Chapter 475
Seeing the old man's displeased expression, the operation director was also very angry.

But he couldn't say anything, he couldn't scold him, so he simply left the room.

Lin Yang and Lin Ke'er drove away from the recording site.

In the car, Lin Keer said helplessly: "This Tian Huang, I heard before that he has a very temper, and his requirements for music are almost crazy."

"But I didn't expect that after meeting today, how can this person be a lunatic in music? It's obvious that the whole person is a lunatic."

Lin Ke'er pouted, kept complaining about Tian Huang, and muttered: "If you don't go to such a show, you won't go, and if you go, you will suffer."

Lin Yang said indifferently: "Don't worry, it's okay, this Tian Huang will have to apologize to us later, let us go back."

Lin Yang said it firmly.

Lin Ke'er said suspiciously: "No way? With Tian Huang's temper, even if he doesn't participate in this show, he won't come to apologize, right?"

Lin Yang smiled mysteriously, and said, "Let's go to eat first, and you will know later whether what I said is true."

Lin Yang was quite sure about this!

After all, now that he has left the show, the live broadcast platform has to be changed, and the two mentors are looking for new people.

This will definitely alarm Secretary Liu.

As far as Lin Yang knew about Secretary Liu, such a strong woman would definitely make Tian Huang pay the price after knowing this.

Asking Tian Huang to apologize is a trivial matter. If Tian Huang refuses to agree, Secretary Liu may do something!

It was just as Lin Yang imagined.

After the director of operations left, he called Secretary Liu directly with an anxious face.

This variety show was performed by Secretary Liu himself!

Secretary Liu is also the immediate boss of the director of operations!
Now that something like this happened, the operation director's heart was up and down, and he could sing a song in a heartbeat.

After picking up the phone, the director of operations immediately told what happened just now.

With a mournful face, he said with an aggrieved face: "Secretary Liu, listen to me, this is really none of my business."

"It's all the idea of ​​that old man Tian Huang, and I also want to make the show run smoothly!"

At the moment, Secretary Liu is dealing with work in the office.

Upon hearing the news, her face suddenly became gloomy, her eyes flickered, and her tone became cold.

"You mean, you drove away both the mysterious man and Miss Lin Keer?"

"I, I, it's not me, it's Tian Huang, he—"

"I see, the show is temporarily suspended! Don't go to other tutors, and the live broadcast platform will never change! Do you understand?"

Secretary Liu's tone was terrifyingly calm, as cold as the cold wind in December!
The operation director on the other end of the phone was shocked, and quickly agreed: "I understand, I understand, I, I understand."

"I'll handle this matter myself, tell Tian Huang not to leave! I'll be right there!"

After speaking, Secretary Liu hung up the phone directly.

The operations director on the other end of the phone looked at the phone in a daze, and murmured in a low voice: "This, why does it seem like you are going to trouble that old man Tian Huang?"

"Don't change the platform, don't find other people as substitutes, this, this is to let the mysterious man and Lin Ke'er come back?"

Thinking of this, the operation director was shocked, and the cold sweat came down his back.

He muttered wanting to cry without tears, and said, "The mysterious man has such a deep background, you should have said it earlier!"

"It's all right now, I won't offend people too, right? Don't bother me..."

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the director of operations' office.

He said impatiently: "Who is it!"

"I, Tian Huang!"

After finishing speaking, wait for the operations director to speak.

Tian Huang opened the door directly, walked in swaggeringly, and sat down across from him.

He turned Erlang's legs up and said bluntly: "The show can't start now, right?"

"I still have something to do. I have to go back and take a walk with the two birds at home, so I will go first."

Tian Huang said it very easily, as if what happened just now was just a trivial matter.

The Director of Operations looked at him with a sneer on his face, and thought to himself.

"Old guy, don't you know you kicked the iron plate? You still don't know how you died later!"

"Teacher Tian Huang, you have to wait to go back." The operation director said: "We may have to broadcast this show later."

"Besides, there doesn't have to be anything to happen in the follow-up. You can know the situation here."

When Tian Huang heard this, he immediately became impatient and said, "Why are there so many messes? I'm just a mentor!"

"Other problems, you worry about it yourself, it has nothing to do with me!"

"I'm leaving now, so don't talk to me!"

After speaking, Tian Huang turned around and was about to leave.

The director of operations was furious immediately, and couldn't suppress the anger in his heart anymore.

With his eyes fixed, he yelled and said, "Stop!"

Tian Huang was taken aback, never expecting to be scolded.

"What do you mean?" Tian Huang turned his head, stared at the director of operations with a displeased face, and said, "Do you not want to broadcast your show?"

"Let me tell you, I am very familiar with your Secretary Liu! Do you believe that I will call her directly and ask her to come here?"

"At that time, I will lose your job, so don't blame me!"

"Okay, then you can call Secretary Liu." The operation director spread his hands and said, "Do you really think everyone is afraid of you?"

"Tian Huang, let me tell you, you won't be able to leave today! This is what Secretary Liu meant!"

Tian Huang was startled for a moment, completely unresponsive, not knowing what the words meant.

"What did you say? Secretary Liu is looking for me?" Tian Huang was stunned for a while, then laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, I see, that kid Xiao Liu must want to invite me to dinner!"

"You think Xiao Liu will let me leave the show? What are you thinking?"

"Let me tell you, I contributed to the birth of the entire variety show! If Xiao Liu lets me leave, there is no need to run this show!"

At this moment, with a "click", the door was opened!
Immediately, a bone-chilling voice came, making Tian Huang feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and he was stunned.

"The Chen family doesn't need to rely on you to do things! You must give me an account of today's matter!"

Tian Huang couldn't be more familiar with this voice!

Who is it if it's not Secretary Liu?

He froze in place for a moment, his whole body was dumbfounded, he never expected this to be the case!

As soon as he heard the word "Chen family", his heart trembled!

No matter how powerful his connections in the entertainment industry are, it would be a disaster if he met the Chen family!
His forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he turned around slowly.

I saw Secretary Liu wearing a smart black suit, his eyes were cold, like two knives, staring straight at him!
(End of this chapter)

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