Chapter 467 Divide the cake

Liu Mingzhong stared at the screen with cold eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "Mysterious man... no matter how powerful you are, I will definitely make you kneel at my feet and admit your mistake!"

In the early morning of the next day, not long after Lin Yang woke up, he received a call from Zhou Jielun to go to the recording studio to record.

This kind of life lasted for another week. Lin Yang started live broadcasting in the intervals between recordings all day long.

The peaceful and fulfilling days made Lin Yang feel a lot more relaxed.

And Lin Yang's first album has finally been successfully recorded, and it's time for post-production mixing and publicity.

And Lin Yang didn't need to worry about these things at all.

Just one morning after this week, Lin Yang had just finished his recording life, and a phone call broke his peaceful week.

Picking up the phone, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from the other end.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, do you remember me?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was hoarse and deep. Although there was a bit of a smile, it was still cold.

Lin Yang thought for a moment, frowned slightly, and said, "Liu Mingzhong?"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Mr. Mysterious Man to still remember me." Liu Mingzhong laughed loudly, and said, "Sir, you've been top-notch recently, a leader in the industry, really amazing."

"Speak directly." Lin Yang said calmly.

He didn't think that such an old fox would call him to get close.

"Hahaha, Mr. Mysterious Man speaks quickly, so I'll say it straight." Liu Mingzhong said: "I just want to apologize to my husband today. Tonight is my daughter's birthday at nine o'clock. I hope you will show me your respect."

"Not interested in."

Lin Yang refused without saying a word.

Liu Mingzhong on the other end of the phone seemed to have expected Lin Yang's answer in this way.

He said unhurriedly: "Sir, people from high society at home and abroad will be present tonight."

"Although Mr. has a lot of talent, isn't the company too good now?"

"It's good to meet some people when you come to my daughter's birthday, not to mention... tonight, Mitsui Capital will also come. It's a big international chaebol, and it's even worse than the Chen family."

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "I see, I will go."

"Okay, then I'll wait for Mr. to drive."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Mingzhong showed a sneer on his face, and said: "I think I'm some kind of unworldly expert, but in the end, I'm just a thing for fame and fortune."

"As long as you want fame and fortune, I can eat you to death!"

There was a flash of light in Liu Mingzhong's eyes, and he looked like he was finally in order.

"Sir, I have already prepared things for tonight."

The man who stood in the corner yesterday stood behind Liu Mingzhong.

He looked respectful, the collar of his black suit.With a red butterfly pin.

Liu Mingzhong nodded and said: "Understood, go down and do it cleanly."


After the man left, the smile on Liu Mingzhong's face became more sinister, and he murmured in a low voice: "I want to see if your life is as tough as your skill!"

Lin Yang, who hung up the phone, thought to himself, "Mitsui Capital? It's even worse than the Chen family?"

"If you get in touch with this Mitsui, will it be possible to defeat the Chen family in one fell swoop?"

Lin Yang thought about it, so he called Bai Ning and explained the matter.

Hearing this, Bai Ning frowned into a Sichuan character, pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and remained silent for a long time.

"What about Mitsui Capital? Do you understand?" Lin Yang asked.

Bai Ning shook his head and said, "This Mitsui Capital is not a good character either, it's an island consortium."

"Not only is he powerful, but he has a considerable say in the entire island country!"

"The most important thing is that this capital consortium, in our big country, often does some sneaky things."

"Cooperating with such capital is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger."

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "Sure enough, these consortiums are all the same."

"Why don't you go tonight?" Bai Ning said worriedly, "I'm worried this is a grand banquet!"

"I've inquired about it. This Liu Mingzhong is arbitrary and domineering, and he will take revenge. He suddenly called today to invite us to a birthday party. His purpose is not pure!"

The corners of Lin Yang's mouth rose slightly, showing a sneer, and said, "Since I have agreed, I must go."

"Isn't it the Hongmen Banquet? Do you think they can trap me?"

"What's more... If you want to make the company bigger, you must deal with these capital consortiums in the future. I can take this opportunity to find out."


"Don't worry, I've already walked through Longtan and Tiger's Den, what can't I go to a birthday party?" Lin Yang comforted, "Don't worry, I'll go alone tonight."

"Don't go, I can't take care of you if something goes wrong."

Seeing Lin Yang insisting so much.

Bai Ning didn't continue to stop him, but only said with concern: "If there's anything wrong, call me immediately, I'll find the law enforcement team."

"This old fox will definitely target you, so be careful."

Lin Yang nodded, and said indifferently: "Don't worry, he still can't hurt me."

For this point, Lin Yang still has enough confidence.

Although in terms of business, maybe Lin Yang is really not as good as other people.

But those dangers are nothing to Lin Yang!

Whether it's poisoning, thugs, or even guns!Lin Yang has faced it face to face countless times.

For such a birthday party, Lin Yang didn't have any worries at all!

As night fell, a high-end hotel was decorated in a grand manner today.

At the entrance of the hotel, a whole row of luxury cars parked made passers-by look sideways. They were even more luxurious than a high-end car show.

And in the underground parking lot of the hotel, there are all kinds of high-end vehicles that are difficult to see on the street.

What is more conspicuous than these luxury cars is a helicopter in the sky at this moment.

In the sky, a helicopter made a loud "rumble".

A man in a light blue suit is sitting in a helicopter, looking down at the sky below.

There was a touch of indifference in his calm eyes, and a woman in a dress sitting next to him lowered her head, as if a little afraid.

"Mr. Mitsui, Ms. Liu from Chen's Investment Group, and Mr. Shao Mou from Gaoyuan Capital have all attended the appointment."

The woman lowered her head and reported on her work.

"Both of you are amazing people." Mitsui Ryuichiro raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said, "Have you told them the purpose of our trip?"

"I've said it." The female secretary said respectfully, "It's here to expand the integration of the global entertainment industry."

"Very good." Mitsui said flatly: "This entertainment pie, someone should take the initiative to divide the cake."

(End of this chapter)

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