Chapter 150
"Hey." Long Youfeng caught the ball from the basket, patted the ground, turned around and hooked, and the ball hit the net.

Long Mingyi and Shen Yiren outside the court were cheering for their son.Long Youfeng looked at his father, and clapped hands with Long Ming.

龙游峰今天的比赛是U8比赛,他们的队伍今天可是遇到了劲敌。虽然双方比分上差了2分,可篮板球输了5个,封盖输了4个。龙游峰对位的中锋身高已经1米7多了。龙游峰完全被他压制。只能用中射程和勾手得到几分。要不是龙游峰他们的后卫几个高难度的远距离投中, 早就被大比分领先了。

That big black guy is not only taller than Longyoufeng, but also has an unusual "tonnage".He sat down hard, and he was able to get Longyou Peak out of the field.

Long Youfeng was about to be beaten up.

Shen Yiren covered her eyes, she couldn't bear to see the child like this. "Is he Mori Shigehiro?" Like many girls, Shen Yiren's basketball enlightenment came from anime.It was because of Rukawa Kaede that I watched "Slam Dunk", and it didn't end a single episode.

"I look more like Atsushi Ziyuan ("Heizi's Basketball")." Li Ruirui, a substitute next to him, said: "Fengfeng was completely suppressed."

This is the generation gap.

Long Ming shrugged one by one, "This height and weight are called talents, there is no way."

During the break, Long Ming clapped his hands.He communicated with the coach and changed his formation.

"Son." Long Mingyi said, "It's time to test your shooting range."

Long Youfeng nodded heavily.

Playing again, Long Youfeng started to catch the ball at a high position.This change affects the opposing center.

If the center puts forward to defend Long Youfeng, Long Youfeng can respond from a high position and let his teammates get inside to score.If the center didn't come out, Long Youfeng shot directly from the high position.When defending, it was changed to double-teaming, and Long Youfeng and the forward defended the opponent's center together.After all, they are children. No matter how strong they are, they can't carry two children. The opposing center is in trouble on the offensive end.

After playing on the basketball court that night, Long Mingyi pointed out Long Youfeng's shortcomings. This time, Long Youfeng got a chance to turn defeat into victory with his new skills.

Shooting from distance also affects the opponent's defensive rebounds.The farther you throw it, the more likely it is that the ball will collapse.The opposite center moves slowly and is about to fail.

After a few shots, the opposing coach called a timeout.Had to replace the center forward and switch to small tactics.

The opponent changed their tactics and became Long Youfeng's home court. His power under the basket suddenly rose.Pass the ball when double-teaming, and the high post has range.The opponent was not good at defending, and the main force went off the field again, making the others unwilling to fight, and surrendered after a while.

"The fast Jokic." Long Ming said with a smile: "The walking 'lean meat'."

Long Youfeng and his teammates were celebrating, he looked to the side, only Shen Yiren was left.His father was gone, and he was still a little lost in his heart.

As soon as Long Ming came to a fence on the third floor outside the arena, Xu Chen and Han Yun were waiting for him there.

As soon as they met, Han Yun said, "Mr. Long is really a good father."

"Today's game is very important." Long Mingyi said: "Of course, our 'game' is equally important."

"After all, family ugliness should not be publicized." Han Yun said, "Since Mr. Long already knows all the ins and outs, I won't say anything."

"This is the attitude of cooperation." Long Mingyi said: "But it doesn't really make any sense. Gravity is Lu Yuncheng's company. Does Bai Xiaoshuang count? No matter how profitable I propose, Lu Yuncheng will choose it." The one of Liao Linlin."

Han Yun was taken aback for a moment, then understood. "Will the two of them figure it out?"


Han Yun's expression didn't change, "If it was easy, I wouldn't be looking for Mr. Long."

"I'll think about it carefully." Long Mingyi said: "Tell Bai Xiaoshuang that no matter what I propose, she will oppose it, and she will not express her opinion on what Zhou Jinkun proposes. We will not meet in the future, but someone will Keep in touch with both parties. There is only one way to survive.”

"If you want to be close, you must first go far." Han Yun already understood what Long Mingyi meant.

"Miss Han has a bright future." Long Ming nodded in admiration. "If you don't want to do it in gravity, I welcome you here."

As soon as Long Ming turned and walked down the stairs, Xu Chen and Han Yun also turned and left.

As soon as Long Ming walked back to the court, Long Youfeng was packing his things.

"Good job." Long Ming said to his son.

"Hmm." Long Youfeng was obviously not happy.

"What's wrong?" Long Mingyi sat next to his son and said, "Because I left for a while?"

"Half." Long Youfeng said, "I want to celebrate with you."

"This is just a small victory in your life. In the future, when you win a big victory, Dad will accompany you." Long Ming touched his son's head and said, "Let's celebrate tonight, shall we?"

"Okay." Long Youfeng nodded.

"The other half are not happy."

"A scout went to see the opposite center. I chatted with his father for a while." Long Youfeng was even more disappointed.

"Aha." Long Mingyi knew that it was due to his pride.He put his arms around the shoulders of his son Long Youfeng and said: "There are geniuses in this world. Everyone knows that his template is O'Neill. But he has shortcomings! Now, you don't have a template!"

Long Ming put his arms around his son's shoulders and said to his son: "I don't know who you will grow up to be, and the scouts don't know either. Yao, Antetokounmpo, James, Kobe or Curry. You have athletic ability, and you can grow up like that. dribble, range, passing vision, or you are you. You shouldn't look like anybody."

Long Youfeng's expression gradually softened.

"Show some grace." Long Mingyi encouraged his son.

"Dad, you're right."

The scout came to Long Mingyi and held out his hand. "Hello."

Long Ming stood up and stretched out his hand at the same time, saying, "Hello."

"I watched your son's game throughout." The scout said, "It's great. He can do almost everything, and he will be an all-round player in the future."

"Thank you for the compliment."

The scout said: "That's right. We have a basketball summer camp in the summer vacation, and some domestic children will participate. We don't reject all comers. We only select good seedlings with hope."

"That's awesome." Long Ming looked at Long Youfeng and blinked his left eye.

Long Youfeng was instantly happy. "I want to go." Long Youfeng nodded firmly.

As a mother, Shen Yiren loves and misses her child a little bit.After all, this is closed management, and it is not easy to see children.The child is still young, and I don't know if he can adapt.

"If the child wants to go, I will definitely support him." Long Mingyi said.

"This is my business card." The scout handed the business card to Long Mingyi.

Long Ming took it with both hands, looked at the business card and said, "Thank you." He also returned a business card.

"War Knife Capital?" The scout smiled, "Your son has made great progress."

Basketball training is a commitment.Hardware such as sneakers and basketballs, and good coaches to guide these software all cost money.

The father and child of the opposite center were not very happy.Basketball camps are expensive.The scout's business card was clutched in the boy's father's hand, crumpled like his heart.

Long Ming walked up to the father and said, "I watched your son's game, it was great."

The boy's father stood up and shook hands with Long Mingyi politely, "Your son is also very good."

"That's right." Long Mingyi said: "I am willing to pay for your son's training expenses. But there is a condition. I train him so that after he becomes a talent, he will bring me benefits in the future. Some of his future business I will be in charge of the contract."

"Of course." The boy's father nodded.After all, there are very few who can really play in the domestic top league CBA, and most of them play in other club leagues.

This training model is very common abroad.By subsidizing an impoverished sports talent in exchange for his future success signing rights.This kind of investment, ten out of one is profitable.

The boy's father introduced: "My name is Yan Han, and my son's name is Yan Xing."

"Long Mingyi." Long Mingyi also introduced his son. "Longyou Peak."

Yan Xing and Long Youfeng turned from opponents on the court to friends in the training camp.

This move by Long Mingyi laid a solid foundation for the Haishi "Gemini Stars" who ruled the basketball league for 20 years 5 years later.His mirage team made a lot of money as a result.

(End of this chapter)

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