The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 351 Investigating Clues

Chapter 351 Investigating Clues
Shen Yiren and Zhang Yueqian were busy with Dilu's affairs, Long Mingyi and Mi Ming were still busy with Peak's affairs.

The "information team" fed back a lot of content for Long Mingyi.

At that time, all the money in Yang Xifeng's hands was indeed placed with Long Mingyi.However, there is still a sum of money left.After many investigations, after the accident, Yang Xifeng got the benefit from Zhou Jinkun. Because Yang Xifeng was about to get divorced, the money was not deposited into Yang Xifeng's account, but into Yang Xifeng's parents' account.The next year, Yang Xifeng's parents bought a new house in their hometown with this money.His sister also used the money to change houses.

This amount of money is about 200 million, which is not much, at least for people with Yang Xifeng's status, it looks more like a formal settlement fee.

In the woods next to the embankment, a commercial vehicle was parked there. Long Mingyi and Mi Ming were sitting in the seats, and Ling was talking to them.

Long Mingyi said: "In other words, Zhou Jinkun should still owe Yang Xifeng."

Zero nodded.

Mi Ming said, "How much do you owe?"

"Linghai has invested [-] million yuan. Zhou Jinkun is also indispensable." Long Mingyi said: "What's more, Yang Xifeng has carried this matter alone. Zhou Jinkun has to give him a lot."

Mi Ming said: "It seems that maybe eight digits can't solve it."

"Now it is very difficult for Zhou Jinkun to spend nine-figure money." Ling said: "The funds in Zhou Jinkun's hands are not easy to investigate, but it is estimated that there will not be a lot of funds that can be used. The monitoring of him has not been released so far. You As long as you register there, they will keep an eye on you."

Mi Ming said: "So this time Taixiang, Zhou Jinkun should only use tens of millions."

Long Ming nodded, "Okay. Continue to stare at him." Long Ming patted the travel bag under his feet.Zero nodded.He and Mi Ming got off the business car and walked far along the river bank.

Zero opened the travel bag, which contained cash from several countries, cold storage electronic currencies and precious metals.This is zero pay.

"What do you think?" Long Ming, whose windbreaker was shaking in the wind, asked Mi Ming.

"I, 'Yuan Fang', don't understand." Mi Ming said, "We left Linghai only half a year ago, and the two of us had no interaction before. Why did Zhou Jinkun and Yang Xifeng become gangsters in this matter?"

"The angle of 'Yuan Fang' always has its own characteristics." Long Mingyi said: "The two of them may have been introduced by someone. Didn't Chu Tianfang find someone? It was found that Yang Xifeng went in because they hooked up. Is it the woman who should be offended?"

"That woman?" Mi Ming said, "Could it be that woman who contacted the two of them?"

"Maybe, check it out." Long Mingyi said: "Many times, even if you go in the wrong direction, you will still get news. At least it is news that proves that your way is wrong."

"Okay, I'll take care of this." Mi Ming said, "Find out who this big sister is."


Yu Wei and his friends gathered in the KTV, and the few friends who came this time were all new friends from a lawyer group he joined recently.Everyone took a picture, and many of them came with girlfriends and wives.

Yu Yanyan has class tonight, so Yu Wei went alone.Yu Wei in the corner felt a little lonely.The slightly drunk person next to him said: "Yu Wei, do you want to find you a girl to accompany you?"

"No need." Yu Wei said, "It's fine for me to do this."

When it was ten o'clock, Yu Yanyan hurried over after class.Yu Wei came to the KTV gate to pick up Yu Yanyan.

"I'm sorry. I didn't get on the first subway."

"It's okay." Yu Wei asked, "Are you tired?"

"It's okay." Yu Yanyan said to Wei.

Yu Yanyan and Yu Wei walked in hand in hand, and everyone gave way to them.A man offered to order a song for Yu Yanyan.Yu Yanyan not only dances well, but also sings well, above KTV level.

Many of the elite lawyers in this group are Gaozhi, and their wives and girlfriends are either Gaozhi or top prestigious schools.In KTV, the only person who can steal Yu Yanyan's limelight is a flight attendant.

"Yu Wei, your girlfriend sings well? What do you do?"

"Dance teacher." Yu Wei happily introduced.

"That's great." The man said enviously.

Knowing that Yu Yanyan is a dance teacher, everyone booed and asked Yu Yanyan to dance again.

Yu Yanyan never refused anyone who came, she wanted to earn some face for Yu Wei.In this circle, Yu Wei's academic qualifications are not dominant, and his own academic qualifications are even worse than these wives.Today, I was in the limelight, and I can be regarded as elated.

The dance of "PANAMA" made the eyes of the man below straighten, and he almost whistled.It is not a difficult movement, but it really tests the rhythm and basic skills of the dancer.It's like a stewed cabbage, chefs and ordinary people can make it, but the taste is always different.

Yu Yanyan jumped up, raised her shoulders, and twisted her waist. The strength and angle made people feel the beauty, and there was a kind of beauty in shaking her hands casually.As if she wasn't dancing to the song, but the song was beating her time as she danced.

After a dance, the scene was silent for a while.At the beginning, men dared to applaud.After the dance, the gloomy face of the woman next to him made the man choose to be wise and safe.

Yu Wei knew why.Just before Yu Yanyan came, a few girls rehearsed a dance in private, just to show their faces at today's party.It's just that I didn't expect that the annual meeting level met a professional one.When the subordinates saw Zhenzhang, they immediately showed timidity.

"Well, we still have something to do."

"Me too."

In the box, several groups of people left one after another.

Not knowing why, Yu Yanyan pointed at them with wide eyes.The person next to him smiled and said, "You're a professional, which makes people lose face."

"Don't you want me to show off my talents?" Yu Yanyan was quite aggrieved. "I still have it."

"You are right. They are narrow-minded." The man raised his glass and said, "Come on, brother and sister, Yu Wei, let's have a drink."

Yu Yanyan toasted happily, while Yu Wei dealt with it.

This man is from Blue Sky Law Firm.Hetian Hongyu usually doesn't deal with it very much.It is impossible and impossible for Yu Wei to have a deep friendship with this man.

"See you next time." The man also left.

Within half an hour, Yu Wei and Yu Yanyan were left in the box.Yu Wei came out to settle the bill. For such a group activity, everyone will share in the end, transfer a red envelope, and it will be over as soon as the payment is received.

Yu Wei was about to send the list to the group, but found that he had been removed from the group.

"Huh?" Yu Wei was a little confused.

"What's wrong?" Yu Yanyan asked.

"I was removed from the group." Yu Wei was a little "frozen", "Is it because of this? Who are they?"

Yu Yanyan laughed loudly, "Are you going to sue with such a heart? You won't die of anger in court, will you?"

Yu Wei thought, no wonder the last person stayed and had a drink with him. Those who dare to love knew that he must have been removed from the group.

"Forget it." Yu Wei put away the phone, "It's a treat. I invited a bunch of white-eyed wolves."

Yu Wei and Yu Yanyan held hands and were about to go out when they were bumped by a woman coming out of the private room next to them.

"Be careful. Slow down." Yu Yanyan also reminded the woman.

In the bathroom, the woman was vomiting so much that she was about to vomit bile.She came to the mirror, rinsed her mouth, wiped her face, and touched up her makeup.The woman in the mirror is Tan Xueling.

(End of this chapter)

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