Chapter 6
"Large coolie scene."

"Call the labor bureau, the anchor hired underage scorpions to work on the cliff."

"I don't know if Xiao Hei has any last words."

"I hope that in the next life, Xiao Hei will not encounter such a black-bellied existence as the anchor."

Various barrages flew up.

Lin Yang directed Xiao Hei to pick the freshest tea leaves bit by bit.

Chapter 6 Millennium tea tree

Xiao Hei was not used to using the tongs at first, but gradually got better.


Half an hour later, Lin Yang spoke softly.

Xiao Hei nodded, and returned along the dead branches again.

"Anchor, I feel good about this tea, can you sell it to me?"

"Fuck, isn't this Mr. Li from the next room? Why are you here?"

"It can't be hacked!"

"I think it's possible, too."

Everyone was shocked.

Mr. Li is a big boss on the website. He has his own tea garden and specializes in live broadcasting of tea.

He is very familiar with all kinds of tea.

It is a living fossil in the tea industry.

"I had nothing to do when I was free, so I just looked around. It happened that I saw a treasure, and my heart was moved."

Mr. Li was not cold, but explained in a very easy-going manner.

Mr. Li also watched the news before and knew about Lin Yanglai's live broadcast.

At first, he also felt that Lin Yang was not doing his job properly, but after coming to Lin Yang's live broadcast room, he found that he seemed to be wrong.

He didn't do his job, and his live broadcast was really interesting.

Before he knew it, he fell into it.

I also thought of climbing mountains when I was young.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Lin Yang picking tea leaves here, he really wouldn't take the initiative to post barrage.

"Old Li, do you mean this is really tea?"

"That's right, didn't the anchor fool us before?"


Everyone's face felt swollen.

Before, they thought that Lin Yang was talking nonsense, but now it seems that there is a problem with their own vision and they didn't see it.

Seeing those people asking himself, Mr. Li glanced at it again, and responded seriously, "Yes, this is not only a tea tree, but also a thousand-year-old tea tree. I didn't realize it before, the anchor's eyes really It's really powerful."

"Damn it, the anchor is awesome!"

"Tsingbei University's top students are really extraordinary."

"I submit and offer my knees."

"Mom asked me why I was kneeling and watching the live broadcast."

A series of bullet screens appeared crazily.

At this time, Lin Yang saw all kinds of information about Mr. Li, and instantly respected him to the extreme.

"Old Li, if you like it, I'll give you some."

"Gentlemen don't take away people's love, I can't take it for nothing. So, I'll go to your side another day, let's have a chat about tea."


Lin Yang happily agreed.

It is really a great thing to have the opportunity to meet a tea ceremony master.

"That's it for now, little friend, goodbye."


"Anchor, we were really short-sighted before."

"That's right, anchor, after Mr. Li goes, we must broadcast live."

"Yes, we want to see."

"Okay, after Mr. Li comes, I will definitely broadcast it live, and then everyone can watch it."

After agreeing to everyone, Li Yang ended the live broadcast this time.

Many people were reluctant to give up again as before, but before the end of the fight, Lin Yang completely turned off the live broadcast.

They can only chat in the chat area.

"The anchor is really awesome! When I was watching the live broadcast before, those people licked me. Now, it's us who lick me, and the most important thing is that there is no chance to lick me."

"Yeah, it took a long time for other anchors to become popular, but our anchor, good guy, immediately exploded."

"The masters of Qingbei University are really awesome."



"The popularity value of this live broadcast has exceeded 30. It seems that the more people who watch it, the richer the rewards will be. Let's draw a lottery."

Lin Yang was about to draw three times, but the system prompted that he could stud all of them, and the rewards would be doubled.

"Try it."

Quickly, Lin Yang invested all his popularity points in one go.

Soon, Lin Yang heard the system beep.

[Congratulations to the host Stud for his success, he has obtained top tea ceremony skills, and has mastered everything about tea ceremony. 】

After listening to the prompt, Lin Yang felt that there were many things in his mind...

The understanding of tea has also deepened a lot.

"Looking at it this way, I should be considered a tea ceremony master."

Lin Yang looked at the reflection in the well water and smiled confidently.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Lin Yang was startled when he started the live broadcast.

Because the number of people in the live broadcast room has reached a new high.

Just at the beginning, the number of people has already exceeded one million, and it is even rising crazily.

"Worship the boss."

"I wish the big brother good luck and good luck."

"Don't lick it, let me lick it first. Boss, I want to hug my thigh. There is no shortage of pendants on the big brother's leg."

Seeing all kinds of weird bullet screens, Lin Yang was speechless.

"Anchor, where is my wife?"

"Upstairs, you're crazy, are all the beautiful people your wife? That's obviously my wife."

"Draw your sword, I want one to fight ten."

Knowing that they were talking about Lin Miaomiao, Lin Yang said softly, "Miaomiao will not appear in my live broadcast room for the time being."

Before, Lin Yang was injured by Miaomiao, so Lin Yang didn't plan to let her appear in a short time.

"Haha, finally someone can control the anchor."

"In the future, I really want her to appear in the camera more."

"I feel so too!"

"Little friend Lin Yang, I have arrived at the entrance of your village now, where is your home?"

"Fuck, is Mr. Li already here?"

"This speed is too fast."

"This live broadcast room is not bad."

"The popularity is not low."

"Old fans of Li come here for a visit."

Because Mr. Li had said in his live broadcast room that he would come here, many loyal fans of Mr. Li came to Li Yang's live broadcast room, which made the popularity of the live broadcast room explode again.

150 million!

This directly broke the highest record in Lin Yang's live broadcast room.

"Old Li, wait for me, I'll go find you right away."

After speaking, Lin Yang quickly ran out.

Lin Yang respected his senior very much, so he didn't dare to let him wait for him.

"The anchor is good."

"The character is really good. I recognize this brother-in-law."

"Fuck, you sent your sister off again?"

"You are envious, and you are also envious."

"Damn, don't force me, be careful I go to Thailand."

While the audience was teasing, Lin Yang had already brought Mr. Li back to his place of residence.

Lin Yang cleaned up the place before, but he still felt a little embarrassed, because the so-called cleaning up meant cleaning up.

The decadent smell in the room still hasn't dissipated.

"Old man, the environment here is not very good, don't joke."

Mr. Li waved his hand lightly, "What's the matter, the place where I lived when I was young was much worse than here. At least you have a roof here."

(End of this chapter)

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