Revival Road

Chapter 2 Appointments

Chapter 2 Appointments
So the story begins.

Just after returning to work on Tuesday, Lu Qi heard the shocking news that Li Suyi's husband had an accident.Lu Qi couldn't care less about asking for leave from Assistant Liu, who always stepped on to the work unit, and hurried to Li Suyi's house.

Li Suyi was Lu Qi's classmate in high school and a friend who had been with her for decades. When such a tragedy happened, Lu Qi had to rush to comfort her immediately.

Li Suyi, who was overwhelmed by the bad news, was sent to the hospital.At Li Suyi's home, Lu Qi learned the general situation of the matter from colleagues and friends who came to condolences: Li Suyi's mother-in-law had an ancestral home on Huajin Road. conditions, became a "nail house".Yesterday afternoon, the old lady was taking a nap alone. A group of unknown people broke into the house, wrapped the screaming old lady in a sheet and carried them to the street. Under the shade of the trees on the street, the bulldozers that had been prepared roared over and immediately razed the house to the ground.The whole process takes less than half an hour.Because the neighbors in that row of houses moved away, only the old lady's family was left. At that time, except for the demolition team, they were the frightened old people. No one called the police, and no video evidence was left.

After hearing the news, Li Suyi's husband, who rushed back, clashed with the demolition team who were cleaning up the site. During the confusion, he was hit on the head by a hard object. After being sent to the hospital, he was not rescued and died.

Li Suyi's husband is also an employee of Red Star Company, an honest plumber.Lu Qi never imagined that such a tragedy would happen.She asked where Li Suyi was at the hospital, called her immediate superior to ask for leave, asked the factory office for a car, and planned to go to the hospital to visit her old classmates who were in desperation.Before leaving, Lu Qi said indignantly to Sun Dunquan who came over after hearing the news: "You must sue him! Sue the real estate company behind the demolition company! Sue them until their families are ruined!"

"Don't be naive. Donghu Industry is standing behind the other party. What do you want to achieve? It's better to fight for more pensions. Do you believe it? It must be a temporary worker who caused the death, or there is no specific murderer at all." , the scene was chaotic, and people were injured by accidents, it’s just a matter of mediation.”

"This is not like the Sun Dunquan I know." In Lu Qi's impression, Sun Dunquan was an "angry youth".

"If time goes back a few years, I might think the same as you. It seems that the wall of Hongxing should have been knocked down long ago. Are you going to see Li Suyi? Don't mislead her. She is pitiful enough."

"I don't believe it! Doesn't the factory come forward? This is our employee."

"I want to ask you! I have nothing to do with Red Star. Look here, except for a few friends, have the leaders of the company come forward? Have you?" Sun Dunquan pulled the dazed Lu Qi aside, "By the way, let me tell you. Important news, your new boss is coming soon."

"Who? Do I know him?" Lu Qi asked.

"It's someone you know but definitely didn't expect, Tao Tang!"

"Tao Tang?! Are you right?" Lu Qi was taken aback.

"I heard what he said, just last night. Hey, let's see how our old classmate cleans up the mess of Red Star."


Tao Tang's new appointment at the headquarters was very sudden and silent.

As usual, after cleaning the office, Tao Tang, director of the Political Research Office, made himself a cup of Longjing as usual, and then started his day's work.

His work is mainly three things.The first is reading, internal circulation and the seven newspapers he selected; the second is writing materials, mainly drafting speeches and board-level documents for Feng Dong; the third is attending some must-attend meetings or following Feng Dong To the subordinate enterprise research and inspection.

Reading takes up about half of Tao Tang's time, and much less time writing manuscripts.Firstly, he is fast, and he usually completes the materials that others need two or three days to produce in two or three hours; secondly, there are not many materials that require his own hands.Originally, there were few documents at the level of the board of directors and the party group, and he still had two guys with good writing skills under his command.There were even fewer meetings. Since he was transferred back to the headquarters from Shengdong Company, except for the meetings called by Feng Dong, the other leaders did not attend, and only sent his deputy to participate.

Today, he read through the [-] circulated documents in the folder and signed his name one by one.Just picked up the first newspaper, there was a knock on the office door.Huang Fuhe, deputy director of the general office, came in and said to him, "Director Tao, the chairman invites you to his office."

"Okay, let's go right away."

He called Li Jing to pick up the documents, and did not go to Feng Shizhao immediately, but sat quietly for 10 minutes before going to the chairman's office on the third floor.

"Sit." Feng Shizhao, whose eyes were always swollen, pointed to the opposite chair.

Tao Tang took the designated seat, only to find that there were two other people in the office, Mr. Qi and Mr. Qin, who was in charge of personnel affairs, were both there.

"President Qi, tell me." Feng Shizhao looked at Qi Jianmin, the general manager of the group.

"Comrade Tao Tang, the party group has studied your work and decided to make a move..." Qi Jianmin said slowly.

Tao Tang looked at Qi Jianmin calmly, expressionless.

"Something happened at Red Star, you must have heard about it, right?"

Red Star Company is a first-level subsidiary of the group and one of the most important subsidiaries of the group.Since last year, it has been caught in a whirlpool of corruption. Since the director of its purchasing department was sacked, problems have been brought out one after another in the company's leadership.In March, Yang Wenhuan, the deputy general manager in charge of procurement, was taken away by the Provincial Anti-Corruption Bureau for investigation.A month later, that is, a week ago, Song Yue, chairman and general manager of Red Star Company, was officially double-regulated by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.As the director of the Political Research Office of the headquarters, Tao Tang certainly knew what happened to Red Star.

Tao Tang thought about it, but still looked at Mr. Qi expressionlessly, "I heard something..."

General Manager Qi Jianmin still maintained his usual speed of speech, "Yang Wenhuan and Song Yue have been investigated one after another. The headquarters must strengthen the leadership of Red Star Company to stabilize the situation. Director Feng proposed that you replace Song Yue as the chairman and general manager of Red Star Company , the party group meeting has passed this proposal..."

"I'm not suitable." Tao Tang said calmly.

"Why?" Qin Haitao asked dissatisfied.He has an opinion on Tao Tang, even though they haven't worked together at the headquarters for very long.In Qin Haitao's eyes, Tao Tang has always been brooding over the dismissal of him as the top leader of Shengdong Company. In his work, he has shown that he doesn't buy into other leaders except Feng Shizhao.

The proposal of Tao Tang as the chairman and general manager of Red Star was put forward by Feng Shizhao.Because Tao Tang had the qualifications to serve in Shengdong, there were no strong objections at the party group meeting, and it passed smoothly.But Qin Haitao suspected that Feng Shizhao, who made this proposal, was under some kind of pressure.As far as Feng Shizhao's character is concerned, he may not be willing to let the rebellious Tao Tang become the leader of the main subsidiary of the group again.Song Yue collapsed, and a new person in charge must be sent to Hongxing, but it should not be Tao Tang.

It was Feng Shizhao's proposal to transfer Tao Tang back to Yanjing from Shengdong Company, whose situation had completely improved.At that time, Feng Shizhao was not the leader of the group, but the general manager.Regarding Feng Shizhao's motion to transfer Tao Tang back to the headquarters for rotation, the party group meeting at that time had different opinions, because Tao Tang did a good job in Shengdong.The voices that questioned his qualifications and abilities basically disappeared with the rapid and healthy development of Shengdong Company.It's a bit of a joke to take a few real-name report letters to say that the matter is a bit of a joke, which of those officials who have been sealed off has not been reported?What's more, the content of the real-name report on Tao Tang is not an economic issue, but a style issue.Tao Tang is a widower, it's nothing to be intimate with some women!As for the letters that anonymously reported Tao Tang's corruption, it was even less of a problem.Under normal circumstances, the group discipline inspection team would not take anonymous letters seriously.

Feng Shizhao's motion was supported by Adao Yong, the leader of the group at that time, and it was passed.Tao Tang left Binjiang and returned to Yanjing headquarters to serve as the director of the Policy Research Office.In the eyes of most people, Tao Tang was "relegated".The director of the policy research office is at the same level as the chairman and general manager of Shengdong Company, but the importance is obviously not as important as the latter.Because the latter's ascending channel is much wider.Moreover, personal income will shrink by a large chunk.For ordinary people, it is a big deal to earn less than 30 to [-] yuan a year.

But there is another explanation, that is, Feng Shizhao attaches great importance to Tao Tang.Frequent job rotations are generally a harbinger of promotion and reuse.Tao Tang has the experience of working in the headquarters, but he has never been the head of a department. This is a flaw.The director of the political research office is an important position, not as complicated as the development strategy department, operation department, and finance department, but it is the think tank of the main leaders of the headquarters.It is hard to say that there is no deep meaning in arranging Tao Tang in such a position.Facts have also proved this point. When Adao Yong was transferred from the group to serve as the deputy secretary of a provincial party committee in the south, Feng Shizhao sat on the throne of the group's top leader. Almost all of his important manuscripts were written by Tao Tang. The evidence is Feng Dong's speech The style changes.Moreover, as long as Feng Shizhao "goes on tour", there must be Tao Tang in his entourage. At the level of department director, he ranks only behind Yuan Changhai, the veteran director of the Development Strategy Department.This confirmed Qin Haitao's view that Feng Shizhao trained Tao Tang as the second echelon.

But Qin Haitao later heard two other stories about Tao Tang being transferred from Shengdong.One is that he offended Adao Yong, the top leader at the time.The news came from the Development Strategy Department, which generally means that Adoron intends to let Shengdong Company develop in-depth cooperation with Binjiang City, sell the land to Binjiang, and resell some assets and business to private enterprises in Binjiang City.Introducing reforms to a deeper level is allowed to be discussed and tried by the above. In recent years, the group is engaged in industrial restructuring and product transformation and upgrading.The Development Strategy Department also came up with specific opinions, but was blocked by Shengdong Company.

This is very strange.Generally speaking, it is impossible for a subsidiary to override the decision of the headquarters.The weapon used by Shengdong Company is the resolution of the workers' congress.Because from a legal point of view, any major merger and sale of company assets must be held at the Staff Congress.The plan was to go to the meeting, but it was rejected.For some reason, An Daoyong firmly suppressed this matter.Soon, Adao Yong was transferred. The new position is a high promotion for Adao Yong, which also shows that Adao Yong has not encountered a crisis in his career.

However, it is major news to resist the superiors by borrowing from the staff representative meeting.Qin Haitao came to a conclusion from this, if Tao Tang was not weak and unable to control the situation, then he was a stick.Tao Tang is definitely not the former, his iron-fisted style in Shengdong has already proved his super control over Shengdong Company.This person has only been in Shengdong for more than three years, and he actually replaced three deputy general managers, and more than half of the middle managers were replaced by him!In the routine annual evaluation of Shengdong by the headquarters, Tao Tang has a high degree of support from the masses, which is rare among the more than 40 subsidiaries with headquarters all over the country.This can only show that Tao Tang did use the workers' congress to resist a major decision of the headquarters.

The second is that Tao Tang is undergoing a secret investigation.Whether it's true or not, Qin Haitao doesn't know.However, the discipline inspection team at the headquarters did send a strong audit team to Shengdong, which exceeded the normal scale of outgoing audits.That's how the rumors were born.Now that the audit team has withdrawn, Qin Haitao didn't see the conclusion.

Now what does Feng Shizhao mean by sending Tao Tang to the red star on fire?In less than two months, Red Star Company downed two executives one after another, including Song Yue, the leader.There are many rumors, people's hearts are unstable, and Red Star's management problems are hard to come back. To send Tao Tang to Red Star, is it to fight the fire or to reprimand him?Qin Haitao was really uncertain.


"I haven't concluded my question yet." Tao Tang smiled, "Isn't it appropriate for someone who has a reputation for violating discipline to replace someone who has been shuanggui?"

"What conclusion do you want? Organizationally, your appointment is the best conclusion." Feng Shizhao raised his voice.

"Xiao Tao, those reports against you in Shengdong have proven to be false accusations, so don't get emotional. Organizational decisions are prudent. Under the current circumstances, you are the most suitable candidate for that position." Qi Jianmin said.

"Tao Tang! What are you bargaining with the organization, huh?" Feng Shizhao stood up suddenly and stared at Tao Tang.

"President Feng, what I'm telling is the truth, I'm just not suitable." Tao Tang looked innocently at Feng Shizhao, who was a little annoyed.

"It's up to you whether it's suitable or not! I'll give you one day to hand over the work, and I'll deliver it in person the day after tomorrow." Feng Shizhao is Tao Tang's old boss, and even Tao Tang's bole. When Feng Shizhao was the director of the group's planning department, Tao Tang Tang is the youngest deputy director under him, and he recommended Tao Tang to be the director of the Middle East Division of the foreign trade company.It was there that Tao Tang's talent got the attention of the headquarters, and thus entered the fast lane of his official career.So Feng Shizhao was less polite to Tao Tang.

"Mr. Feng, if you say that, I have nothing to say," Tao Tang said calmly, "However, I want to remind the organization that I am a child of the Red Star, where I was born and where I spent my youth. Yes. Now, most of my family members still live and work there...Under the current circumstances, in order to avoid suspicion, it seems that I should not return to work at Red Star.”

"Many top leaders have grown up step by step from the grassroots, such as Mr. Qiu of Northern Machinery and Electric..." Qi Jianmin said gently, "The party group has carefully considered what you said. I believe you will handle all kinds of relationships. You Knowing about Red Star is an irreplaceable advantage.”

"Besides, your treatment is only higher than now..." Qin Haitao interjected.

"Vice President Qin, I'm not thinking about remuneration." Tao Tang stood up, "The three leaders know exactly what happened to Red Star. How can I dare to take over that mess? It doesn't matter if I can't complete the task and I will be dismissed." , that is a big stall with assets of 200 billion and more than [-] employees, how can I explain it to the organization?"

"I want you to go because I want you to do it well! Do you mean that we all don't know people?" Feng Shizhao finally couldn't help it, and patted the table.

"As far as I know, Red Star has not been able to pay wages for two months."

"Of course I won't let you go empty-handed." Qi Jianmin said with a smile, "The finance company has prepared a current loan of [-] million yuan for you, and the matching funds owed within the system will be dealt with first, and will be resolved for you within at least one month More than one billion. In the long run, if the strategic reorganization between Red Star and Hiraizumi can be negotiated, your life will be easier. At that time, the headquarters will depend on your face."

"No, I know the regulations of the headquarters. Land transfer and overall relocation are not things I can decide. Moreover, the land transfer fee will not be left to Red Star."

"Enough! That's it." Feng Shizhao stood up, "If you still remember that you are a party member, you should stop questioning the organization's decision. Red Star is very unstable now. After you go, the first thing is to stabilize Army spirit, complete this year's tasks well. For necessary personnel adjustments, the headquarters will fully respect your opinions. The second is to plan for Red Star's structural adjustment and strategic reorganization. For Red Star, this matter is both a rare opportunity and a huge one. Challenge. Of course, the latter is a major issue, and the headquarters will pay close attention to it, otherwise I will not go. As for the Political Research Office, the headquarters has decided that Lan Yuanzhen will succeed you, and you can hand it over to him today."

Tao Tang came home later than usual because of the handover of work.

A year ago, he was transferred from Shengdong to the headquarters. He thought that the chairman would stay in Shengdong, so he bought a house in Binjiang. Now it seems that it may be a mistake.The parents are quite used to living there, and the daughter is in junior high school, so it is not suitable to change the environment.So when he came to Yanjing, he left his parents and daughter in Shengdong.With his salary, it would be difficult to buy a house in Yanjing, and Tao Tang was not planning to settle in Yanjing.Fortunately, the group has its own real estate, and general affairs transferred him an old three-bedroom house not far from the headquarters. The monthly rent is a symbolic amount, which is also considered a kind of internal welfare.So Tao Tang took his mother-in-law from her hometown to Yanjing and asked her to be his "nanny" for more than a year.

"Why is it so late today?" Qiao Xiuying had already prepared dinner and waited for her son-in-law to come back.After coming to Yanjing headquarters for more than a year, Tao Tang seldom worked overtime. Except for business trips, he always arrived home on time.

"Mom, my job has changed..." Tao Tang took the teacup from his mother-in-law.

"What change?"

"I was transferred to Hiraizumi, and I will report for duty the day after tomorrow."

"Really? It's the Red Star Factory?"

"There is a red star over there, where else can I go?"

Qiao Xiuying stood up, "I just stopped for a few days... Isn't this tormenting people?"

"I don't want to go either, but I can't help it. The higher-ups have already talked to me..."

"Is it the leader?"


"I'll go with you." Qiao Xiuying has long regarded her son-in-law as her son, especially after her only daughter died in a bizarre car accident.

"Mom, that's how I think about it. I'll be busy for a while when I go there, and you'll feel lonely when you go to a strange place. Secondly, my parents have been arguing for a long time to go back to Hiraizumi. In that case, it's better for you to go back to Binjiang , Xiao He is going to be promoted to high school soon, and she also needs someone to take care of her... It's just thanks to you."

Qiao Xiuying was silent for a long time, "Alright, don't stop your parents from going back to Hiraizumi. It's always their roots there."

"I won't stop."

"I heard you say that the Red Star Factory was very difficult, but this time when you get there, you can't risk your life like before. I'm getting old, so I have to cherish my body..."

"Don't worry. I know how to do it. It's the last time. Xiao He will be free when she goes to college."

"I still want to tell you about that. Xiaolan has been gone for six years, you must find a partner. Xiaoke is sincere to you, you must take it seriously..."

"Mom, don't worry about this." Tao Tang glanced at the family portrait on the wall, his wife Fang Lan looked at him with a smile, he stood up, "I know what to do, let's eat."

(End of this chapter)

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