My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 474 Respect the old and love the young

Chapter 474 Respect the old and love the young

But at this moment, in the tutor's room, Tian Huang who hung up the phone had a face full of complacency.

He patted his long gown, and said in an old-fashioned tone with a look of arrogance.

"Young people, don't think that after being an Internet celebrity for two days, being liked by so many people, and earning a little money, you feel that you have all the skills."

"I'm very familiar with Secretary Liu, and throughout the program, I'm the one who is in charge of the most professional music reviews."

"Two traffic stars like you, one less is one less, anyway, someone will replace you."

"But like me, the whole big country can't find two!"

"So, as a human being, you have to do well, you have to know how to respect the old and love the young, and you have to—"

"Can you let me be quiet for a while?" Lin Yang made a gesture of silence, and said, "At this age, do you feel uncomfortable if you don't say something every day?"

"You—" Tian Huang stared at each other, then sneered again, and said, "You are self-righteous, self-righteous, Yelang is arrogant! This is talking about you!"

"Okay, since you don't want to listen to my teachings, then wait for someone to come later, and you will know how powerful it is."

Lin Yang sneered, not bothering to talk to the old man at all.

Secretary Liu's program can be said to be for Lin Yang.

If Lin Yang is not satisfied, this whole show doesn't have to exist!
In Lin Yang's eyes, this old man's threat was nothing more than a joke.

"He seems to have hired a high-level executive, can he handle it?" Lin Keer asked worriedly, tugging at the corner of Lin Yang's clothes.

"Don't worry, I can handle it." Lin Yang said with certainty: "Look later, this old man will definitely apologize to us."

"What did you say?" Tian Huang raised his eyebrows and said, "My ears are very good. I have ears for music. Do you think I can't hear what you say?"

"I'll apologize to you later? What are you thinking? Do you think the whole world is your fan?"

Tian Huang lost his temper all of a sudden.

Lin Yang shrugged, and said indifferently, "Then let's wait and see."


The door was opened, and the operations director and He Tianxin walked in.

"Teacher Tian Huang, what can you do?" The Operations Director stepped forward and forced a smile.

But he was thinking to himself, "Why does this old man have so many things, once he comes here, he can't do this or that."

Tian Huang cleared his throat pretentiously, pointed at Lin Yang, and said, "Tell him to go, and find someone else to partner with me."

"What?" The director of operations stopped in Bengbu, his eyes widened, and he said anxiously: "Teacher Tian, ​​the show is about to start now."

"Normal programs are broadcast live, how can we change people? There is nowhere to find someone to change people now!"

Tian Huang snorted coldly, leaned on the sofa, and said arrogantly: "That's your program team's problem, it has nothing to do with me."

"If you don't want to change him, then just change me."

"This, this..." The director of operations looked at Lin Yang in embarrassment, and said, "Mr. Mysterious Man, how about..."

"I can't apologize, you can replace me." Lin Yang said calmly but firmly.

The operation director looked embarrassed, looked at Lin Yang, and then at Tian Huang.

"Don't forget, I passed the review of this program!" Tian Huang glanced at Lin Yang, and said triumphantly: "If it weren't for me, your program would not have passed the review in a big country's media organizations. !"

When the words fell to the ground, Tian Huang glanced at the director of operations threateningly, the meaning was already obvious.

The director of operations scolded his mother anxiously, but he could only say with a smile on his face: "Mr. Tian Huang, the platform for our live broadcast belongs to this Mr. Mysterious Man."

"If we change him, we won't be able to broadcast the show today."

"Nonsense! Fart!" Tian Huang yelled at the top of his voice, "Do you think I really don't understand?"

"There are so many live broadcast platforms now, if you want to find a platform, isn't it very simple?"

"Let me tell you, today is with him without me, with me without him!"

"Whether to suspend the show or change to a live broadcast platform, you can decide for yourself!"

Tian Huang was furious, every word was like a bullet spit out!

The operations director looked at Lin Yang with a puzzled expression, and heaved a long sigh.

He thought to himself, "If the show is stopped directly, then Secretary Liu must kill me?"

The operations director didn't know about the relationship between Lin Yang and Secretary Liu.

According to the general program group, the smooth launch of the program is definitely more important than what kind of judges are invited.

He looked at Lin Yang, and said helplessly, "Mr. Mysterious Man, you saw it too, I'm sorry, please leave now."

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that someone would drive him away in Secretary Liu's place.

Lin Yang sneered, nodded, and said, "Okay, then I'll go first, the compensation in the contract, I hope you can call quickly!"

Since the other party is not benevolent, Lin Yang is naturally not easy to bully!

"Let's go quickly, the Chen family is not short of your money." Tian Huang said angrily: "Didn't you just ask me to apologize to you?"

"Otherwise, if you apologize to me now and make an announcement, I won't care about it."

"No need!" Lin Yang said coldly.

"If you don't want to give you a chance, it's no fault of me." Tian Huang put his eyes on Lin Ke'er again with an arrogant face, and said, "Lin Ke'er, you're the only young musician left who can pass. people."

"Stand up and sing a few lines for me. If you can't sing well, don't blame me for being rude!"

The director of operations was on the side, seeing Tian Huang's arrogant appearance, his heart also burst into flames.

He thought to himself: "What the hell, is this old man trying to stop my show?"

He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Mr. Tian Huang, look at us—"

"Shut up!" Tian Huang glared at the director, and said, "This is none of your business!"

Immediately, he pointed at Lin Ke'er, and reprimanded in an orderly tone: "Sing for me! If you can't sing, get out of here too!"

"What kind of traffic star, what kind of Internet celebrity! It's all rubbish! Defiled the music!"

Lin Ke'er got a little angry when she was scolded.

She stood up abruptly and said, "I'm sorry, Teacher Tian Huang and I really can't cooperate, so I'm leaving too."

After all, she followed Lin Yang and left the tutor's room.

The director of operations took a look, this good guy, there are only three mentors in total, and all the promotional posters are out?

This is great, just killed two of them, what kind of show is this?And the live broadcast platform is gone!
The director looked at Lin Ke'er who was leaving, and was about to chase her out.

Tian Huang scolded again: "Stop! If she wants to leave, let her go. Such a junior doesn't know how to respect the elders at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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