Chapter 473 Should You Know?
The assistant covered his mouth in astonishment, and asked in surprise, "You don't know Mr. Tian Huang?"

Lin Yang shook his head blankly, and said, "Should I know him?"

The assistant immediately took out a stack of documents from the bag and stuffed them into Lin Yang's arms.

The assistant approached Lin Yang mysteriously, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Mysterious Man, please read this before we talk."

"Mr. Tian Huang hates young traffic singers the most. He should have prejudice against you. You have to be careful."

The assistant's big eyes rolled around under Qi Liuhai, and two shallow dimples appeared on his face.

Lin Yang glanced at the document and said, "I see, thank you."

"Hee hee, I'm your fan, can you take a photo with me?" the assistant said with a smile.

"Of course." Lin Yang said naturally.

The assistant was overjoyed, took out his phone, raised his scissors hands, and took a photo with Lin Yang with a bright smile.

"Okay, now my friends will be envious of me." The assistant said happily: "By the way, Teacher Mysterious Man, my name is He Tianxin, you can call me Xinxin, and you can call me if you need anything."

"Okay, thank you." Lin Yang said politely.

"Oh, don't be so polite." He Tianxin chatted about the arrangement of the show while taking Lin Yang to the tutor's room.

At the door of the room, He Tianxin suddenly leaned into Lin Yang's ear and whispered, "I won't go in, Mr. Mysterious Man, Teacher Tian Huang has a bad temper, so be careful."

After finishing speaking, He Tianxin stuck out her tongue and slipped away with small steps.

Lin Yang shook his head with a wry smile, and said to himself, "Can this Tian Huang still eat people?"

It wasn't until the moment he opened the door of the tutor's room that Lin Yang immediately understood that this Tian Huang was terrifying.

In the instructor's room, the lights were dim and there was a sofa set.

An old man with flowing white hair and stubble on his face, wearing a loose black gown and cloth shoes, leaned on the sofa with his legs crossed.

He was holding a thick book that looked like a brick. Seeing Lin Yang coming in, he just raised his eyes and let out a sneer.

Lin Ke'er was sitting on the sofa opposite him, her face full of tension, she was motionless.

Seeing Lin Yang coming, she patted the sofa next to her lightly, and looked at Lin Yang with a begging expression on her face.

Lin Yang sat next to Lin Ke'er, leaned into her ear, and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Lin Ke'er shook her head nervously, but did not speak.

"You, the mysterious person? That what... internet celebrity?"

Tian Huang put down the book and gave Lin Yang a sharp look.

"I am." Lin Yang said, "Teacher Tian Huang, hello."

"It's pretty good at pretending." Tian Huang spoke sharply, pointed to Lin Yang's mask, and said, "There's no one here, take it off."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tian Huang, except at home, I won't take off my mask anywhere!"

Lin Yang's face under the mask frowned, and said secretly: "Even if this old man is a master of music, he doesn't have to be so strong in life, right?"

Tian Huang sneered, and said, "Okay, you can't take off your love, it's really not easy to make some money as an Internet celebrity."

He said in a strange way, leaning forward slightly, staring at Lin Yang with piercing eyes, and said, "Do you know what this show is for today?"

"I know." Lin Yang leaned on the sofa and said, "The contestants are all young people, and they selected good young musicians."


Tian Huang slapped his thigh, suddenly burst out laughing, and said, "You actually know what kind of competition this is, so what are you doing here?"

Lin Yang was taken aback, and thought to himself, "Why is this old man so weird?"

He spread his hands and said, "Of course I'm here to be a mentor."

"Mentor?" Tian Huang sneered, and said in a strange way: "How old are you this year? Are you a mentor?"

"I'm 25 this year, is there a problem?" Lin Yang said naturally.

"You are still a young musician yourself, why do you dare to come here to be a mentor?" Tian Huang said with a look of contempt: "You are such an Internet celebrity, you are trying to discredit the music of the great country!"

Lin Yang was about to speak.

Lin Keer who was beside him suddenly tugged at his sleeve and shook his head.

Lin Yang suddenly understood in his heart, no wonder just now Lin Ke'er seemed to have done something wrong, sitting upright, obviously he had been taught a lesson by Tian Huang.

He felt a little more angry, and said: "Mr. Tian Huang, we can't tell who is better at singing, and we can't tell who is better at controlling music."

"Why do you conclude that I'm just trying to discredit Daguo Music?"

"It's fine if you think I'm an internet celebrity and you don't like it, then you should have spoken rudely to Ke'er just now, right? Why?"

Lin Yang's sentences were resounding and powerful, without any cowardice at all.

As a master of music, Lin Yang naturally respected him.

But like Tian Huang, who repeatedly smeared and humiliated him, how could Lin Yang bear it?

Lin Yang tolerated being prejudiced against internet celebrities.

But Lin Keer came out of Zheng'er Bajing Conservatory of Music, and is also Zheng'er Bajing's debut singer.

That's good, they don't distinguish between black and white, and Lin Ke'er reprimanded him so seriously that he didn't dare to speak.

How could Lin Yang endure this?
Seeing that Lin Yang dared to talk back, Tian Huang was taken aback for a moment.

As a leading figure in the music industry, Tian Huang is not only a senior professor at the Imperial Music Academy.

He even has a lot of resources in the music industry and contacts in the entertainment industry!

Right now in the big country's entertainment industry, there are quite a few top players or some record company bosses who are his students.

When he reprimanded any so-called star before, no one dared to contradict him like this!

Now that he was actually contradicted by an Internet celebrity, Tian Huang was stunned for a moment, and then he was furious!

"How dare you contradict me?" Tian Huang glared at Lin Yang, and said, "Believe it or not, I told you not to be on this show at all?"

Lin Yang sneered, shrugged indifferently, and said, "If you have the ability, I can leave."

"You!" Tian Huang's heartbeat speeded up, his chest heaved violently, and he said, "Okay, fine! You just wait for me! I will make you unable to appear on the show right now!"

While speaking, he immediately made a phone call.

The phone was connected, and before the other party could speak, Tian Huang cursed at the top of his voice.

"You are the director of operations, right? Come here! If you don't handle the matter for me, I won't be recording today!"

After finishing speaking, Tian Huang hung up the phone immediately.

The director of operations on the other end of the phone looked bewildered, and cursed in a low voice: "What the hell, who provoked this old ancestor again?"

"Director, what's wrong?" He Tianxin asked from the side.

"Follow me to the tutor's room, that old man Tian Huang has made a fool of himself again."

The director of operations said impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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