Chapter 151 Rebellion
The food substitution plan proposed by Xue Ting for the second time was rejected.This time it was Wang Annian who took the lead in vetoing it.

Xue Ting had to ask Wang Annian what was the reason.Originally, he thought that everything would be supported, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face.

Xue Ting went directly to Wang Annian's office and pushed Wang Annian's door open.

"President Wang." Xue Ting sat in front of Wang Annian and asked, "Why didn't you pass?"

"Don't worry." Wang Annian closed the door and made another cup of Kung Fu tea for Xue Ting.

"If you don't succeed after a long time, there will be problems." Xue Ting reminded Wang Annian.

Wang Annian drank a glass by himself, "Of course I know this." He was very embarrassed, "But you have to know, this is not a decision made by the chairman."

Wang Annian is also a person who has been in business for many years. He will not go back to stand up to thunder and block guns.

"You have changed too much. From the beginning, some directors have been quite critical." Wang Annian explained: "No one dares to take the blame! Including me."

"At this time, shouldn't we take a bigger step?" Xue Ting called up the stock price of Dumpling Emperor from his mobile phone, "Look, it's this virtue again today."

The stock price of Dumpling Emperor is falling every day. Although it doesn't make everyone's heart bleed like a few days ago, but now it is simply "death".A drop of 1% to 2% a day will kill you in the long run.

"The market is watching." Xue Ting said: "They are waiting to see whether our new products can reverse the decline."

"Mr. Xue." Wang Annian said: "Everyone's demands are different. You are paid, and you have equity incentives for your good performance. These directors and shareholders have a lot of money and lives in the dumpling emperor. You have to let them accept your offer. Risky behavior."

Wang Annian is reminding Xue Ting: You will just resign and leave when the time comes.These people who hold the shares of Jiaohuang have suffered heavy losses.Most shareholders and directors will not gamble with you.

"Once everyone becomes dissatisfied with you." Wang Annian already had a somewhat threatening tone, "You don't have a secure seat."

The situation of Xue Ting today is not different from that of Li Ao at that time.

Among the shareholders of Dumpling Emperor, there are a small number of old guys who started the business together with Lu Qian and Lu Rang's father. They are relatively conservative and will not take big risks.

Xue Ting's drastic move to "Lu" has already made them dissatisfied.In the minds of a small number of shareholders, the Emperor of Dumplings is named Lu, and the Emperor of Dumplings has to make dumplings.

"Do they have that much influence?" In Xue Ting's eyes, this group of people was just a mob. He really didn't think that this group of people could become an obstacle, after all, no one can get along with money.

Wang Annian reminded Xue Ting, "These people also pay attention to feelings. They are proud of creating the 'Emperor of Dumplings'. Now this 'Emperor of Dumplings' is going to become the 'Emperor of Mantou', do you think they will agree?"

"Then I'll make the 'Steamed Bun Emperor'!" Xue Ting said, "In this way, they will have the same glory."

"Then I can only hope you succeed." Wang Annian put down his teacup.

After Xue Ting left, Wang Annian tapped his leg with his index and middle fingers.He is not listening to the play, but in the "play".

How should this "play" end?Wang Annian was not sure either.

It was he who gave Zhou Jinkun a chance, it was he who arranged for Lu Rang to approach Zhou Jinkun, it was he who felt that everything was possible in his hands.After all, Zhou Jinkun won't be here all year round, and Lu Rang is an idiot after all.

Now things are moving towards a situation beyond his control.He didn't know where he would be sent in this vortex.

As soon as Long Ming got the news, Dong Li told Long Ming that Xue Ting's plan was rejected by the board of directors.

This was beyond Long Mingyi's expectation.He didn't expect that Zhou Jinkun and Xue Ting would dare to do such a big thing despite their poor control over the dumpling emperor.

"Zhou Jinkun is either crazy or stupid." Mi Ming laughed at Zhou Jinkun, "He wants to arbitrage such control."

"In the original situation, he really might succeed." Long Mingyi said: "Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty is the emperor no matter what, so he can 'take the emperor to order the princes'! As long as Lu Rang can still be in the position of dumpling emperor, he can Introduce some plans to get Zhou Jinkun out."

"History is always surprisingly similar." Mi Ming asked, "What should we do?"

"Prevent Zhou Jinkun from setting up another 'new emperor'." Long Ming glanced at Mi Ming.

"Lu Qian?" Mi Ming tilted his head and thought for a while, "It's really possible."

"Very likely!" Long Ming stood up together and said, "If Lu Qian is allowed to come back and take charge of the store business, then Lu Qian will come up with a plan..."

Mi Ming shook his head, "Will Lu Qian agree? Isn't he particularly opposed to quick freezing?"

"That depends on how persistent he is." Long Ming didn't have confidence in Lu Qian either. "Let's see whether he is adhering to his father's will, or he is sanctimonious."

"Let's take a gamble." Mi Ming said, "I guess he follows his father's will."

"Then I'll just bet on his sanctimoniousness."

"Win or lose 50 yuan." Mi Ming said: "Then I win, you have to sing a song."

"Okay." Long Ming nodded.

Xue Ting found Lu Qian.He's also a smart guy.If going to "Lu" fails, first find "Lu" to be a puppet.

At Lu Qian's house, no dumplings were cooked today.On the opposite side of the dining table, Xue Ting only had a cup of tea floating on the water in front of him.

Good tea is generally not easy to float on the water.It is estimated that Lu Qian just grabbed a handful and made Xue Ting a cup of tea.

Xue Ting didn't take it seriously, he explained his intention: Lu Qian returned to Dumpling Emperor and kept the store cooperation unchanged.Lu Qian cooperated with the pastry master to launch new products, and the new products are still from Dumpling Emperor.

"Why should I agree?" Lu Qian smiled and said, "I have to agree to what you say? I changed my father's dumplings into steamed buns. Many people have said that they want to eat raw fried steamed buns."

"Mr. Lu." Xue Ting persuaded him: "Times will change, and Dumpling Emperor's diversification has its soil. Many of the same type of stores not only buy all kinds of side dishes and noodles, but some have even started to sell rice. Anyway, I What is sold is still made from noodles.”

"That's someone else." Lu Qian didn't back down, "They're not called Dumpling Emperor! Customers come to my shop to eat dumplings. You let them eat buns?"

"Mr. Lu." Xue Ting gave Lu Qian a critical blow. "Have you always wanted to be in the name of your father?"

"Any questions?"

"No matter how you make dumplings, the name 'Dumpling Emperor' belongs to your father." Xue Ting said: "Now, I am giving you a chance. You can have your own name. You can create your own brand Let the dumpling emperor, which is gradually going downhill, because your product has returned to glory. You are the one who turned the tide of the Lu family."

What Xue Ting said was really what Lu Qian thought.No one wants others to call him someone's son, including Lu Qian.

If given the chance, he certainly hopes that he can become the "Dumpling Emperor"!
"Why should I trust you?" Lu Qian asked, "After all, I have a strong partner."

"Long Mingyi?" Xue Ting shook his head, "Do you think there is any difference between him and Mr. Zhou Jinkun?"

Xue Ting said with a smile: "Don't forget, he is engaged in investment and needs to make profits, not catering. According to your method, will Dumpling Emperor make money in a short time? If your method will make money in a short time , it was Lu Rang who was eliminated at that time, not you."

Lu Qian was noncommittal.

"You have to know. Long Mingyi may sell the dumpling emperor for a good price, or he may use the dumpling emperor to acquire many companies to make the overall value very valuable. He will quit after making money. But for sure, he will not make dumplings peacefully. " Xue Ting said clearly: "I am the general manager of Dumpling Emperor. I am good only if Dumpling Emperor is good. I will not destroy my 'winning streak record' for anyone. You should be able to tell who is the winner. people with the same interests.”

Lu Qian nodded.He will carefully consider Xue Ting's words.

Xue Ting was satisfied, which meant that Lu Qian was tempted.

(End of this chapter)

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