Chapter 147
Outside the famous hotel in Haishi, Long Mingyi in a dark shirt was standing under a tree, and next to him was Shen Yiren in a suit of Long Mingyi and a dark blue dress inside.The two were looking up at this landmark building, and at the celebrities from all walks of life entering the venue.

People in Vanity Fair laughed and laughed.

"This building is really tall!" Long Ming curled his lips, "Another costly night."

"It's a good deed." Shen Yiren said, "Haven't you always supported charity?"

"I only support those who can truly do charity." Long Ming smiled wryly.

Tonight, is a charity dinner.Local celebrities were invited.

"Mingyi." Bai Jiyong and Bai Angxi walked to Long Mingyi's side.

"Brother Long, sister-in-law." Bai Angxi greeted.

"Hello, Grandpa Bai." Shen Yiren greeted Bai Jiyong.

Shen Yixin followed Bai Angxi to call her grandpa, and her sister Shen Yi was right to call her grandpa.

"Master Bai." Long Mingyi shook hands with Bai Jiyong.

"Why didn't you go in?" Bai Jiyong asked.

Long Mingyi said: "Let's get some fresh air outside. It's about time. Go in."

Long Mingyi helped Shen Yiren to the door, and Shen Yiren took off Long Mingyi's suit and gave it to him.Shen Yiren's gown today is a long dress with an open back and a slim fit. Her beauty and figure are impeccable.

"It's even worse today." Long Ming said in a low voice, feeling that Shen Yiren showed too much.

Shen Yiren also whispered: "You two brothers are really alike. Yanyan is wrapped like a zongzi every day now."

Xu Jingqing came out from the side. Today she was wearing a low-necked light pink dress, which revealed more than Shen Yiren's.

"My heart is balanced." Long Ming sighed.

"Hey..." Shen Yiren laughed out loud at Long Ming.

"Hi, Mingyi." Zhang Shujian came to Long Mingyi and whispered to him, "Some people came from Tianli today. When donating..."

"You have to save face."

"Yes." Zhang Shujian said: "Almost everyone knows about your election as a director. You are no longer an ordinary member. Many people will refer to you."

"I'll watch you and President Wang."

"I don't worry about your work." Zhang Shujian patted Long Mingyi on the shoulder.

After entering the venue, Long Mingyi and Zhang Shujian sat at a table.Bai Jiyong, Wang Canhui and others sat in front.

The host had a humorous opening and directly ridiculed the organizer.

"A gentleman asked me just now, saying that he rarely saw so many people gathered together, but the table was empty. I'm sorry! The gentleman who came to the dinner party, you went to the wrong place, please go to the third floor. If I can’t get enough to eat, and there is a buffet on the fourth floor. Did I find something? This is the hotel’s business strategy. It makes double the money.”

"Hehehe..." The people below laughed.

The host continued: "I told him that today's dinner is the kind that needs to be paid for and still not full. He told me that the idiot next door to his house can't do such a thing."

"Hahaha..." The people below applauded.

"I asked him, how much is the idiot next door worth?" The host imitated that "sir" and shook his head constantly, "He said it's not much, and he still needs his parents to support him."

The host switched to the other side and performed himself and said, "I told him that's the difference. Rich people do it because they eat high-cholesterol food every day, and then run to the gym. The gentleman said, it seems that I can make the fool next door referred to them by doctors."

"Hehe." Long Mingyi laughed along with everyone.

"I told him," the host said seriously, "these people sitting in the audience, they didn't come to eat this meal. They came to let more people eat. They The elite in society, after their own success, choose to give back to the society, and doing so is blessed. Let's see who is more blessed."

The host shouted into the microphone: "One million hands up."

Wang Canhui, Bai Jiyong, etc. are rich and powerful, and those at this level raised their hands.

"80 raise your hand." The host shouted, "It's hard to say what's going on."

Zhang Shujian, Liu Xiangdong and others raised their hands.

Liu Xiangdong still needs to appear in public, he has to prove that he still has strength.

Long Mingyi received a text message from Wang Canhui, with only two words - raise your hand.

Long Mingyi also raised his hand.

Zhang Shujian was slightly taken aback.

Everyone behind raised their hands, including Zhou Jinkun, Jin Xuemin, Jiang Shengguang and others.The moderator didn't let one person just participate and donate nothing.

Zhang Shujian: What's the situation?
In Zhang Shujian's mind, on this occasion, Long Ming's donation of 50 would be enough.He carried it, and the other directors had to follow.It's easy to hate.

Long Mingyi: Let's talk later.

After the dinner was over, Wang Canhui nodded to Long Ming.Long Mingyi also nodded.

The two were silent.

After leaving the venue, Zhang Shujian's car followed Long Mingyi closely, and the two turned into a house, and came to the parking place on the side of the road.

Zhang Shujian and Long Ming got out of the car and stood by the flower bed in the community talking about the donation.

"What's going on?" Zhang Shujian said, "Ming Yi, you're making others look bad."

"Wang Canhui sent me a message." Long Ming said clearly, "Don't tell others either."

"Wang Canhui sent you a message?" Zhang Shujian frowned, "Why did he do that?"

Long Mingyi didn't know. "Maybe to test whether I am obedient, maybe he wants someone to interfere. I can't say exactly what he thinks."

"The president is very scheming." Zhang Shujian admired Wang Canhui very much in his heart. He was very good at planning and manipulating people.

Long Mingyi said, "I have to listen to him."

Zhang Shujian sighed, "We are the same."

Zhang Shujian couldn't get rid of Wang Canhui either.

Wang Canhui will not force you openly, but will let you "subjectively" choose to follow Wang Canhui's path after weighing the pros and cons.You will find that except for the road pointed out by Wang Canhui, there is no easy way for you to walk around.

This is the level.

Once Long Ming was controlled by Wang Canhui, why not Zhang Shujian?Even if Liu Xiangdong loses power, a toothless tiger still has claws.If he is not careful, Zhang Shujian will also be injured.

Back home, Long Mingyi and Shen Yiren talked about their thoughts, and just after changing their clothes and getting ready to rest, Shen Yixin came back.

She didn't go to the dinner today because she wasn't invited.She is not, nominally, anyone's dependent.

She came to the door of the master bedroom lightly, "Sister, brother-in-law, are you asleep?" Shen Yixin asked outside the door.

"No, come in." Shen Yiren asked her sister to come in.

Shen Yixin came in lightly and said, "I have a question, Xiao Xixi asked my brother-in-law about the donation."

"Old Man Bai should have asked." Long Ming nodded, "You can answer this matter like this. Someone asks for it. He can guess who it is."

"Then I'll reply him like this." Shen Yixin nodded, turned and left.

Shen Yiren said helplessly: "It seems that Mr. Bai is still careful. These details cannot be escaped."

"He's also testing." Long Mingyi said, "Let's see if Wang Canhui and I beside him are at peace today."

"If you don't have this ability, you won't be in Haishi for so many years."

At Zhang Shujian's house, Zhang Shujian was reading a book on the sofa, and Xu Jingqing brought Zhang Shujian a glass of milk.

"You have something on your mind." Xu Jingqing put down the milk and said, "There are less than a hundred words on this page. You have been reading it for 3 minutes."

"Madam is as careful as a hair." Zhang Shujian put the book aside.

"Are you worried about Mingyi?"

"Yes." Zhang Shujian supported his forehead and said, "Wang Canhui is also a reminder to me. My most powerful supporter, he can directly influence."

Everyone has their own perspectives and views on the same thing.

"This is really not a good thing." Xu Jingqing said: "He hopes that even if you become the chairman, you will still have to speak for him and be at his mercy."

"We can tell, what about the others?" Zhang Shujian shook his head.

Zhou Jinkun and Xue Ting will also be in a dilemma.

Does Wang Canhui count as the appointment of Long Mingyi's next vice president and future president?
(End of this chapter)

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