Chapter 476 Outdated

"Liu, Secretary Liu, you, why are you here?"

Tian Huang's sincere and fearful appearance was quite different from his arrogant and domineering appearance just now.

Secretary Liu glanced at him coldly, walked to the side and sat down, and said, "If you don't come again, why don't you climb onto Chen's head and pee?"

Tian Huang trembled in fright, and said: "I, I, I dare not, how could I..."

"You drove away the two distinguished guests of my Chen family, why don't you dare?" Secretary Liu tapped on the armrest of the sofa with a playful look.

Tian Huang didn't realize it at first, he was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was Lin Yang and Lin Ke'er!

He was suddenly terrified, and knelt down on the ground with a "plop".

"Secretary Liu, I really didn't know that the mysterious man and Lin Ke'er would be guests of the Chen family."

"If I knew, how dare I let them—"

"Okay, I don't want to hear your ramblings." Secretary Liu interrupted him, and said bluntly, "Find Mr. Mysterious Man and Ms. Lin."

"Apologize to him back then and make them change their minds. Otherwise, your name will not be in the entertainment industry in the future."

Although Tian Huang was unwilling, he had no courage to show his temper now.

He knelt on the ground and promised again and again, too frightened to raise his head.

Secretary Liu glanced at him contemptuously, as if looking at a dog, with a contemptuous smile on his face, and then left the office.

As the footsteps gradually faded away, Tian Huang let out a long sigh of relief.

His heartbeat gradually subsided, and after he calmed down, he realized that the clothes behind him were completely soaked in cold sweat.

"Get up, Mr. Tian, ​​Mr. Mysterious Man and Miss Lin Keer, they may have gone home already."

The Director of Operations was refreshed in his heart, and a vengeful smile appeared on his face.

Tian Huang got up from the ground and smiled awkwardly at the director.

He patted the dust off his body in embarrassment, and said obsequiously: "Director, I was the one who had a bad attitude just now, I'm really sorry."

The director shook his head, and said in a strange way: "No, no, it's obviously my own problem."

"Why is Teacher Tian so polite all of a sudden? Didn't you say that the entire variety show depends on you to broadcast?"

Being ridiculed by the director, Tian Huang could only smile awkwardly, and did not dare to refute.
He had no choice but to suppress his anger, showing a flattering smile, and said: "Director, please stop joking with me, the Chen family doesn't need to rely on me for business."

"That... I still have to rely on you to give me the contact information of Mr. Mysterious Man and Ms. Lin."

The director suddenly realized, shook his head, spread his hands, and said, "Sorry, no!"

How could he not have this contact information?

It's just that the director of operations simply doesn't want to help Tian Huang.

Naturally, Tian Huang also understood what this meant, he searched his body, and took out a bank card.

He put the bank card on the table with a flattering face, pushed it in front of the director, and said, "Well, director, you can do me a favor."

"The value of this card is not much, probably only 10,000+, you see..."

The director looked at Tian Huang, and then at the bank card.

Two phone numbers in exchange for 10,000+, no matter how you look at this deal, it is not a loss.

The director took the card, wrote down two numbers and handed it to Tian Huang, saying: "Teacher Tian, ​​you can go now."

"If Mr. Mysterious Man and Ms. Lin don't come back, there's nothing I can do."


Holding the phone, Tian Huang hurriedly left the office.

And Lin Yang and Lin Ke'er were eating in a restaurant at the moment.

"This French restaurant is still very good. After I recorded the program before, I always came here to eat."

Lin Ke'er put the baked snails into her mouth, and said with a look of aftertaste.

Lin Yang didn't like this kind of western food, but was attracted by the conversation of the two men at the next table.
His hearing was superb, even though the two men at the next table spoke in extremely low voices, they couldn't escape Lin Yang's ears.

These two men, one dressed in flashy clothes, covered in the golden wings of a London boy, were bloated like Michelin tires, bald and fat.

The other one is tall and straight, as if he often goes to the gym, wearing a baseball cap, sunglasses, a black jacket, black jeans and black Martin boots.

The eyes of the man in the sunglasses, through the sunglasses, kept looking up and down on Lin Ke'er.

"Does this woman look familiar to you?" the man in sunglasses whispered.

The fat man also squinted his eyes, looked at Lin Keer, shook his head, and said, "I don't look familiar, why? Are you interested?"

"This is top quality, aren't you interested?" The man in the sunglasses showed a WS smile on his face, and said, "Look at the man opposite him, wearing a mask, he must be ugly."

"Then what are you going to do?" the fat man asked.

"Old rules, you go up and find fault, get the man away, I'll get the woman down, and I'll give you 5 yuan if I succeed."

The man in the sunglasses spoke skillfully, obviously it wasn't the first time he did this kind of thing.

The fat man immediately made an "ok" gesture.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Lin Yang felt bored and didn't want any disputes.

He immediately got up, took Lin Keer by the hand, and said: "Let's go back, and eat something else later, I don't like this very much."


Before Lin Keer could react, Lin Yang dragged her away from the restaurant.

As soon as the two left, the man in the sunglasses and the fat man immediately followed.

At the entrance of the restaurant, the man in sunglasses gave the fat man a look.

The latter immediately understood, yelled at Lin Yang, and said, "The one in front, stop!"

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, ignored him, and dragged Lin Ke'er to continue walking.

"Hey, didn't someone call us from behind?"

Lin Keer stopped and looked back.

When she turned her head, she saw the fat man rushing towards him holding a fist as big as a sandbag, and immediately exclaimed, "Ah!"

The fat man started to run, his whole body was shaking with fat, and the flesh on his face was raised and lowered. His face was so hideous that it made people feel disgusted!
Lin Yang frowned, and immediately stood in front of Lin Ke'er.

At this time, the fist was about to reach the bridge of Lin Yang's nose!

A sinister smile appeared on the fat man's face.

He thought to himself, "This punch is another [-]!"

When he was thinking about how to spend the money when it arrived, he felt a flash in front of his eyes.

The next moment, his fist suddenly stopped in mid-air, and he couldn't move forward any more!
Taking a closer look, I saw Lin Yang was holding his fist.

He was startled, a little unconvinced, and immediately increased the strength of his arms.

It's just that no matter how hard he tried, his hands couldn't move an inch!
"You, you, let go!" the fat man gritted his teeth and stared at Lin Yang.

"If you want me to let go, it's fine!" Lin Yang said coldly: "My friend who told you to hide behind, don't play tricks! These days, the hero saves the beauty, it's outdated!"

(End of this chapter)

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