Chapter 5 20?not for sale
"How smart!"

"That's what the broadcaster thinks."

"You must not go."

Glancing at those bullet screens, Lin Yang laughed dryly, "You think too much, how is it possible! I really think about it. It's just that matsutake is more important. So, I can only reluctantly let you go."

"I don't believe you! I will find a chance to deal with you in the future."

Knowing that matsutake really had to be preserved, she didn't continue to tangle with Lin Yang, and turned around and left.

"Finally gone."

Lin Yang let out a long breath.


It wasn't long just now, but Lin Yang was really embarrassed by her.

Thinking that the culprit of everything was Xiao Hei, Lin Yang turned to look at it.

Xiao Hei, who was lying on the ground, felt a bad breath, and couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"Fuck, Xiao Hei, you've caused trouble. Run."

"The anchor is going to use you to make wine."

"Anchor, put down Xiao Hei, something is coming to me."

"Xiao Hei will always live in my heart."


Xiao Hei couldn't understand the barrage, otherwise, he might just run away now.

"Xiao Hei, don't look for this girl just now if you have anything to do in the future, she can't help you."

"Xiao Hei, don't listen to him. Stick to yourself! If you need anything in the future, you can go to Miaomiao. Sooner or later you will become medicinal wine."

"Fuck, you're a pit. My waist was broken by you."

"That's right! You are Akina's mountain chariot god, right?"

Xiao Hei nodded his head half understanding.


"Finally climbed to the top of the mountain! I haven't been here for a long time, and the air here is still so good."

Two hours later, Liu Yang, standing on the top of the mountain, let out a long breath.

Because I haven't climbed for a long time, Liu Yang's level has dropped a lot, so now it takes twice as much time as usual.

"666 Ah!"

"It's a great view."

"That's right, I envy the host."

"I really want to climb it by myself, but I can't do it in this fat house."

"Me too, let alone climbing a mountain now, climbing a bed is even strenuous."

"Climbing the bed is difficult because there is no one on the bed, otherwise how could it be difficult."

"It looks like you're single at first glance. After you get married, you wish there was no one in the bed."

"Yes, if there are people on the bed every day, it will really be hollowed out."

"Drought to death, flood to death, we single dogs are tearful."

With the live camera, they can see everything Liu Yang sees, which makes them very excited.

Because it's like conquering it yourself.

"It's useless, before, I could climb up in an hour."


Everyone was excited and admiring, at this time one of them asked about Xiao Hei.

"Anchor, I do drug research, and scorpion venom is very important. I want to spend 20 yuan to buy your scorpion. Is it okay?"


Many people are surprised, because this is really a number that is difficult to refuse.

Everyone waited quietly, they didn't know how Lin Yang would respond.

"Sorry, I don't sell."

Lin Yang glanced at Xiao Hei, who was obediently lying beside him, and said his answer.

"Is it the price? If so, we can negotiate."

"It's not about the price. Even if you give me 50 or 100 million, I won't sell it. It's my friend."

To meet is to be destined.

Before, Xiao Hei chose to live in Lin Yang's house because of his predestined relationship with Lin Yang, so he will not sell it now.

"Like the anchor."

"Like +1!"

"Like +2!"

"Like +10086!"

Everyone spoke excitedly.

They felt Lin Yang's determination, and knew that Lin Yang didn't intend to raise the price, but really didn't intend to sell it.

"I was the one who was abrupt!"

After the man said this, he sent out twenty rockets in a row.

"I have eye contact with Xiao Hei. This is the food money I gave it. I hope it grows up healthily."

Looking at the postscript, Lin Yang was not polite.

He knew that Xiao Hei was indeed very pleasing.

Turning around on the top of the mountain, Lin Yang looked at a miscellaneous branch on the edge of the cliff not far away.

It can't be said to be miscellaneous, but it looks dilapidated.

"Is there anything interesting about this? I don't see anything special about it."

"I can see it. It's some kind of plant. And it doesn't look very alive."

"Upstairs, can you stop talking nonsense? My liver hurts."

"I can see that this is a crooked neck tree. Does the anchor feel that he is not popular enough and is going to hang himself. (Dog head)"

"Fuck! You crow mouth."

"Don't talk nonsense. Be careful that the anchor hangs at your door at night. (funny)"


Glancing at the barrage posted by Doubi, Lin Yang looked determined, "Do you know what this is? It's a tea tree, and it's a very old tea tree."

"Anchor, we don't read much, so you can't lie to us."

"That's right, it doesn't look like a tea tree, it looks like tea grass."


It's in poor shape, exactly like one of those dead branches.

So, they don't believe it is tea tree at all.

"When I pick some and go back to fry them, you will know."

Lin Yang didn't explain too much to them, but carefully collected them.

Lin Yang knew that fresh tea tips were the best, so he planned to collect them, but found that they were all in dangerous places.

This dead branch may not be able to support itself.

"Think about it."

The people in the live broadcast room saw Lin Yang's eyeballs rolling around, so they knew what Lin Yang was thinking.

"Damn it, the anchor is going to come up with some bad idea, Xiao Hei, run away quickly."

"What are you talking about, the anchor regards Xiao Hei as a friend, and will definitely not let him do dangerous things."

"Upstairs, you're new here! The anchor is quite black-bellied."

"Quite? You're new here too!"

"Xiao Hei, we are friends, I am in trouble now, you will help me, right?"

"Xiao Hei, you refuse."

"Don't nod, this is a pit."

"You can't get up if you jump off."

Seeing Lin Yangyu and Xiao Hei talking earnestly, their eyelids twitched wildly.

They knew Xiao Hei was going to be miserable.

They are really in a hurry now.

But it didn't work.

Because Xiao Hei couldn't understand what he said.

So Xiao Hei is doomed to fall into the trap woven by Lin Yang.

Sure enough, they saw Xiao Hei nodded.

"It's shameless, the anchor is really shameless."

"We can't let Xiao Hei be so miserable, let's form a Xiao Hei Protection Alliance."

"I agree, I want to protect Xiao Hei, it's too simple."

"And I."

"Count me in."

"You have all seen that it was Xiao Hei who agreed to me. Since it wants to help me, I can't refuse."

"Fuck, anchor, your skin is thicker than the city wall."

"The city wall? I think it is thicker than the earth."


Ignoring all the words, Lin Yang instructed Xiao Hei again.

Xiao Hei climbed up the dead branch skillfully.

For Lin Yang, the dead branch was too thin, but for Xiao Hei, it was completely suitable.

Therefore, it climbed to the top very easily.

After seeing it, Lin Yang directed it to start operating...

(End of this chapter)

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