Chapter 468
Ryuichiro Mitsui looked at the neon lights under his feet and asked, "How long will it be?"

"Preparing to land," the pilot said.

The helicopter descends slowly.

Right now on the top floor of the hotel...

Next to the huge top-floor apron, Liu Mingzhong looked at the sky and said in a hoarse voice: "Qingqing, your father and I have finally been able to meet giants like the Chen family, the Shao family, and the Mitsui family."

"Today is the key to whether our Liu family can enter the world's top capital table!"

"So, you can't be willful today, you know?"

Liu Qing stood behind his father, with a rare and well-behaved expression, nodded, and said, "I see, father."

After a while, with the howling wind and roar, the helicopter slowly landed on the tarmac.

Mitsui Ryuichiro and his secretary got off the plane.

Liu Mingzhong hurriedly greeted him, and said: "Mr. Mitsui, I have heard you famous for a long time, welcome to the great country."

"This is the little girl, Liu Qingqing."

Seeing this, Liu Qing stepped forward and said obediently, "I'm Liu Qing, hello Mr. Mitsui."

"Mr. Liu, you don't have to be so polite." Mitsui Ryuichiro smiled, but his eyebrows revealed arrogance.

He then asked, "Have Miss Liu and Mr. Shao come?"

"Here you are, in the living room." Liu Mingzhong said respectfully, "I'll take you there."

"it is good."

Liu Mingzhong immediately made a gesture of invitation, and took Mitsui away.

"Miss Liu, this is a birthday present from our husband."

Secretary Mitsui came to Liu Qing and handed out a box.

Liu Qing took the box and was about to thank him.

As a result, Secretary Mitsui didn't even look at her, and followed Mitsui away.

"Pull why..." Liu Qing muttered to himself while holding the gift.

And at this moment, in the reception room of the hotel.

Shao Mou and Secretary Liu sat on the sofa facing each other, chatting without saying a word.

Suddenly, the door of the living room was opened.

The two turned their heads and saw Ryuichiro Mitsui walking in with his head held high and his chest held high.

Liu Mingzhong behind him, like a servant, said: "Let's talk slowly, I still have something to do, so go get busy first."

After speaking, he left directly, not forgetting to close the door behind him.

After closing the door, a cunning flashed in Liu Mingzhong's eyes, and he thought to himself: "No matter what, I must get in touch with these companies today!"

And the three people in the living room sat on the sofa around the tea table.

The three of them looked at each other for a long time before Secretary Liu broke the silence.

"You two gentlemen, just sit like this and don't say anything?" Secretary Liu smiled elegantly and had charming eyes.

But Shao Mou and Mitsui Ryuichiro didn't pay attention to her beauty at all.

Both of them are very clear that appearance is just a vase that depreciates rapidly, and there is no need to pay attention to it at all.

"Miss Liu, since you have opened your mouth, I can speak directly." Ryuichiro Mitsui still said proudly: "In Asia, the entertainment industry is unprecedentedly developed!"

"I think it is necessary for us to join hands to establish a unified entertainment industry chain!"

"This cake is not small, we can divide it slowly."

What Ryuichiro Mitsui said was straightforward, simple and clear.

Shao Mou raised his eyebrows, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said playfully, "Since Mr. Mitsui has an idea, he should have made a plan, right?"

"That's natural." Mitsui Ryuichiro said confidently: "With the strength of the Gaoyuan Group of your Shao family, you can completely occupy the mainstream media idol market."

"And Chen's investment is also running a variety show, and I read the information, and invited the most popular mysterious person, right?"

Secretary Liu took a sip of coffee, nodded slightly, and asked, "And then? Does this have anything to do with Mr. Mitsui's plan?"

Mitsui Ryuichiro leaned back on the sofa and said in a leisurely manner.

"The Shao family dominates mainstream media entertainment, while the Chen family dominates online entertainment."

"In this way, the entertainment industry of the entire big country is in the hands of you two."

"You two should have no objections, right?"

A cunning flashed across the corner of Shao Mou's eyes, and a playful smile still hung on the corner of his mouth. He looked at Mitsui without speaking.

Secretary Liu leaned back on the sofa, crossed Erlang's legs gracefully, and stared at Mitsui.

Mitsui shrugged and said, "Since the two of you don't speak, you have no objection?"

"Then I will continue to say that I will use the resources of Mitsui Capital to invest in the two and open the island market for the two."

"At that time, the careers of the two will be able to go further."

"And I am in the island country, and I will also control the mainstream media, and the two of you can also invest in me. In this way, the three of us have common interests, and we can naturally dominate the Asian entertainment industry."

Secretary Liu glanced at Shao Mou and said, "Master Shao, tell me what you think?"

Shao Mou's eyes were shrewd, like a hook, staring at Mitsui and said: "Mr. Mitsui, your plan can't be so simple, can it?"

"How to distribute the equity of the three parties? Should we separate one party, or should we form a group together?"

Mitsui held his head high and said bluntly: "Our Mitsui Group, since we will invest in the two, we naturally need the right to speak in the two companies!"

"Before the two of you make any decisions, we, the Mitsui Group, need to know clearly and think about it."

"Then I won't accompany you." Shao Mou said coldly: "Mr. Mitsui, do you really think that the investment company of our big country must be inferior to your Mitsui?"

Mitsui Ryuichiro smiled slightly, and said: "I didn't mean that, but if the two of you reject my proposal, then we will only be rivals in the entertainment industry in the future."

Secretary Liu smiled slightly, leaned lazily on the sofa, gently dragged his head with his hands, and said, "Since Mr. Mitsui is so confident, I don't think you need me."

"My Chen family, I still do my own thing, don't drag Mr. Mitsui back."

Mitsui frowned slightly, glanced at the two of them with cold eyes, and said, "You mean to say that in the future, in the entertainment industry, you will fight against Mitsui Capital?"

Secretary Liu shrugged and said, "I didn't say that, I was just doing my own thing."

"Mr. Mitsui, it's not very good to show your sharpness." Shao Mou's face was full of playfulness.

Mitsui's face turned livid.

When he first came to the imperial capital, he thought everything would go smoothly.

Because it doesn't matter whether it is the Chen family or the Shao family.

Although these two giants are quite influential in the world, they are still weaker in front of a capital consortium like Mitsui!
After all, behind Mitsui is the entire island country!

The actual status of the Mitsui Consortium in the island country is even higher than their emperor!

Regardless of whether the Chen family or the Shao family wanted to fight Mitsui, it would obviously be of no benefit!
(End of this chapter)

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