Chapter 466 Shame
When Yuan Jie heard this, a smile bloomed on her face.

She excitedly made a live broadcast of Lin Yang's entire meeting.

And no one expected that the live broadcast of this meeting directly attracted more than 6000 million people to watch it online.

The fans at the scene were even more enthusiastic!
Lin Yang, Jie Lun, plus Justin, and finally Lin Keer's mysterious appearance.

The entire meet and greet, directly dominate the rankings!

Various platforms and video sites on the Internet are vying for the right to broadcast Lin Yang's meeting.

And these matters, Lin Yang also directly handed over to Bai Ning to deal with.

At the end of the day, after the face-to-face meetings and interviews were over, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

After Lin Yang separated from the others, he went straight back to the apartment.

He disconnected all the networks and sat quietly in the room alone.

Looking at the bustling night scene of the imperial capital outside the window, he exhaled a long breath, and his eyes slowly fell on the mask beside him.

"When can I take off my mask..." Lin Yang thought to himself, with a wry smile on his face.

"The system prompts that the task is completed, and the 1000 million bonus has been credited. Remember, [-] experience points, and the vitality potion has been distributed."

For the 1000 million, Lin Yang didn't care at all, and didn't read the news at all.

He picked up the vitality potion on the table and murmured in a low voice, "It's time to talk to Lin Binbin too."

Since Lin Yang took Lin Binbin to his suite last time, Lin Binbin has been recuperating from his illness.

Some time ago, after Lin Binbin recovered from his illness, he left directly and didn't have much interaction with Lin Yang.

However, Lin Binbin has never appeared on the Internet, and there is no news at all, as if he disappeared.

Lin Yang sat on the sofa, slowly closed his eyes, and murmured in a low voice: "The days of wearing masks must end as soon as possible..."

"System, what will happen if I am blocked again?" Lin Yang asked the system.

"If the host is blocked for more than a month, the system will disappear directly, and all memories of the host after owning the system, all related events, and other characters' memories will be erased."

The cold mechanical voice sounded in Lin Yang's mind, shaking him all over!
"This means that the memories between me and Bai Ning, Miaomiao will completely disappear...Bai Ning, won't even know me?"

Thinking of this, Lin Yang shuddered.

He understood that no matter what the future holds, it is impossible for him to get rid of the system.

Unless, he wants to lose all his memories, and other people's memories of him!
"Knock Knock Knock-"

"have you slept?"

At this time, Bai Ning's voice came from the door.

"Not yet." Lin Yang said, "Come in."

Bai Ning pushed the door open and entered the room, his whole body slumped on the sofa.

She stretched her waist, let out a foul breath, and said, "Oh, hey, I'm really busy today! I'm so busy."

"Isn't it just a meeting and a follow-up interview?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously, "What else is there?"

Bai Ning rolled his eyes and joked, "You think it's that easy?"

"After the live broadcast of the meeting, there is a copyright to replay it! Just now, many platforms discussed with me about this copyright."

"Yuan Jie and Xiao Zhang also want to make an appointment with us for the next interview."

"And Secretary Liu called and said, the youth music variety show can be ready to start."

"Liao Xu is also asking, now that Justin is back, can he start the recording of Love Song King as soon as possible."

"Also, many advertisers are now..."

"Okay, okay, stop! Stop!"

Lin Yang saw that Bai Ning was babbling and chattering endlessly, so he interrupted quickly and said, "It's alright, alright, I'm going to lose my head just listening to these things."

Bai Ning rolled his eyes, and jokingly said, "Shake your hands off the shopkeeper."

"Forget it, just leave these things to me."

As she spoke, she yawned, got up slowly, and said, "I'm going back to rest first."

"Good night." Lin Yang said.

As soon as Bai Ning walked to the door, he suddenly said: "When our company becomes strong, we will be qualified to challenge the Chen family."

"Without strength, we can't do anything. Let's rest early."

After finishing speaking, Bai Ning left the room.

Lin Yang looked at her leaving back, and suddenly understood.

He murmured in a low voice: "It turns out that Bai Ning doesn't just like this industry...she also wants me to take off my mask."

Lin Yang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I don't know when the rewards from the system will arrive. It's better... to strengthen yourself first."

The night was getting late, and the entire imperial capital fell into a quiet night.

But at the moment on the Internet, there is still carnival day and night.

On a forum, Lin Yang's live broadcast today went viral!
There are still hundreds of thousands of fans who are discussing this matter enthusiastically on the Internet.

"Ghost knows, I've watched this video several times! Although I was a Jielun fan before, but now I'm a mysterious person!"

"Before the mysterious person, I never imagined that such a famous Internet celebrity could stand up for a small person!"

"That's right, that's right! The point is that he's really handsome when he fights! Husband really beats me!"

"Before the mysterious man, there was Lin Yang, do you remember?"

"Upstairs, I remember! But... that man has become a myth! The mysterious man is obviously capable of succeeding him!"

"It's really a pity for Lin Yang, alas, God is jealous of talents."

A group of netizens on the Internet discussed enthusiastically.

But at this moment, on the top floor of Gaoyuan Capital Group, Liu Mingzhong was rarely sleeping late at night.

He is also looking at posts about mysterious people on the Internet.

It's just that he is completely different from the crowd of excited netizens, his face is extremely gloomy!
The white moonlight spilled into the floor-to-ceiling windows and hit his pupils, reflecting a burst of piercing light!

He raised his shrewd eyes, looked towards the dark corner of the office, and said, "Today, that mysterious person, how sure are you when you go to do it?"

In the corner, a man in a black suit bowed his head respectfully, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Sir, I... am not sure."

Liu Mingzhong frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Even you can't help it?"

The man shook his head and didn't speak.

"What if we attack in the dark?" Liu Mingzhong continued to ask.

"If you can do it secretly, I'm [-]% sure." The man lowered his head and said.

"Understood, you don't do anything until Qingqing's birthday party." Liu Mingzhong's tone was extremely cold, and said: "I, Liu Mingzhong, have lived my whole life! I have never experienced such shame!"


After the man left, Liu Mingzhong's eyes fell on the computer screen again,
There are many comments about him above, and most of them are all kinds of ridicule and curse!

As the founder of Gaoyuan Capital, when did Liu Mingzhong make such a scandal in such a public?
(End of this chapter)

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