Chapter 478 City Village

After sending Lin Ke'er home, Lin Yang made a phone call.

The phone was connected, and a low and hoarse voice came from the other end.

"Why did you call me?"

Lin Yang was silent for a moment, then said: "I want to find you, give me your address."

"it is good."

After all, the person on the other end of the phone hung up the phone.

After a while, Lin Yang received an address and drove there.

In a village in the city, the night was dim, and the street was lit with dim light like moonlight on both sides.

Lin Yang stopped the car and looked up at the old apartment building in front of him.

He frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "Why does he live in... a place like this?"

Lin Yang entered the building, there is not even an elevator here.

But the person on the other end of the phone lives on the twelfth floor!

Lin Yang walked in the narrow corridor, and the air smelled of leftovers.

The corridor is full of cigarette butts, and from time to time you can see a few cockroaches running to the corner.

Lin Yang went up the stairs to the twelfth floor.

The door of a house was half open, revealing a dim light from inside, and a strong and pungent smell of smoke.


Lin Yang pushed open the door, and the dilapidated wooden door made a piercing sound, which could be heard clearly in the whole corridor, and even startled a few mice.

Lin Yang entered the room and looked around.

The kitchen and the living room are next to each other. There is an old wooden sofa in the living room, and a wooden coffee table in front of the sofa.

On the tea table, there are two cups of hot tea.

An LCD TV hung on the wall in front of the sofa.

Lin Yang's gaze finally fell on the man in the shadows with his back turned to him.

Seen from the back, the man was thin and crooked, as if he was slumped on the sofa.

"Why... do you live here?" Lin Yang asked standing at the door.


The man sucked heavily on his cigarette and exhaled a puff of thick smoke.

In the dim light, the smoke lingered for a long time and did not dissipate.

"Come here and sit down. If you have anything to say, hurry up and talk." The man said in a hoarse voice, "But... I have nothing to do with the Chen family, and I don't want to get involved."

Lin Yang frowned slightly, walked up to him and sat down without saying a word.

He raised his head and looked at the man in front of him carefully.

This man, who was all the rage back then, had a lot of money and was very handsome.

No matter what, it was hard for Lin Yang to imagine that the man in front of him would actually live in such an old and small place.

Seeing Lin Yang's expression, the man curled up an unspeakable smile, and said, "What? Is it strange that I live in such a place?"

Lin Yang nodded, but did not speak.

The man smiled again, stubbed out the cigarette butt, took out another cigarette, and handed it to Lin Yang.

"I don't smoke." Lin Yang said.

"I didn't expect that you still don't smoke." The man joked: "That's right, you are different from me. You are capable, so you don't need to look at the faces of those people."

"Why do you live here?" Lin Yang continued to ask.

"Do you think I shouldn't live here?" The man tilted his head, his eyes were teasing, and he was smiling with a cigarette in his mouth.

Lin Yang thought for a moment, and said, "With your personality, you probably wouldn't be willing to live in—"

"Lin Yang, come on, don't talk about it." The corner of the man's mouth raised, and he sucked another cigarette hard.

He leaned back on the sofa, looked at the yellowed ceiling, and said, "You know what? After I was saved by you, I figured it out."

"People, there is a fate, no matter what method you use, you can't escape this fate."

"You, Lin Yang! The star student of Tsingbei University! After graduation, you can do live broadcasts. You are proficient in everything, and you will become a hot Internet celebrity in no time!"

"Although he was banned by the Chen family, but once he wears the mask, he is in full bloom again, and he can even try his best to defeat the Chen family!"

The man was beaming with joy as he spoke, and the cigarette ash in his hand shook to the ground.

Suddenly, he stopped what he was doing, stared straight at Lin Yang, pointed at himself with one hand, and said, "But do you know what I am?"

"What are you trying to say?" Lin Yang asked calmly.

"I'm a clown! Do you understand?" The man looked excited, leaned forward, and leaned in front of Lin Yang.

His eyes were red, and under the light, a circle of tears rolled in his eyes.

The man tried his best to hold back his tears, and said with all his strength: "I came from the countryside! I was bullied all the way to university!"

"I thought it would be fine in college! But, I was still bullied! I was bullied because I didn't have money!"

"In the beginning, others called me brothers and sisters, but what happened?"

"I don't have the money to afford to go to parties, and I get rusty once or twice, and later, I become the one that no one cares about."

"Afterwards, without knowing it, I became the one to be judged and pointed at by others!"

Lin Yang looked at him calmly, without saying a word.

Seeing that Lin Yang didn't speak, the man took a deep breath and leaned back on the sofa.

He took a puff and continued: "Graduated and working in various companies, I go to bed later than a dog and wake up earlier than a chicken!"

"The result? I was fired because the labor and management didn't serve tea and water to the classmate of the chairman's son!"

"Do you think that everyone in this world is just like you, born in the countryside, the proud son of heaven, and noble?"

The man stopped, staring straight at Lin Yang, like two sharp knives, about to stab Lin Yang's heart.

"Lin Yang, I'm not as lucky as you. I'm just a clown. If I continue to play with you, labor and management will be finished sooner or later."

"I'm living on my laurels now. It's good to do some small business. Don't come to me anymore, okay?"

The man leaned on the back of the sofa, staring at the ceiling, tears fell from the corners of his eyes to the floor without making any sound.

He also cried without a sound.

Lin Yang was silent for a long time, and the room was also quiet for a long time.

"Lin Binbin, tell me everything you know, and I can—"

"I don't want it." Lin Binbin interrupted Lin Yang and said, "Don't disturb the life of labor and management. I can't afford to play with you."

"I'm just an ordinary person in the countryside, don't play with me, okay?"

Seeing Lin Binbin being so resolute, Lin Yang had mixed feelings in his heart.

Looking at the dejected and vicissitudes of life in front of him, Lin Yang could only sigh helplessly.

He got up slowly and said, "If you need anything, you—"

"No need! No!" Lin Binbin emphasized his tone, and said, "I don't want to deal with any nonsense in the past."

"You have a much better life than me. If you want to drink with me, you can! But, if you want to let me get involved in some shit, then forget it."

Lin Yang nodded, sighed heavily, got up slowly, and said, "Okay, then I won't bother you."

(End of this chapter)

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