My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 472 Live Variety Show

Chapter 472 Live Variety Show
Secretary Liu didn't dwell on this topic, but continued: "Mr. Lin, I am representing the Chen family, and Mitsui will not trouble me easily."

"But today you have made Mitsui very difficult to step down, so you are not afraid of any retaliation?"

Lin Yang said indifferently, "I don't care."

Secretary Liu frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "The entire Mitsui family is known for saving face, so happy!"

"Today, if you make him so unable to step down, they will definitely retaliate against you in business. You have to be careful."

Lin Yang thought for a moment, and said, "Could he still affect my live broadcast?"

"No, but it is likely to trip you up." Secretary Liu said, "These people will take revenge, so you should be careful."

"I see." Lin Yang said lightly: "By the way, your variety show has started filming, right?"

"Well, as long as you are free, you can start shooting right away." Secretary Liu said, "Do you want me to prepare tomorrow?"

"Just tomorrow." Lin Yang said, "Let's talk about it after finishing the matter, and..."

"And what?" Secretary Liu asked suspiciously.

"I want to grow my company as soon as possible. If there is a suitable person in this variety show, I want to sign a contract with my company." Lin Yang said bluntly.

"It's okay, I can make the decision." Secretary Liu said.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go back early."

After Lin Yang left the clubhouse, he went directly back to the hotel to rest.

At this moment, Mitsui Ryuichiro, who had also returned to the hotel, stared at Sakurako with a gloomy expression on his face.




Mitsui Ryuichiro slapped Sakurako's face one after another.

Yingzi's originally fair face is now flushed!
She lowered her head, endured the pain, and didn't make a sound!

"What are you doing today, provoking the mysterious person for no reason?" Mitsui snapped, "I can't get down in front of so many people!"

"And that Secretary Liu! Isn't he just a secretary? How dare you contradict me!"

Yingzi lowered her head, endured the pain, and said in a trembling voice: "Mr. Mitsui, I didn't know he was the mysterious person, and..."

"You didn't tell me about the mysterious man before, so I—"


Before Sakurako finished speaking, Mitsui Ryuichiro slapped him again.

"You mean to say that I did something wrong?" Mitsui's eyes were red, and he snapped angrily.

"I, I, I dare not." Yingzi lowered her head and said in trepidation.

"Tomorrow, let a few international stars come over and start a live broadcast, specifically targeting the mysterious man! I'm going to destroy him!" Longjing said with a stern face and bright eyes.


Yingzi immediately agreed and left the room.

Longjing Yilang sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath.


"Mysterious man? I want to see how long you can dance! How much will the Chen family care about you, an internet celebrity?"

The corner of Longjing Longyilang's mouth curled up into a cold arc...

And just tonight, after Secretary Liu left the clubhouse, he went to the company immediately to send the news that the variety show would start tomorrow.

As soon as the news was sent out, the entire Internet was boiling!It directly rushed to the top of the hot search list!

What's surprising is that Lin Yang's hot search two days ago is still hot now!

As a result, Lin Yang was ranked number one and number two on the entire hot search list!
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! The mysterious man is going to start a variety show tomorrow!"

"And the partner is Lin Ke'er, have you seen that?"

"My God, it's so simple, this is a fairy partner! I must go to the scene!"

"Upstairs, can I follow you?"

"No, because I only have one ticket!"

"Didn't you see the publicity? Teacher Tian Huang also went!"

"Damn? Are you talking about the senior professor of the Imperial Music Academy, Mr. Tian Huang?"

"666, this is a big hit! It's really different from other idol programs. It's a mysterious person, Lin Ke'er, and it's a professor. I'm really looking forward to this program."

The news about the mysterious person's variety show on the Internet spread all over the world, and countless people were discussing it enthusiastically.

And the name of the variety show this time is "Young Musicians."

Besides Lin Yang and Lin Ke'er, the tutors they found also had an important figure in the music industry!

And this master naturally received the news at this moment.

It's just that he doesn't like this variety show very much!

After he received the news of the live variety show tomorrow, a sneer appeared on his face.

"Internet celebrity? Pop queen?" Tai Dou said with a look of disgust: "It's this kind of thing that lowers everyone's aesthetics!"

"Such a cancer should be banned, and they still want me to work with them?"

Tai Dou's dislike for Lin Yang and Lin Ke'er was clearly written on his face.

He closed the webpage, and said with a serious face: "Tomorrow, I must teach these Internet celebrities and celebrities a lesson, let them know what music is!"

Lin Yang had no idea that he was actually being targeted by a leading artist whose name he didn't even know.

As soon as he woke up, he received a call and rushed to the scene.

He sat in the car of the program group and came to the door of the scene.

Looking out the car window, Lin Yang was dumbfounded.

I saw a whole street full of people!
A large area of ​​Wuyang Wuyang, with no end in sight, only the back of the head.

"Why are there so many people?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

"Today is the audition." Bai Ning sat on the side, yawned, and said, "It started too suddenly, I watched the program proposal all night."

"What? And a plan?" Lin Yang listened with a dazed expression.

Bai Ning rolled his eyes and said, "Secretary Liu called me last night and sent me the plan."

"In general, there are three stages in this program."

"The first stage is the audition, then the promotion, and the last stage is for the remaining three contestants to form a team with your mentor to sing."

After listening to it, Lin Yang roughly understood it, and said, "Isn't this the same as the shows I watched when I was a child?"

"Is there even a special plan for this thing?"

"I'm too lazy to tell you, there are still many details." Bai Ning stretched his waist and said, "It's almost here, you go in by yourself, I'll sleep in the car."

The car slowly stopped at the back door of the scene.

As soon as he got out of the car, an assistant greeted him immediately.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, let me take you to the instructor's backstage." The assistant said enthusiastically, "Teacher Tian Huang and Teacher Ke'er are here."

"Tian Huang? Who is it?" Lin Yang asked.

(End of this chapter)

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