Chapter 477
As soon as Lin Yang finished speaking, the man in sunglasses hiding behind was startled and said to himself, "How did this kid find me?"

The fat man also looked at Lin Yang with a look of astonishment, nodded repeatedly, and said in a panic: "I, I was wrong, we won't pester you, we definitely won't pester you."

Lin Yang snorted coldly, then let go of his fist, and took Lin Ke'er into the car.

Fatty looked at Lin Yang's leaving back, shook his hands, and said in a low voice, "Why is this kid so strong?"


The man in sunglasses stepped forward and patted the fat man on the shoulder, and said, "You can't beat him?"

The fat man shook his head and said, "Nonsense, I can make a call at night, do I want your money?"

The man in the sunglasses took off his glasses and said with a displeased face: "Damn, it's the first time I miss, I don't believe I can't handle him!"

"What are you going to do?" The fat man said with lingering fear, "He's not bad at it."

"Then he can beat ten?" The man in the sunglasses sneered and said, "Get in the car and follow him!"

While Lin Yang was driving at the moment, Lin Ke'er in the co-pilot turned his head sideways, blinked his big eyes, and asked suspiciously: "How do you know someone is looking for trouble?"

"I heard them talking just after eating." Lin Yang joked, "I have better ears."

Lin Ke'er said with a smile: "Then I will speak ill of you in the future, and I will have to carry you behind my back."


Lin Yang's eyes narrowed, and he said, "Sit down, there are mice coming up."

"What?" Lin Keer was taken aback.

Before he could react, Lin Yang suddenly made a sharp turn, a beautiful drift, and turned into a small road.

"Damn, this kid is also so good at driving?"

The man in sunglasses was driving the car, with his brows furrowed, he stepped on the accelerator hard, and followed.

As soon as he drove into the small road, he saw Lin Yang's car with double flashing lights, parked on the side of the road.

And Lin Yang, leaning against the car, seemed to be waiting for him to arrive.

The man in the sunglasses stopped the car and said cursingly, "This kid doesn't run away?"

He got out of the car with the fat man, and jokingly said, "Boy, are you waiting for me?"

"You're smart! Get the woman out of your car, and you can go."

Lin Yang gazed through the mask, with a bit of teasing, and said mockingly: "Hurry up, I'll just pretend this never happened."

"I'm afraid you don't know who you're talking to!" The man in sunglasses said arrogantly, "Do you know who I am? I'm—"

"I don't care who you are, I don't want to cause trouble." Lin Yang said coldly.

"If you don't want to cause trouble, leave your woman behind!" The man in the sunglasses scolded, "There is no woman I can't get!"

"Listen to your accent, you are from other places, right? This is the imperial capital! Foreigners should treat the people of the imperial capital like dogs and kneel properly, understand?"

Lin Yang became more and more impatient. Ever since he became rich, he has encountered countless such things.

He is really not interested in facing these people now.

"I'll give you one hundred thousand, and this matter will be over." Lin Yang said impatiently, "Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude later!"

"Brother, one hundred thousand! This kid has something." The fat man's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "Otherwise, we'll..."

"Shut up!" the man in sunglasses snapped.

He looked Lin Yang up and down, and the smile on his face became more sinister.

"I didn't realize that this kid is still a rich owner. If that's the case, labor and management want both money and women today!"

The man in the sunglasses made up his mind and said, "Leave 30 and your woman, or I will make it difficult for you to move forward in the imperial capital!"

Lin Yang was furious when he heard the words, he couldn't bear it anymore!

"Sure enough, taking a step back is not a bright future, and people like you will only push you forward!"

Behind Lin Yang's mask, two sharp eyes like knives shot straight at the man in the sunglasses.

Before he could react, he just felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Just as he was about to speak, he found that his neck was being pinched tightly by the opponent!

At this moment, his heart directly reached his throat!
"Cough cough, you, let me go, cough, you... do you know who I am... who...!"

The man in sunglasses grabbed Lin Yang's wrist with both hands, and said while struggling.

Without saying a word, Lin Yang stretched his arms and lifted him up like a chicken.

The fat man on the side looked terrified!
Although the man with sunglasses is not fat, but with a height of 1.8 meters and a strong and straight figure, he still weighs 180 catties!

Looking back at Lin Yang, he doesn't look as strong as the man in sunglasses!

But with such a figure, he easily lifts up the man in sunglasses!This gave Fatty a great visual impact!
"I'll say it again, don't follow me! This matter is over!"

Lin Yang's icy voice was full of chills!

The man in the sunglasses was terrified, but when he thought of Lin Yang being a rich man, and the woman in Lin Yang's car, he would be afraid!

"Fatty, here, give me a hand!" The man in the sunglasses blushed, still gritted his teeth and said, "Kill me if you have the ability!"

As soon as the words fell, the fat man gathered all his energy and punched Lin Yang's temple.

Lin Yang's eyes were fixed, as if he was throwing trash, he slammed the man in the sunglasses on the fat man.



The two were colliding, rolled on the ground several times, and stopped when they hit the curb.

At this time, among the people passing by, more and more people stopped to watch the excitement.

The first mother took a child and watched with relish.

Her son said: "Mom, why don't we find jc?"


The aunt immediately covered the child's mouth and said, "Don't talk, don't meddle in other people's business, what if you get into trouble?"

Everyone stopped to watch the fun, chattering and talking, but none of them went up to persuade them.

Lin Yang saw more and more people, it would be bad if he was recognized.

He glanced at the two people on the ground, got into the car, kicked the accelerator and left.

The man in sunglasses lying on the ground watched Lin Yang leave, gritted his teeth and said, "What the hell, labor and management won't let you go!"

He stared viciously at the onlookers around, and scolded: "Get out! Get out of here! What are you looking at! Have you ever seen people fight?"

The people who watched the excitement around suddenly dispersed.

It's just that many people took photos and posted them on the Imperial Capital Forum...

Lin Yang drove away with Lin Ke'er.

Along the way, Lin Ke'er looked helpless and muttered: "This imperial capital is a civilized city anyway, why is there so much rubbish?"

Lin Yang smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled, and said, "This kind of rubbish can be found anywhere."

"How did these people become like this? Obviously they all received the same education." Lin Ke'er dragged her cheeks and muttered in a low voice.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, thinking of Lin Binbin, and thought to himself: "Everyone is educated, but...everyone's life is completely different!"

(End of this chapter)

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