Chapter 92 Send UFO
"Anchor, why don't you go to the front row?"

"That's right, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see it!"

"I gave away ten rockets! Anchor, let's go to the front row!"

"Yes, yes, let's go to the front row!"

A group of female fans were excitedly asking Lin Yang to go to the front row.

Lin Yang glanced at these aunts and aunts, and almost all settled down and stood in place without moving.

He looked at the fans who didn't like the barrage, and said, "Okay, I'll try to go to the front as much as possible."

Lin Yang squeezed through the crowd, holding Lin Miaomiao with one hand, and pushed towards the front row.

What Lin Yang didn't know was that today's live broadcast was quickly sent online by his female fans.

For a while, the title on the Internet was "Rookie Legendary Anchor, live broadcasting the newcomer king Chen Qiang in the entertainment industry!" "The video went viral on the Internet!

Whether it's Lin Yang or Chen Qiang, both of them are quite well-known on the Internet!
The two actually bumped into each other, which naturally aroused great attention!

For a while, the comments under this video skyrocketed, and this video was pushed to the homepage in an instant.

"Looking forward to Lin Yang and my brother on the same stage!"

"Both are my idols, the embodiment of talent and beauty!"

"My God, Ward! If only they could be on the same stage!"

The video became more and more popular, and more and more people began to comment.

Ever since, a public opinion war that Lin Yang didn't know broke out...

"No, who is this Lin Yang? Why is he sharing the stage with my brother?"

"It's just an anchor, but you still want to catch my brother's popularity?"

"Upstairs, do you understand hammers? Didn't you know that Lin Yang is a boss?"

"Boss? How old is he? Our brother is the rookie king! He also won ten awards!"

"That's right, what achievements does Lin Yang have? You tell me! How good is a live broadcaster in the countryside?"

A scolding battle broke out below the video.

For a time, public opinion on the Internet began to fly all over the sky.

Except for Lin Yang who didn't know, Chen Qiang's company and agent knew about it.

The manager who was in the background was swiping his phone boredly, when he suddenly received a call from the leader.

"How did you do it? Went to the countryside once and got involved with Lin Yang?"

"I don't know if we, Chen Qiang, are taking the high-end route? Is it plausible to be associated with a rural live broadcaster?"

The manager was taken aback, glanced at the stage, and said, "I didn't see anyone broadcast live."

"Fart! The Internet is blown up!" The leader scolded angrily: "I tell you, find out that live broadcaster!"

"Otherwise, this concert will be terminated!"

After speaking, the leader hung up the phone directly.

The manager's heart tightened. Seeing Chen Qiang singing, he felt very anxious.

He gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and said to himself: "Forget it, let's talk on stage first."

At this moment, Chen Qiang was singing perfunctorily, planning to withdraw after singing.

As a result, when he looked under the stage, his eyes were instantly attracted by a girl.

"There are still such sober and refined girls in this village."

"It seems that this trip was not in vain!"

Chen Qiang was overjoyed, and walked towards the girl while singing affectionately.

The girl was wearing a pure white dress. On her delicate face, she had big watery eyes, like a lively deer.

Seeing Chen Qiang pressing forward step by step, the girl's bewildered look made Chen Qiang's heart move even more.

He thought to himself, "This kind of rural girl can come to my bed with a hook?"

"Bring her to the city to have a meal tonight, and she will have something to play tonight."

The dirty thoughts in his heart did not show on his face at all.

While singing affectionately, he walked up to the girl.

For a moment, all eyes were on the girl.

The female fans in the live broadcast room were also not calm.

"My brother is actually looking at our camera!"

"Oh my god, brother is so handsome!"

"It's over, I'm dead."

The female fans in the live broadcast room were boiling.

But Lin Miaomiao beside Lin Yang was a little at a loss.

She hooked Lin Yang's arm nervously, and said in a low voice, "Brother, he seems to be looking at me, what should I do? What is he going to do?"

Lin Yang joked, "Didn't you say he's handsome?"

"Then I can't stand him looking at me like that, he's a bit annoying, a bit rascal." Lin Miaomiao said with a bit of disgust.

"Don't worry, he won't do anything, and he doesn't dare to do anything." Lin Yang patted her on the back and comforted her in a low voice.

When Chen Qiang saw that Lin Miaomiao was actually holding Lin Yang's arm, he felt a little apprehensive.

"Toad wants to eat swan meat!" Chen Qiang sneered in his heart.

He walked up to Lin Yang and Lin Miaomiao, with a hypocritical and friendly smile on his face, and said, "The two look like a couple, right?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Lin Yang and Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao's face turned red up to her ears, she lowered her head and bit her lip.

"It should be... right?" Lin Miaomiao replied with a voice as small as a mosquito, and only she could hear it.

And her voice was immediately drowned in the sound of music and the noise around her.

But Lin Yang held his head high and said loudly, "No, she is my sister."

After the words fell, Chen Qiang saw Lin Miaomiao's appearance again, and he understood in his heart.

"It seems that this girl likes this guy?" Chen Qiang sneered in his heart: "Rural girls are short-sighted. Let me show you how useless this guy is."

Chen Qiang was full of disdain, and looked Lin Yang up and down.

Ordinary clothes can't be more ordinary, and they can't even compare to the clothes of ordinary people in the city.

Looking at this look again, although handsome, handsome.But after all, it is also pure natural and pure makeup.

Compared with the ones that have been made up or artificially modified, they are naturally not so amazing.

Chen Qiang had enough confidence to compare Lin Yang.

He pretended to be enthusiastic and said to everyone: "Since we are brothers and sisters, how about asking the elder brother to come up and sing a song for the younger sister?"

Chen Qiang pointed the microphone at the audience.

When the female fans in Lin Yang's studio heard this, they immediately urged Lin Yang to come on stage!

"My God, are my two idols finally going to be on the same stage?"

"My God, this is a historic moment! I decided not to blink."

"Sisters, keep your eyes open!"

"Anchor, just go up, go up! Please!"

At this time, the male fans who had been silent just now also spoke.

"The old man made a calculation. When this happens, the anchor will definitely start to slap his face."

"Ho Ho, labor and management sent ten rockets to cheer up the anchor!" After this comment, there was an emoji package of ten rockets.

"Upstairs, do you want to lose face? Why don't you just send UFOs?"

Lin Yang looked at this group of funny comparisons, and could only look helpless.

And a group of uncles and aunts around were also chattering, looking towards Lin Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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