Chapter 154
Lu Qian arrived at the hospital in his middle-class car.Distraught, he walked around the parking lot twice before finding a parking space.This made his heart burn even more.As soon as he parked the car, he trotted all the way into the inpatient department.Lu Qian, who was anxious in his heart, no longer cared whether he bumped into a doctor or a patient on the way, and squeezed into the elevator all the way.

In the ward, Lu Rang lay quietly on the bed, and the instrument showed that his vital signs were fairly stable.Liu Li was guarding Lu Rang by the bed, and the nurse wrung a towel beside him to help Lu Rang wipe his body.

Lu Qian gently opened the door, and he slowly approached Lu Rang.

After all, they are brothers, after all, they are siblings, after all, they have childhood memories of drinking a bottle of soda together.

Now that my younger brother is lying motionless on the bed, what hatred can't be resolved?
Liu Li got up, mixed with shame and gratitude, and called out, "Brother."

"Brother's bride." Lu Qian said softly, "How is he?"

"It's okay." Liu Li's face became haggard.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Li said honestly: "Heart disease."

Liu Li is telling the truth.Ever since he was kicked out of the board of directors, Lu Rang was furious.When he saw that Xue Ting was going to change the product, he almost couldn't get it right.No matter what Lu Rang proposed, it was dumplings, he never thought that one day the Emperor of Dumplings would sell anything else.But if the Dumpling Emperor becomes the Mantou Emperor, he, Lu Rang, will be a prodigal son. How can he face his father after death?

Under the depression, Lu Rang's condition became worse day by day.

He was downstairs watching TV yesterday and wanted a cup of tea.He jumped up, dizzy, and fell to the ground.The nanny at home hurriedly called 120.After being sent to the hospital, the doctor rescued him for a while.Lu Rang has been in a coma, and he doesn't know when he will wake up.

Lu Qian stayed with him for a while, and talked to Lu Rang, but Lu Rang didn't respond at all, and now he doesn't know anything.Lu Qian couldn't bear to watch, he wiped away his tears and prepared to leave.

Liu Li followed behind and sent Lu Qian out.

"Just tell me if you need anything." Lu Qian said, "In this world, he is the only family member I have."

"Brother. Thank you." Liu Li nodded her thanks, "I didn't expect you to come and see Lu Rang."

"No matter how much there is a festival, it is the two brothers who are angry. It will never be to the point where you will die." Lu Qian said very sadly, "I don't want him to be like this. I failed my father and didn't take good care of him."

Liu Li nodded and kept wiping away her tears.

Lu Qian returned home with a heavy heart.After unfastening his seat belt, he sat in the car for a long time unable to move.

Why is my brother like this?He thought about Lu Rang's retribution, but he didn't expect it to be such a heavy retribution.Lu Qian was even blaming himself, he shouldn't have cursed his brother.

The car on the opposite side shook its headlights, signaling to Lu Qian. .

Lu Qian recognized this car as Long Mingyi's Land Rover.

After getting out of the car, Lu Qian went straight to Long Mingyi's co-pilot and opened the door to get in the car.

"Have you visited Lu Rang?" Long Ming said.

"I've seen it." Lu Qian felt guilty, "I shouldn't. I shouldn't want to deal with him."

"It's Lu Rang's own fault."

Lu Qian sneered, "Long Mingyi, how are you and I better than Zhou Jinkun? My brother's behavior today has nothing to do with us?"

"It has something to do with it." Long Mingyi said, "The only pity is that he is on the opposite side."

"You..." Lu Qian's fists were clenched.

"Lu Qian." Long Mingyi said calmly, "What happened to your brother is because of his own loopholes. It's not that I framed him or harmed him."

Long Ming grabbed Lu Qian's arm and said, "If you change places, do you think Zhou Jinkun won't force you to death?"

"Maybe!" Lu Qian shook off Long Mingyi and said, "I heard what Liu Li said. Zhou Jinkun tortured Lu Rang psychologically."

Long Ming nodded, "I dealt with Lu Rang as a routine method. You also said at the time that you would attack. Our purpose is to get him to step down! It was Zhou Jinkun who really defeated him! He stabbed Lu Rang in the back. Give up support He sacrificed him."

Lu Qian held his forehead with his hand.What Long Mingyi said was unreasonable.It was Zhou Jinkun who provoked brotherhood, it was Zhou Jinkun who used Lu Rang's position to prepare for arbitrage, and it was Zhou Jinkun who pushed Lu Rang to be on the cusp.And it was Lu Qian who attacked Lu Rang.

"What you should be thinking about now is how to avenge your brother." Long Ming pointed at Lu Qian and said, "Who is your enemy?"

"Zhou Jinkun!" Lu Qian said, "The source of everything is Zhou Jinkun!"

"It's good that you know!" Long Mingyi said, "I never thought that you would actually run to him."

"It's Xue Ting..." Zhou Jinkun confessed everything to Long Mingyi. "Xue Ting will give me the opportunity to become the new 'Dumpling Emperor'."

"Then what do you think? What do you think Xue Ting is?" Long Mingyi said: "Xue Ting will kill chickens and eggs for his 'winning streak'. Once the new product cannot increase profits in a short time, he will take advantage of the low debt of Dumpling Emperor. Get loans or other financing methods, open new stores, and then increase your own profits. Dumpling Emperor will open more stores, and opening more stores in a short period of time may drag down the entire company and get you into a quagmire."

"My factory can't do it." Lu Qian said: "Even if it reaches the peak productivity, it can only supply ten more stores."

"Do you think he is just for you to supply?"

"My God." Lu Qian came to his senses, "If I need to expand production, I will naturally need financing. Whether it's pledging the shares of Jiaohuang or direct investment from Jiaohuang, my factory may change hands."

"At least the formula is still in your hands." Long Mingyi said: "But if you are going to go bankrupt, your formula will no longer be able to keep. At that time, you will not have any bargaining chips!"

"It's dangerous." Lu Qian broke out in a cold sweat.

"You are not young! You would naively think that Xue Ting would treat you softly."

"I'm so stupid." Lu Qian said, "Mr. Long, what should I do now?"

"You are now in a mess." Long Mingyi said calmly, "The new product you developed will be kicked out if it is completed, and your new product will be kicked out if it fails..."

"So, I should leave now." Lu Qian said: "After all, I haven't officially joined the job yet."

"You react quite quickly."

Lu Qian said, "I just need to excuse my illness."

Lu Qian's excuse made Xue Ting fly into a rage.Lu Qian did have high blood pressure. Hearing that his younger brother was seriously ill, he became very anxious. Now he is bedridden, and Xue Ting has nothing to do.

You can't tie a patient to work, can you?And this person is from the Lu family.

The directors and shareholders of Dumpling Emperor, how can you force a member of the Lu family down again?
Lu Qian "generously" resigned without asking the Pope for a penny.Lu Qian's factory is already on track, and someone from the company can take care of it, so it won't affect production.

Lu Qian gave himself a big vacation. He doesn't like socializing on weekdays, and he can stay at home alone.

But Xue Ting couldn't bear it.

Xue Ting really threw out a plan to add new stores. He asked Lu Qian if he could increase production. If the current production level is not enough, Dumpling Emperor can inject capital.

Lu Qian especially admired Long Mingyi.He had already anticipated the development of this matter one step in advance.

Lu Qian explicitly rejected Xue Ting, and he told Xue Ting that his production limit was like this.Limited by the recipe requirements, he was unable to expand the filling capacity.

Xue Ting's wishful thinking came to nothing.Can't go in, can't go back.

He was in trouble.

If Xue Ting wants to break the situation, he must have a miracle.

(End of this chapter)

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