Revival Road

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction
More than 20 years ago, Hiraizumi City, where the Hiraizumi Administrative Office was located, was just a small city with a population of less than 25. The most luxurious building was the Hiraizumi Hotel in the city center, which was only five floors high.At that time, the sky was always blue and people had good eyesight. Standing on the roof of the main building of Hiraizumi Hotel, you can not only see the narrow streets crowded with bicycles, the densely packed bungalows like matchboxes, but also the sparkling scenery in the south of the city. The Yue River is wrapped around the city's neck like satin.

If you look to the west, in the west of the city, there is a dense green, which is very different from the main gray color of the city, that is where the Red Star Machinery Factory is located.The Hongxing Machinery Factory, built in the early 50s, is the pride of Hiraizumi. It is a large factory affiliated to the central ministries and commissions, and its output value once accounted for half of the industrial output value of Hiraizumi.This large state-owned factory occupies a very large area, occupying almost one-sixth of the urban area of ​​Hiraizumi at that time.At that time, land acquisition was easy, and several villages were bulldozed as soon as a document was issued. The villagers were either recruited into factories and turned into workers, or moved to other places. A majestic and magnificent enterprise stood in the western suburbs of the city.

The employees of the Red Star Factory always have an undisguised sense of superiority in front of the public.From that red era, people with the dream of building the motherland were transferred to Hiraizumi from all directions and established the Hongxing Machinery Factory. The employees naturally have various dialect accents, and gradually formed a characteristic dialect in Hiraizumi—fusion Putonghua with a Northeast accent (most of the founding fathers of the Red Star Factory came from the Northeast), Hiraizumi citizens call it Hongxing Dialect.Walking on the street, Red Star people can easily recognize each other as long as they open their mouths.

That afternoon, six Red Star disciples boarded the top floor platform of Hiraizumi Hotel at the same time.They are actually two groups, but they are both classmates of the same grade in Hongxing Children Middle School.However, due to their family background and academic performance, they are not friends with each other.Sun Dunquan, Tao Tang, Zhou Hongyou and Xu Deguang belonged to one group, while Luo Shaoxing and Tang Yikun belonged to another group.The former is a good student and is expected to win the modern imperial examination a week later.Zhou Hongyou, whose uncle is the manager of the Hiraizumi Hotel, sent the three of them to the restaurant to have a good meal. After drinking and eating, they boarded the platform on the top of the main building, and came to give some advice and words, which made a difference for their future life. Feel free to look forward and imagine.

Among the four of them, Xu Deguang's homework is the best, and he has been "entrenched" in the top three of his grades, and he can't run away from Tsinghua and Peking University.Zhou Hongyou and Tao Tang are both science students. According to the teacher's analysis, there should be no problems in key universities.Sun Dunquan was the only liberal arts student, and his goal was fixed on Nanjing University, because he heard that Nanjing University's history department is the strongest, and he has always liked history.But the teacher found it difficult to achieve his goal.

Luo Shaoxing and Tang Yikun are another kind of people.They had already given up the college entrance examination, and they also came to Hiraizumi Hotel to have dinner and discuss their future, but their ideals were completely different from those of them.Tang Yikun was always thinking about various money-making ideas that Luo Shaoxing thought were seriously unreliable, reselling a calculator called 838, and selling hula hoops at the workers' club square at night... Tang Yikun has been in business for two years experience, and actually made some money.Today's meal was naturally out of Tang Yikun's pocket.Because he discovered a secret, reselling treasury bills is easy to make money!If the capital is large enough and well-informed, the profits in it are extremely staggering.He asked his good friend Luo Shaoxing to have dinner, and wanted Luo Shaoxing to participate.He knew that Luo Shaoxing's family was well off, and he had quite a few well-known relatives.

The accident happened inadvertently, and no one could predict it.When Tao Tang heard Tang Yikun and Luo Shaoxing on the other side of the platform start to comment on Lu Qi, he finally couldn't help it.Lu Qi is the most beautiful girl in the class, and also the goddess Tao Tang has been secretly in love with for two and a half years.

Luo Shaoxing was commenting on the beautiful girls in this grade, and he sneered at Tang Yikun's aesthetics, "Zhou Lihua is a fart! Apart from her fair skin, how can she compare to Lu Qi? Look at her big pancake face, she is disgusting, and she has a coquettish voice, In terms of whiteness, Lu Qi is no worse than her."

"Shut your stinking mouth!" Tao Tang, who smelled of alcohol, rushed to Luo Shaoxing angrily, grabbed Luo Shaoxing's collar, "try saying Lu Qi again?"

"Whoever I like to say is whoever I want, I want you to take care of it?" Luo Shaoxing struggled for a while without breaking free, "Tao Tang, don't upset me." He and Tao Tang are actually very close, and they used to play basketball together often.

In normal times, Tao Tang might not have dared to challenge Luo Shaoxing, because Luo Shaoxing was regarded as the top of the Red Star No. [-] Middle School.But today, after drinking a lot of baijiu, the situation is different.

"Slap!" A crisp slap hit Tao Tang's face, and several bright red fingerprints immediately appeared.

Tao Tang reacted very quickly and punched Luo Shaoxing in the stomach.

"You dare to do it!" Tang Yikun rushed forward and kicked Tao Tang.

The fight started like this.Two against four, actually two against two, Luo Shaoxing against Tao Tang, Tang Yikun against Sun Dunquan.The timid Xu Deguang and Zhou Hongyou were just fighting.

The four teenagers did not expect to commit a murder.During the melee, Xu Deguang, who was fighting, was squeezed off the half-person-high guardrail, fell straight like a sack on the concrete square in front of the main building of the hotel, and died on the spot.The life of a top student who was very hopeful to be admitted to a top domestic prestigious school suddenly withered.

This was the "702" case that caused a sensation in Hiraizumi at that time.As a result, Luo Shaoxing was sentenced to three years in prison for the crime of negligent injury.Tao Tang was detained for ten days and missed the college entrance examination that year.

Fast forward 25 years. The "702" case has long been forgotten in the hearts of Hiraizumi people. Except for the unfortunate Xu Deguang who died, the other five parties have embarked on different paths of life.

Today, Zhou Hongyou is the deputy mayor of Hiraizumi City in charge of municipal planning, transportation, and urban construction, and has become a powerful figure in Hiraizumi City.

Tang Yikun, who showed his business talent early on, really made an amazing career. Since he went south to Lingnan to resell electronic calculators, Tang Yikun single-handedly founded Donghu Industrial Group with annual sales of tens of billions.His Donghu Industrial's marketing scale and profits and taxes are already the first in the private sector in the province, and Tang Yikun is at the top of the food chain in Pingquan City.

Tao Tang, who was delayed for a year because of the "702" case, joined a certain ministry in Yanjing after graduation.In terms of level, it is not lower than Zhou Hongyou.However, in today's state, the central enterprises directly managed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission are at least superficially decoupled from the level of civil servants.

Luo Shaoxing, who was imprisoned for the "702" incident, spent three years in prison before being released. After he was released from prison, he first started a small business with the help of Tang Yikun. A few years later, he was involved in a gangster-related gun trafficking case and was imprisoned again. His wife Because of this, she divorced him, and this time she squatted for another three years. After being free again, she completely relied on Tang Yikun, who is now the director of the security department of Donghu Real Estate Company.Donghu Real Estate Company has been listed, and its executives are notoriously well paid. Luo Shaoxing is also considered a figure in Hiraizumi.

Compared with the above-mentioned few, Sun Dunquan, who was considered high-spirited back then, was much worse.It may be due to stage fright, or it may be the impact of the "720" incident, Sun Dunquan failed his first college entrance examination.Let alone Nantah University, I didn’t even have enough college admissions (the admission rate of the college entrance examination in the 80s was still very low), so I had to choose to repeat.He listened to Tao Tang's suggestion, and together with Tao Tang went to the No. [-] Middle School of the city to re-study for a year. Although the arts and sciences were different, they deepened their friendship.However, Tao Tang was admitted to Fudan the following year, but Sun Dunquan's grades were still far from ideal, just passing the undergraduate course.He was a little discouraged, so he went to a teacher college casually. After graduation, he returned to Hongxing No. [-] Middle School to become a history teacher, but he couldn't understand the principal's behavior, and had conflicts with the principal many times.At that time, Hongxingzizi Middle School had not yet been handed over, so the principal expelled him from the school with an excuse and returned him to the company's personnel department. He was sent to the workshop to work as a boring worker for two years.Because Sun Dunquan wrote good articles, he was transferred to the Propaganda Department as an editor of the factory newspaper, but because of this he became cynical and always had trouble with the leaders. Finally, he took advantage of the policy of reducing staff and increasing efficiency to win a job. A placement fee and the company terminated the labor relationship and became a freelance writer.Sun Dunquan first used the relationship established in the factory newspaper to write some tofu articles for the literary supplement of "Pingquan Evening News" to make a living. Later, he found that being an online writer is also a good career, and he even wrote three popular historical online novels.However, his home is still in Hongxing, and his wife used to be his colleague in Hongxing No. [-] Middle School. Now the middle school has been handed over to the Municipal Education Bureau as a whole.

The "702" incident also has another protagonist——Lv Qi, but she does not have to take any responsibility for the incident. Now she is the deputy director of the development and planning department of Red Star Company, although she is not as good as the protagonists of the "702" incident He is very popular, but he is also considered a successful person among the children of Red Star.Today's Red Star Factory has lost its former glory with the passage of time, and the average income of its employees has fallen below the average salary line of Hiraizumi City.However, the income of Lu Qi, who is a middle-level manager of Red Star, is not low. In addition to the normal salary, there is also a considerable performance cash at the end of the year.At the beginning, Red Star Company was a pilot unit for salary reform determined by the headquarters. In the eyes of ordinary employees of Red Star Company, the biggest achievement was to widen the income gap between the cadres and the masses.

(End of this chapter)

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