The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 146 The Return of the King

Chapter 146 The Return of the King

The next day was the regular meeting of Zhan Dao Capital.

When Long Mingyi entered the conference room wearing Brunello Cucinelli's V-neck T-shirt, Mi Ming and the others' attention unconsciously shifted to Long Mingyi.The originally noisy environment instantly quieted down.

"Continue." Long Mingyi said.

Mi Ming said, "So many tans in one day? Did you fly to the sun for vacation?"

"I took some fire out of the sun." Long Mingyi's smile was particularly complicated, showing joy, joy and success.

Eighteen hours ago……………

Long Mingyi, who was basking in the sun on the hammock by the sea, his phone vibrated.He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a message from Zhang Shujian: Flies were eaten in Dumpling Emperor's store.

Long Mingyi: When?sure?
Zhang Shujian: It's noon today.Someone just messaged me.Now the person who ate the flies went to the hospital.This play is enough for Xue Ting to have a headache.

But it's not only Xue Ting who has a headache, but also Lu Qian.

If the flies were in the stuffing, then Lu Qian would be doomed.

As soon as Long Ming got up from the hammock, he was thinking about what was going on.Dumpling Emperor has not had this kind of operational error for so many years.

Long Mingyi called Lu Qian to inquire about the situation.

"Do you know that someone ate flies at Dumpling Emperor at noon?"

"When?" Lu Qian exclaimed, "It's impossible. Dumpling Emperor has a procedure for making dumplings, and there are hygienic requirements."

"I'm afraid of appearing in the stuffing now. It will be troublesome."

"It's even more impossible. I'm very strict. My stuffing..." Lu Qian stopped in the middle of speaking, "Someone framed me?"

Long Ming held his forehead, "You'd better pray. Now, use your original relationship in Dumpling Emperor and ask about the situation."

After Lu Qian hung up the phone, his heart turned cold.He hurriedly called a few good acquaintances before, hoping to get news that would reassure him.

The message returned as a result is very bad.The person is in the hospital and is being checked.The flies are in the stuffing, and they are very greasy when eaten.

Lu Qian almost vomited at the thought of this scene.He also thought about what would happen.

His factory was held accountable!Compensation for the loss of Jiaohuang, or even rescission of the contract.At that time, Lu Qian would be in crisis.

As soon as Long Ming jumped out of the hammock, he couldn't figure it out after thinking about it.

There is no benefit for Xue Ting to do this when there is no new product to replace the original Jiaohuang dumplings.Without Lu Qian's fillings, there would be no dumplings, so Xue Ting could only close the door.Unless Zhou Jinkun is crazy, he wouldn't do it either.

Is it really just a coincidence?

Xue Ting also felt very hurt, the timing of this incident was too bad.Dumpling Emperor just got off the trending search, and now it is going to be on the trending search again.

"Lu Qian's factory cannot fail." Xue Ting is a practical person as well as a rational person.

Xue Ting took out his mobile phone, he thought twice.There is no practical point in looking for Lu Qian now.Lu Qian didn't have the ability to reverse everything in front of him.

"Hello. Hello. I'm Xue Ting from Dumpling Emperor. Tell Mr. Long to call me back when it's convenient for you." Xue Ting directly called Zhan Dao Capital.

Xuan Siyue didn't dare to neglect, and immediately contacted Long Mingyi.

"Boss Xue!" Long Ming gave it to Xue Ting once.

"Mr. Long!" Xue Ting said, "I'm sorry to bother you. With Mr. Long's ability, you should know about the Dumpling Emperor by now."

"Yes." Long Ming nodded: "It interrupted my nap."

"That's very embarrassing." Xue Ting said half mockingly: "Time is running out, so we will get into the topic. If we want to solve the problem, everyone must contribute."

Long Ming smiled: "What does this matter have to do with me?"

"It's meaningless for you to say that." Xue Ting said, "I might as well go to that Lu Qian directly."

"Okay." Long Mingyi said, "Tell me what you think."

Xue Ting laughed again, "You are digging a pit! To show my sincerity, I jumped into this pit. I will tell this person to shut up."

"Half of a family."

"Talk quickly."

There are many ways to shut people up, and money is one of them.

The reporter rushed to the hospital to interview the person who ate the fly.The man was already packing up.

"May I ask how you feel? Are there really flies in Dumpling Emperor's dumplings?"

"No." The man shook his head, "I must have read it wrong. The people from Dumpling Emperor checked the dumpling and found that it was not a fly, but a pepper shell. They were very responsible and even paid me for the medical expenses, so that I could take care of it. examine."

"Sir, how is this possible?" Some reporters asked without giving up.

"Maybe I misread it accidentally." The man said firmly, "I was disgusted at the time, so I didn't look carefully."

The man rushed out of the crowd and said, "Stop surrounding me, I want to go home now."

"Sir, sir..."

At night, on a road behind the factory, Lu Qian took a box of money to a car parked under a street lamp.

The dim lights shone on the pitch-black car, and the surroundings were desolate, making Lu Qian feel like he was the head of a spy war drama.He came to Xue Ting's assistant's car and threw the box into the back row.

Xue Ting's assistant didn't get out of the car. After Lu Qian put the money, he closed the rear window, started the car, and drove away...

Now, the regular meeting of Zhan Dao Capital...

"We passed a crisis." Mi Ming clapped his hands.

"This matter has something to do with us." Long Ming walked up to the master seat and said, "I can't let the dumpling emperor just fall like this."


"It seems that someone complained yesterday." Long Ming clapped his hands, "Everyone. What we have to do every day is to be ready to find the next opportunity to make money. Yes, in the eyes of others, we maintain high growth every year. But I would say, what is high growth? Your limit is high growth. If we maintain a similar growth rate every year, it is called 'average growth' for us, I don't care if it is for others It's high growth."

"Yeah!" Everyone's enthusiasm rose again.

"Eight years have proved that we are still successful." Long Mingyi said proudly.

Mi Ming shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly to everyone, "That's just 'not bad'."

"Haha..." Everyone laughed.

Long Ming patted Mi Ming on the shoulder and said with a smile: "But we don't have to keep staring at the past. Next, every day in your life, we will make money. We will continue to make money and continuously increase the income Rates. When we beat others, clients would come to us, War Knife Capital, with money in their hands, and tell us, 'Please take our money.'”

"Wow." Everyone swept away yesterday's gloom.

"Now." Long Mingyi said: "Do something that will make our customers feel very happy, something that will make them wake up laughing in their dreams, something that will make our customers take the initiative to send us money."

Everyone acted quickly.

"Welcome back." Xu Chen and Long Ming clapped their hands together.

"I just took a nap."

Mi Ming asked, "How did you recover?"

"It could only be regarded as half recovered." Long Mingyi said happily: "But when I picked up the phone and faced Xue Ting, I suddenly found that I was very motivated. The soldiers came to block me, and I found my original self." .”

Long Ming laughed: "This game is so fucking fun. Whether it is Xue Ting, Zhang Lu, Zhou Jinkun, whoever challenges me, I will knock them down in front of my door and hang them at the door. Tell me People who came later? Don't do stupid things!"

Xu Chen and Mi Ming were also full of energy.

When your boss has "stellar power," he transmits that energy to everyone.

Long Mingyi smiled slightly: "This is not my peak, and it should not be a burden that I am afraid of losing. I still have higher mountains to climb. I will not stop, and these stumbling blocks cannot hinder me."

The dark clouds outside the window dispersed, and the sun shot out its rays from the dark clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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