Revival Road

Chapter 102 Controlling the Situation 4

Chapter 102 Controlling the Situation [-]
Zhao Qingmin picked up his notebook and proved that he was fully prepared, "Comrades, from a general perspective, since the [-]th National Congress, the political atmosphere has become increasingly clean, and the central government has launched a series of new measures, whether it is mass line activities, The rectification of the four styles and the eight regulations are all directly related to the construction of the work style of cadres. The party group of the group actively implements the various spirits of the central government and issued a series of documents to guide the specific work of each unit in the system to rectify the work style. Our company It also forwarded the documents of the superiors, formulated and issued a series of regulations in a targeted manner, and issued a total of six documents in this regard... Generally speaking, it has received positive results and the masses basically approve it. However, since March, some situations have occurred continuously, which reflect the major problems existing in the senior management of Red Star Company... To be honest, as the secretary of the party committee, firstly, I feel deeply guilty, and secondly, I feel deeply responsible. For this reason, I have already submitted a review to the group's party group and asked the group to give punishment... These are not the topics of today's meeting, so I won't discuss them in detail... After Comrade Tao Tang took office, he immediately proposed to the party committee to strengthen the construction of the company's two-level team style I think the suggestion is very timely and accurate... Mr. Tao suggested that a concise and concise regulation should be made. Isn’t it a negative list now? Listing so few items is not allowed. I think this opinion is very Well, the previous regulations are indeed a bit generalized... Comrades, it is an undeniable fact that there are serious problems in the style of the two-level team in Red Star Company. Otherwise, how to explain the problems of Yang Wenhuan and Song Yue? After thinking about it for a period of time In particular, Chairman Guo Tao put forward a lot of specific opinions, and finally formed a first draft of opinions on rectifying the style of the two-level team. After being reviewed by Mr. Tao, he decided to solicit the opinions of team members and party committee members. After discussion and revision, it was officially issued Execute. Xingwu," he looked at Zhang Xingwu.

Zhang Xingwu stood up, and together with Li Zhibin, distributed the draft for comments to the company leaders attending the meeting one by one.

"This manuscript was made in combination with the requirements of the superiors and the actual situation of the company. It is mainly inaccurate, more specific, and appropriate. I hope everyone will study it carefully and provide opinions. The discussion draft in front of everyone will not be circulated. My It means that if we can’t do it, we won’t write it. If we can do it, we will write a few articles. We must win the trust of the people. The original manuscript produced by the party committee is relatively long and has a lot of content. After reading it, Mr. Tao thought it was a bit empty. It’s not as good as one is one, two is two, simple and clear, and easier to operate. So according to Mr. Tao’s opinion, during the time when Mr. Tao was on a business trip, he made a thorough revision, and this is the thing in front of everyone..."

Guo Tao continued, "I participated in the drafting of the document. I agree with Mr. Tao's opinion. Since we have come up with such a prohibition, it is by no means to show the public, but to actually implement it. Going forward, first of all, our comrades here must take the lead in implementing it. This is the key! In the past, we made many mistakes. The biggest problem was that we did not have enough restraint. We said one thing, but actually did another thing. Some veteran cadres wrote to me , I think we are selling dog skin plasters, the yelling sounds good, but the actual effect is extremely poor. I feel blushed when I saw it. Secretary Zhao made self-criticism just now, but in fact it is me who should conduct self-criticism and accept organizational punishment! Because I am specifically in charge of discipline inspection For work. Maybe this brief document overlaps or conflicts with previous documents. It doesn’t matter, you can write it down, and this document shall prevail. The ten items listed may seem simple, but in fact it is not easy to do them all. Let's mention it..."

Apart from the three main leaders Tao, Zhao, and Guo, it was the first time for the other nine people to see this rectification work style document in the form of a "commitment letter": 1. Maintain a high degree of political consistency with the Party Central Committee and adhere to the party's political discipline; 2. 3. Govern the factory according to the law and strictly implement the laws and regulations of the party and the government; 4. Care about the lives of employees and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees; 5. Do not accept any form of gifts, securities and items from subordinates and related units; 6. Do not get involved with superiors Private clubs and entertainment venues that are clearly prohibited by the ban; 7. Do not seek personal gain for relatives and staff around you; 8. Do not say hello or approve notes when it comes to the appointment and dismissal of cadres; 9. Strictly implement the company's rules and regulations on official consumption; 10. Be fair and decent, do not engage in small circles; [-]. Consciously accept the supervision of the workers and the masses, and do not retaliate.

After these ten articles, there are three pages of explanations, such as what is not saying hello and not approving a note, what is a small circle, like a comment.

The files are somewhat nondescript.To be honest, in the history of Red Star, no such document has been issued.

"Let's talk, let's talk freely." Zhao Qingmin picked up the cup and blew on the tea leaves floating on the water.

"Okay, let me say it first." Chang Wenhai, deputy secretary of the party committee and chairman of the labor union, spoke first, "The style of this document is relatively rare. To be honest, as a person who participated in the drafting work, the more I think about it, the more I feel heavy, because it actually It is a letter of commitment to the family members of more than 8 employees of Red Star. We used to talk about obeying the rules and regulations, but no one can say how to obey the rules and regulations. Now it is clear. It seems simple, but it is not simple. Especially in the notes below, quote The latest regulations that can be found. I agree to issue this document."

Li Luo then said, "After a cursory look. First, this form is relatively new, straightforward, and an innovation. Second, the leaders and comrades of the party committee have put in a lot of effort, and I admire it. But I have a few comments For your reference. First, the first three and the last seven are not compatible. The first three are general, while the last seven are relatively specific. It is recommended to use a refined hat to summarize the ideas of the first three, indicating that we implement the central government and the group. Is it better to improve the work style requirements? Second, the following notes are very important, and I think it should not be too detailed. For example, if you are in a small circle, how do you determine that it is a small circle? Hmm? Leaders are also living people, it is impossible There is no circle, such as classmates, such as neighbors, such as colleagues and friends. If it is cumbersome, ambiguity will come, but it is not beautiful. I do not recommend attaching this so-called explanation, and I feel that the harm outweighs the benefit.”

"I agree with Mr. Li's opinion, that's the sentence. The explanation definitely does more harm than good." Luo Chong said.

"President Li makes sense. However, if the explanation behind is removed, it feels a bit understatement. There are a total of [-] words, which is our determination to rectify our style of work? But there are indeed some problems with the explanation." Jiang Shangyun said "Beware of some people with ulterior motives making troubles. After Yang Wenhuan and Song Yue's problems happened, there were some strange opinions in the company. There are always a small number of those who break the law, otherwise our Red Star would have collapsed long ago and would not persist until now."

"Let me say a few words," said Qiu Lin, who was at the bottom of the list, seeing that the other leaders were silent, "I agree with Mr. Li's suggestion of removing the first three items and combining them into one introduction. The remaining seven items still require an annotation. In fact, this document The most terrible thing is the comment part, which is equivalent to telling the employees that those things the leader cannot do. It shows our determination and attitude. I think it is very good. There is also a small suggestion about the use of cars. Mr. Tao just asked to push out the idle Mercedes. Use a car?"

Liu Xiuyun suddenly felt disgusted, thinking that your car is a Passat, so she is jealous of our Audi, who the hell.But she couldn't speak out, she just snorted to express her dissatisfaction with Qiu Lin.

"Vice President Liu, what's your opinion?" Zhao Qingmin noticed Liu Xiuyun's expression.

"No, I don't have a problem. Everyone's talking very well..."

"Let me say a few words first, and finally Secretary Zhao will summarize." Tao Tang inserted before Zhao Qingmin, "First, I agree with this document in general. Comrade Qiu Lin's opinion is very good, and I suggest adding it. It's just my time According to the reports received, the employees have a few concentrated opinions on the two-level team, one is eating and drinking, the other is private use of public vehicles, the third is that there is opacity and unfairness in employing people, and the fourth is that some people use power for personal gain... Mr. Qiu mentioned The issue of car use is very good and should be included. It can be explained that within a period of time, the company will no longer purchase official cars. I agree with Mr. Li’s opinion on the structure of the document just now. There are indeed differences between the first three and the latter ones. How to revise and how to make the document more reasonable, please let the party committee study it. Regarding the annotation, everyone discussed very good opinions. Mr. Li and Mr. Jiang said something reasonable. Mr. Jiang’s worries do exist. Attached Posting the notes may cause some trouble. But considering the pros and cons, I still recommend attaching them. But the notes must be accurate and concise, and must meet both the requirements of the superior and the reality of the company. If you are not sure, you can ask the relevant department at the headquarters for instructions. , you can also ask the local discipline inspection committee for instructions, and it must stand the test. Why should it be attached? I think it is a matter of determination. Should we really change our style of work or go through the motions? My personal attitude is real change, thorough change, how much change can be changed How much, what can be changed now will never be postponed until tomorrow. To be honest, according to the requirements of the superiors, we have seven or eight. There is a fundamental change, it will improve the relationship between the cadres and the masses, and it will win the trust and support of the employees to a large extent. Comrades, I have received many reports during this period. If the situation reflected is true , the nature is extremely bad. I can’t guarantee that after Yang Wenhuan and Song Yue, Red Star will have no problems, and the attitude of the headquarters is also the same. Everyone must believe in the determination of the central government to punish corruption, and don’t take chances..."

These words were more serious, and the atmosphere in the conference room became serious.

"Okay, that's all I'll say." Tao Tang finally finished his comments.

"Chairman Guo?" Zhao Qingmin asked Guo Tao who was sitting on Tao Tang's right.

Guo Tao waved his hand, indicating that he would stop talking.

"Just now everyone discussed very good opinions. In particular, Mr. Tao pointed out the meaning of this document. I think so, we have passed this document in principle, but we must be more cautious, and the party committee will carefully study it. If necessary, you can ask the headquarters for instructions. After the meeting, if you have any opinions, you can also raise them. Is this the case today?"

Tao Tang nodded, and the meeting ended.

(End of this chapter)

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