Revival Road

Chapter 3 Mission

Chapter 3 Mission
Lu Qi went to the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital to visit Li Suyi, but her consolation was powerless, and she couldn't truly understand Li Suyi's despair.Lu Qi took out all the money on her body - a total of 750 yuan, and gave it to Li Suyi's sister, which was considered a little of her own heart.Li Suyi's younger sister, Li Suying, is also an employee of Red Star. She dragged Lu Qi outside the ward and made a request to Lu Qi, "Director Lu, you are my sister's friend. Can you tell the factory so that the factory can come forward and talk to the other party?" Negotiate?"

"Negotiation is private. You should understand that they have violated the criminal law."

"The family trustee has contacted the district government, and the police have also gone to investigate. A relative of my brother-in-law is in the Garden Bureau, and he said... this matter may not be easy to handle..."

"Why is it so difficult? I don't believe there is no king's law. This is a murder case. I can help you find a lawyer. You won't lose the case. And the media, they are most afraid of being exposed by the media. Let me think about the media. relation."

"It was the demolition company that killed my brother-in-law, not Donghu Industrial. It is said that the demolition company is full of local hooligans, and it is not easy to mess with... because my brother-in-law did it first, and someone from the other party was hospitalized... After discussing with the family, we should It's better to get more compensation."

It turned out to be the same as Sun Dunquan's tone.Lu Qi dissatisfied: "Criminal accountability cannot replace civil compensation. Do you understand? You must not take the initiative to ask them for peace now."

"Even if it's a lawsuit, the factory should come forward, okay? No one in my family can talk to the higher-ups, can you talk to the factory?"

"Yes. I can't guarantee whether it will work or not. Suying, you have to persuade your sister to let her think about it, and don't hurt her body... If you have financial difficulties, tell me, and I will try my best to help."

"The demolition company paid 5000 yuan for hospitalization... They said, my brother-in-law will do it first, so don't try to extort money from them." Li Suying seemed submissive.

Lu Qi came back from the hospital and went directly to the legal office.Instead of looking for the deputy director and old classmate Han Ruilin, she directly rang the office of director Zhao Zhenghong.The door opened, and Zhao Zhenghong, who had a big pie face and was nicknamed "Big Face Cat", was talking with two guests who were obviously from outside.

"Wait a minute, I'll have a few words with Director Lu." Zhao Zhenghong dragged Lu Qi to Han Ruilin's office, and Han Ruilin happened to be away.

"It's so annoying. I've been involved in lawsuits all day long. My bowl of rice is really not for people to eat. What's the matter?"

"Zhenghong, have you heard about what happened to Li Suyi's family?"

"The one who was beaten to death on Huajin Road?"

"Yes, his wife is my middle school classmate."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know much about the law. In a situation like his, if he was forced to demolish by the other party and lost his life, what would be the result if he went through the legal channel?"

"do not know."

"How can you not know? You are a legal practitioner." Lu Qi and Zhao Zhenghong are both one of the few female cadres in the Red Star Company. They have a little personal relationship, so they are not very polite.

"There are a lot of cases like this, you must have noticed, but it is rare to see one who pays for life. Because the situation is more complicated, it is often classified as negligent injury. In addition, it is different from the past now. Even if the victim does not make trouble, the procuratorate will probably bring it Indicted."

"Can you come out of the factory?"

"Impossible. Because things don't happen at the work site, even in the living area, they won't get involved. This is the principle."

"Bullshit principle. The ones who died were our own employees. Didn't you come forward when Yang Wenhuan's relatives were involved?"

"Then you go to Mr. Luo. If he speaks, I will do it. However, even if the factory comes forward, there will be no good results. You know that there are people behind the demolition company." Luo Chong is the president of Red Star Company. The economist, in charge of legal affairs, is also in charge of the development and planning department, and is their common boss.

Zhao Zhenghong knew that Lu Qi would not go to Luo Chong.Red Star is only so big, news that happened at the top may not necessarily spread to the grassroots, but it cannot be hidden from the law.Zhao Zhenghong heard that Luo Chong had "chased" Lu Qi, so Lu Qi tried to avoid her immediate boss as much as possible.

Sure enough, Lu Qi immediately shook her head, "I beg you as a friend, so I won't look for him."

"I really can't help. And I don't have time. As you can see, there are two bills sitting in the room. How can I have the energy to take care of this kind of thing? I owe tens of millions of materials, and I want to sue us The factory. And Secretary Zhao issued a death order, and the other party must not be allowed to sue. We have to wait until the new boss is in place."

"Have you heard?"

"How can this kind of thing be hidden? The above is the same, and it is time to send someone down." Zhao Zhenghong took out a cigarette from the cigarette case thrown on the table, took out the lighter and lit it, "Hurry up and take your place." , at least the new boss can bring some funds. By the way, I heard that the new boss is a child of Red Star, do you know him?"

Lu Qi lied, "No, I don't know."

She knew Tao Tang.Not only did she know each other, but Tao Tang was her one-way first love.Although she has never had the opportunity to express her feelings, but after more than [-] years of separation, it is still difficult to forget her former tablemate.

Who would have expected it?He actually returned to his hometown as the top leader of the Red Star.She turned out to be his subordinate.But, does he still remember himself?
That night, Lu Qi suffered from insomnia.Lying in the darkness, the shadow of the boy was swaying in front of her eyes.After the last silent exchange of glances under the lilac tree in front of the teaching building, she has not seen him again for 25 years.During the two class reunions, he did not attend.Because of him, Lu Qi pays special attention to the "Brilliant News" at the headquarters, which is the group's internal newspaper, and hopes to see his news on it.The last "official" report about him was the news that he had resigned from Shengdong Company. "Another appointment" showed that the rumors that he was investigated for violating discipline were not true.Of course, she later found out that he was the director of the Political Research Office of the headquarters. That position has little to do with Red Star... She had been looking forward to seeing him in a "high position" on a certain occasion. The only chance she had was to meet him. Song Yue went to Yanjing headquarters, and after the official business was over, President Song asked her to "visit" him in the Political Research Office, but he happened to be away, and followed the leader to a different place for research...

The next day, Lu Qi, who had some swollen eyes, was summoned by party secretary Zhao Qingmin as soon as she went to work.

"Sit down, Xiao Lu..."

She felt embarrassed by the title "Xiao Lu".She is no longer young, but the leaders are still used to calling her "Xiao Lu".

"What instructions does the secretary have?"

"Haha, I don't have any instructions." Zhao Qingmin, who looks like a Maitreya Buddha, pointed to the swivel chair in front of the table, "Sit down, you can talk when you sit down. Xiao Lu, the headquarters has confirmed the head of the company..."

Her heart was beating wildly.Although Sun Dunquan had vaccinated her, her heart was still a little disappointed.

"The human resources department of the group called me last night... Do you know? Mr. Tao, the former director of the Political Research Office of the headquarters... His achievements in Shengdong are obvious to all. Concern for us. Mr. Tao is in place, and I can relax."

It really is true!Lu Qi understood that what Secretary Zhao said was the human resources department of the headquarters, not the company's personnel department. I am afraid that the company's human resources department has not yet received official information.What Sun Dunquan said doesn't count, and Zhao Zhenghong's news is not authoritative either.

"I heard that you and Mr. Tao are classmates?"

"Once. I had a classmate for a year in high school..." Lu Qi couldn't hide it from the party secretary.But she was very curious, where did the secretary of the party committee get the news?Red Star is really small, it can't hide anything.

"He should be here tonight. I asked you to help the general manager's office do the reception work. You know better than them what Mr. Tao's hobbies are... By the way, don't tell anyone else about this news. "

"I don't know his living habits..." Lu Qi blurted out.

"I believe you." Secretary Zhao waved his hand, "Don't bother with the banquet at night, it's the factory's business. It's a small trick to prepare a residence for Mr. Tao. It's too late to redecorate the room, but it needs to be repurchased Daily necessities, you are solely responsible for this matter. Lesbians, be more careful. Tonight's reception, you participate."

"Well, I won't go, right? It's not suitable."

"What's inappropriate? I say it's appropriate."

The secretary's order must be carried out.Lu Qi put down the work at hand and went to the second department of the Red Star Hotel.The company has two guest houses, which are commonly known as big and small. The official name of the small guest house is the second part of the Red Star Hotel. It was redecorated according to the four-star standard the year before last. It only accepts company VIPs and is not open for business.For this reason, the employees talked a lot, but they said that the company's efficiency was declining, and the wages were almost unable to be paid, and there was money to build a building.The opinions were reflected, and an investigation team came to the headquarters of the group to investigate the matter, but nothing happened, and there was no further information.

Xiaozhao has received instructions and is thoroughly cleaning the innermost luxury suite on the third floor.Wang Dabin, the hotel manager, and Jia Jianxin, deputy director of the General Manager's Office in charge of hotel business, supervised the battle on the spot.Seeing Lu Qi, the two went up to meet her. "Director Lu, Secretary Zhao has already called. You have the final say on the supplies for the suite. I'm only responsible for paying the bill, and the car is outside." Jia Jianxin said.

"I'm inexperienced..." Lu Qi glanced into the room, where three waiters in hotel pink overalls were cleaning up the room, and there was a pile of changed sheets and bedding at the door.

"This is the list I made. Check if there is anything missing? Let's go to the city to buy it." The thin Jia Jianxin took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi glanced at it, and saw that it was densely written. Except for bedding and sanitary ware, a full set of furniture and electrical appliances were written on it, even a coffee pot and a juicer.That's not counting, there are even clothes.

"Do you want to buy clothes too?"

"It's not surprising that there are so many people. I raised 10 from the finance department, which is not enough to put it on the hotel mat first. By the way," Jia Jianxin lowered his voice, "Secretary Zhao said that you know the shape of the new boss, and the size of the clothes also needs to be covered. You decide."

"How do I know if he is fat or thin? Who told me all this?"

"Secretary Zhao said that you are classmates... you always know your height, right?"

"It's been more than 20 years since I saw you, and I was still a child at that time."

"Then you're better than us. Look at Chief Fan and you'll know how to dress up a man... Time is running out, let's go quickly." Jia Jianxin seemed preoccupied.

Lu Qi and Jia Jianxin went to the city to buy things.In addition to the Passat they were riding in, there were two pickup trucks behind them, which were used to install furniture and electrical appliances.Everything has to be settled today, and tonight, the "new owner" of Red Star Company will move in.

Lu Qi felt a huge gap between herself and Tao Tang when she was choosing clothes in a specialty store on Taoyuan Road Pedestrian Street.The once cheerful, enthusiastic, intelligent and active tablemate may have disappeared forever. Now Tao Tang is the chairman and general manager of a large state-owned factory with 22000 regular employees and 210 billion fixed assets.

Secrets are meant to be communicated.When buying electrical appliances at the flagship store of Suning Appliances, Lu Qi answered no less than ten calls, and the content of the conversation was only one, and they were all asking Tao Tang.Most of them are middle-level Red Stars, some at the department level and some at the department level. They are inexplicably excited about Tao Tang's "airborne", and seem to be looking forward to their relatives.

"...You are the best of our group, you must take the lead, and we will treat Mr. Tao to dinner as a classmate." Han Ruilin begged.

"I don't have that much face, you think highly of me." Thinking of Han Ruilin's personality, Lu Qi sighed in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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