Chapter 93
Feeling the eyes of these aunts and uncles, Lin Yang felt a "thump" in his heart, feeling that something was wrong.

Sure enough, many people recognized Lin Yang.

"This is Lin Yang, right? Celebrity, can't he sing?"

"Ouch. Lin Yang is also a big star, so he wants to go up too!"

An aunt in a bright red shirt clapped her hands and yelled: "Yangyang, you're playing tricks!"

"Come on, come on. Go up and play!"

"Yangyang, go up and show them a trick!" The second uncle also booed from the side.

The second aunt saw it, and it was not a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Oh, Yangyang. Listen to what my second aunt said, go up and sing a song!" The second aunt pulled Lin Yang's sleeve and said, "It's not like you don't listen to what my second aunt says?"

Lin Yang looked at the second aunt in embarrassment, and was embarrassed to refute the second aunt's interest.

He reluctantly said: "All right, all right, I'll go up and sing one."

"With the Tian Lai skill drawn by the system, it shouldn't be a problem, right?" Lin Yang thought to himself, and stepped onto the stage.

Lin Miaomiao waved his small fists and said, "Brother, I believe in you! Come on!"

Lin Yang handed the phone to Lin Miaomiao, and said, "Help me broadcast live."

"Okay." Lin Miaomiao readily agreed.

As soon as he took the phone, he said to the fans: "Everyone, cheer for my brother!"

Good guy, as soon as Lin Miaomiao's sweet voice appeared, the male fans in the live broadcast room were blown away.

"Fuck! My goddess is here!"

"Yo ho, wife! Don't worry, I will definitely cheer for our brother!"

"Upstairs, get out! I'm going to use my banknote ability! Fifty rockets to start!" After the comment, there are still fifty rocket emoticons.

"You guys are so serious, you don't give gifts and don't give them real things." A female fan said.

"Idols on the same stage, everyone celebrates! Fifty rockets!"

Good guy, a female fan resolutely gave away fifty rockets, not the kind of emoticons!

"Sisters, unite and send our two idols hot searches! Fifty rocket solitaire!"

"Okay, I'm coming too!"

For a while, the rocket dominated the screen, and the entire live broadcast room was filled with rockets.

"Male fans, are you going to buckle like this?"

"A group of straight men, no wonder they don't have girlfriends."

"I don't know how well the anchor sings. If she doesn't sing well, will she be scolded if she goes on the hot search?"

"What the hell? Do you question me, Master Lin? Have you ever seen Master Lin Yang do something you're not sure about?"

"As a male fan, I'm going to shoot! One hundred rockets!"

"Brother, I support you! A hundred rockets!"

Good guy, male fans and female fans are desperately sending rockets.

Bai Ning was dumbfounded as he watched the statistic soar in the background.

"Oh my god, Lin Yang is definitely going to be on the trending searches. He probably doesn't even know it." Bai Ning said in a low voice.

"Team leader Bai Ning, Lin Yang is really on the trending list!" Bai Ning's assistant said.

"What!?" Bai Ning said in surprise, "So fast?"

Bai Ning reacted immediately, and opened the hot search to read the comments.

"Lin Yang should directly hit the domestic mainstream media this time."

"With this kind of traffic, if Lin Yang can sing well this time, he will definitely become the number one anchor in China!"

Bai Ning is very clear about what this hot search means.

The point is, Chen Qiang is still here this time!

This in itself is an absolute hit!

When Bai Ning saw the comments on Hot Search, his heart tightened.

She looked at the comment area and said indignantly: "How can this be done!"

"Lin Yang obviously hasn't started singing yet, so why is he cursing like that?"

Some fans in the comment area uttered some unsightly and rude words.

"Who is this! xxx. He's actually rubbing our brother's heat!"

"That's right, what double idols? It's ridiculous!"

"A guy who cuts trees and burns wood, actually says he can sing? Ridiculous! Do you believe it?"

Looking at these comments, Bai Ning felt his heart tighten.

"Hurry up, give Lin Yang a review! Hurry up!" Bai Ning said anxiously.

Her assistant immediately began to organize the group members to leave messages on the Internet.

But just relying on Bai Ning and these few people, it's not enough at all!

"No, there are too many fans, I was sprayed to death!"

"Team leader, what should we do? Why don't we spend money to find the navy?"

"What kind of sailor are you looking for? Even if you do, it's useless if Lin Yang can't sing well!" A female member of the crew said with a displeased face.

The team members were chattering, but Bai Ning didn't respond at all.

She looked at Lin Yang on the screen with a surprised expression on her face.

The smile on her face gradually rose, and she clenched her fists tightly, staring at the screen excitedly.

The assistant saw that Bai Ning was silent, and said anxiously: "Group Leader Bai, don't read the comments, hurry up and find a way!"

"There's no need to criticize! Stop it." Bai Ning said.

"What, what?" the assistant asked suspiciously.

"The pot broke?" A female team member sneered, thinking to herself: "Lin Yang had an accident this time, let's see how you are the team leader!"

Bai Ning watched Lin Yang start singing. After Lin Yang's singing came from the earphones, she finally let out a long breath.

"You don't need to be busy, just watch Lin Yang's live broadcast." Bai Ning said in a relaxed tone.

Everyone was startled, not knowing what was going on.

The team member who was slandered just now clicked on the live broadcast with a look of doubt, muttering: "Could it be that Lin Yang can still sing? How is it possible? Qingbei is not an art academy."

After she turned on the live broadcast, she was shocked.

She stared at Lin Yang intently, and said in a daze, "How is this possible, this singing..."

After the people in the whole office clicked on the live broadcast, they fell silent collectively. No one in the whole office spoke, only the excited breathing of everyone.

And at this moment, at the scene, just like this office!
And 10 minutes ago.

When Chen Qiang invited Lin Yang to the stage, he was filled with disdain.

He thought, "I didn't expect this kid to be famous, no wonder this girl can fall in love with him."

"But your fame ends here!"

He picked a song at random and asked Lin Yang to sing along with him.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew he was wrong...

The entire scene was filled with Lin Yang's singing.

This song is the familiar "Night on the outskirts of Moscow"

When the prelude just started, the expression on Chen Qiang's face became even more disdainful.

He was still thinking, "This kind of opera song, this kid can sing it!"

"This is not something that can be sung by ordinary meteor singing!"

The insults on the Internet also started to erupt after Lin Yang chose this song.

But when Lin Yang opened his mouth, everyone shut up.

There are no more reviews online.

Chen Qiang was on the side, staring blankly at Lin Yang, forgetting to sing.

The manager, who was preparing to go on stage, said in a daze: "Fuck! It's over..."

(End of this chapter)

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