his face.

This woman can be seen to be a beauty at a glance, and she is completely bare-faced!

And behind her, there is a man holding a big video camera, holding a cannon-like video camera, and staring at Zhao Han's face.

"You, when did you come here!"

When Zhao Han saw the two reporters, his face turned pale!

He knew very well that this kind of reporter's live broadcast was more publicity than the live broadcast on the Internet!
"Don't you think you should run away now? Why are you still asking?" Xiao Zhang sneered while holding up the camera.

Zhao Han glanced at them viciously, and said, "Just wait!"

With that said, he got into the car directly, stepped on the gas pedal, and left directly.

The two reporters who came were naturally Yuan Jie and Xiao Zhang.

"Oh, that's great, thank you." The man in Wei Yi heaved a long sigh of relief when he saw Zhao Han leave.

"If it weren't for you, I guess I wouldn't be innocent now."

The man in the sweater seemed to have collapsed, drooping down.

"It's okay, it's actually not our live broadcast." Yuan Jie said with a smile.

"It's me." A security guard turned off the live broadcast, scratched his head, and said, "I didn't expect this to develop like this."

The man in Weiyi looked at the security guard and said excitedly, "Brother, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I would have jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean myself up."

"Justice is in the hearts of the people." The security guard said a few polite words in embarrassment.

After all, he also wanted to live broadcast to make money at the beginning, and he never expected such a thing to happen.

"By the way, what are you going to do with the 200 million?" Lin Yang picked up the bank card and asked.

"No more." The man in the sweater said: "My wife sent me a text message to ask me to go home. I will go back first, so just pretend that this incident never happened."

"Give me this card, and I will hand it over to the relevant organization." Yuan Jie took the bank card and asked Lin Yang, "Can I interview you?"

Lin Yang glanced at the time and said, "I'm about to start the meet and greet, I can't keep the fans waiting."

"Then can we broadcast your meeting live?" Yuan Jie didn't give up, and then asked: "The meeting is over, let's interview again."

Yuan Jie looked at Lin Yang expectantly.

Now Lin Yang is the traffic, the click-through rate, and the ratings!

If Lin Yang's first-hand interview materials can be obtained now, she will definitely not be able to get away with the bonus this time.

Lin Yang thought for a moment, and said, "It's okay, it's not a big deal anyway."

(End of this chapter)

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