Revival Road

Chapter 107 Reorganization of the General Manager's Office

Chapter 107 Reorganization of the General Manager's Office

Tao Tang came earlier than usual on Monday.When Li Zhibin came to the office at 07:30, Tao Tang was already working.Recently, there are so many documents, and the circulating documents piled up like a mountain. Until 09:30, the documents were only "cut" in half.During the period, I also interviewed two groups of report workers, the 11th branch factory and the transportation company, and talked for about 10 minutes.

At [-]:[-], Tao Tang was unwilling to continue reading. He called Li Zhibin in, returned the documents he had read and signed, and asked him to notify the head of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

Huo Wenhua, deputy director of the infrastructure department, came soon.

"What's your opinion on the report on the repair workshop of the 11th branch? What's the estimated cost?" Tao Tang asked face to face.

Huo Wenhua, the deputy director in charge of housing maintenance of the infrastructure department, looks very young and thin, but that kind of healthy and lean.

"I don't know about this matter... Mr. Tao." Huo Wenhua carefully recalled the approval documents and notices last week, but there was no such matter.

"I don't know? I signed my opinion on the report of the [-]th branch, and there is also Mr. Luo's instructions on that report. Didn't you see it?"

"I didn't see it. Mr. Tao, can I make a call?"

"Okay. Just call in my office." Tao Tang ordered.

11 The main workshop of the branch factory, that is, their assembly workshop, had serious rain leakage, and asked the company for major repairs.Luo Chong, who is in charge of the Ministry of Infrastructure, approved the instructions, but suggested merging them into the B12 project that is being finalized. In fact, it is "crowding" the construction funds allocated by the state, so he wrote on the document that Tao Tang should read the instructions. Department, ask them to come up with an opinion. If the project funds allow and can ensure smooth acceptance, this plan is of course good. Tao Tang has been to that workshop many times, and it really needs major repairs.This instruction was made last Thursday, and Tao Tang remembered it very clearly, clearly asking the Ministry of Infrastructure to work overtime on Sundays to come up with a budget.Just now, Tong Zhengjie, deputy director of the 11th branch, mentioned house maintenance again when reporting equipment problems, saying that the rainy season is coming, if he agrees to do it—Tong Zhengjie’s original words must be done, then do it quickly.Tao Tang agreed with Tong Zhengjie's opinion, and now the Ministry of Infrastructure said that they had never seen the approval document at all...

Under Tao Tang's gaze, Huo Wenhua finished calling, "Mr. Tao, we haven't received any instructions on the overhaul of the 11th branch workshop."

"It's strange, Li Zhibin!" Tao Tang called his secretary, "Last Thursday, in the morning, I had an approval document for the Ministry of Regulations and the Ministry of Infrastructure, which was reported by the 11th branch. You should immediately track it down for me. Where is the original approval? Who embezzled it?"

Li Zhibin agreed and turned around and went out.

"Director Huo, please sit down. Are you clear about the first workshop of Branch 11, which is the largest assembly workshop?" Since it was not a problem with the Ministry of Infrastructure, Tao Tang was much more polite.

"Basically clear."

"That's great. What's the estimated cost for major roof repairs only?"

"Only overhauling the roof to solve the rain leakage problem is not expensive. SBS is 30 yuan per square meter, and the leveling is estimated to be not all. It is 15 yuan per square meter, and this part of the cost is less than 50... But if the insulation layer is dealt with, it is estimated to be doubled. .”

"Does the insulation have to be dealt with?"

"That workshop is very old. The last overhaul was nine years ago. Technically speaking, it should be dealt with." Huo Wenhua said, "Mr. Tao, it's not worthwhile to just deal with the roof..."

"But it is not allowed to do a thorough overhaul, production is not allowed, and funding is not allowed. I understand the situation, you go back and organize this matter immediately, first make a plan and budget, go."

Huo Wenhua left.

Half an hour later, Li Zhibin came back, followed by Zhang Xingwu.

"So long?" During this time, Tao Tang finished processing the rest of the documents, "What's going on?"

Li Zhibin didn't say a word.Zhang Xingwu said, "It was Wang Zhiping's responsibility for the delay in the factory office. He put the approval document in the newspaper and didn't transfer it out in time..."

"It's not the responsibility of a certain secretary. I think the responsibility lies with you leaders..." Tao Tang lowered his face, "During the war, such negligence would be decapitated! You must have never watched "Star Fire", the Red Army If you make a wrong call during the period, you will be shot! Director Zhang, I suggest that you carry out a rectification of your style of work. Don’t allow the water to get too wet. You must really come here once. The general manager’s office is the face of the company, but there are many problems, late arrival and early departure Are there any slip-ups in the middle? Are there people who don’t wear work clothes? Are there people who play games, read books and chat at work? In short, your current situation is not suitable for the company’s increasingly tense production and operation situation. Come on, do your own research."

"Yes. Let's study it now." Zhang Xingwu quit Tao Tang's office.Not daring to neglect, he immediately called Zhu Ning and Jia Jianxin to his office.

While Zhang Xingwu and others were studying the work style rectification of the general manager's office, Tao Tang rode his bicycle to the workshop as usual.He didn't take Li Zhibin with him when he left the workshop, and he always walked alone.As soon as he left, Li Zhibin received a call from Han Ruilin, asking if Tao Tang was there. Li Zhibin knew about the relationship between Han Ruilin and Tao Tang's classmates, so he said politely, Mr. Tao left the workshop and just left, so he didn't know which branch he went to.

"Forget it, let's talk." Han Ruilin put up the phone.

Chen Yan was listening to Wang Zhiping pointing and cursing, Li Zhibin came in with a bunch of documents, Wang Zhiping stopped talking, Li Zhibin didn't look at him, and said to Chen Yan, "Chen Yan, these are all approved by Mr. Tao just now, help me I'm busy, please forward it to whoever it is. I just received a text message from the Technical Safety Department that there was a safety accident in the 2nd branch, and I have already transferred it to Mr. Tao, so I have to go there quickly."

"Really? Is it serious?" Chen Yan was taken aback.

"I don't know the specifics. Hey, I really followed a ghost. President Tao only emphasized safety two days ago, and I saw blood today."

"Wait, you won't report to the director?"

"Of course we have to report. I hope it's only a minor injury, otherwise it will involve Mr. Tao's energy. By the way, Mr. Tao is concerned about the human resources department checking the situation of those who have left their posts. You'd better get a list. Vice President Liu said that they already have It's already..." After speaking, Li Zhibin hurried away.

Since going out for an outing during the "May [-]st" holiday, the relationship between Chen Yan and Li Zhibin has made a breakthrough. Although the window paper has not been completely pierced, it is almost the same.Li Zhibin invited Chen Yan to have a meal outside the factory alone after May Day, and Chen Yan did not refuse.The news had reached Liu Xiuyun's ears. Liu Xiuyun asked Chen Yan, but Chen Yan did not admit it.

Chen Yan seemed to be influenced by Li Zhibin during this period, and she took more initiative in her work. She quickly processed the approval documents transferred by Li Zhibin, got up and went to the Human Resources Department.

"Director Pan, Secretary Li wants a list of off-duty personnel. It may be Mr. Tao. He has left the workshop with Mr. Tao, so let me do it for him." Chen Yan said to Pan Chenggui.

"Okay, wait a minute." Pan Chenggui immediately printed out a list, "Secretary Chen, I can tell you clearly. Except for Vice President Liu, no one else has seen this list. Don't pass it on, just give it to me." Boss Tao... Forget it, I'll do it myself."

"That's good. By the way, there was a work-related injury in the 2nd branch just now, do you know?"

"Who told you? Is it serious?" It seemed that Pan Chenggui really didn't know.

"Then you should find out for yourself." Chen Yan left.

Pan Chenggui immediately called to find out the situation, and after hearing the report from the second branch, Pan Chenggui immediately began to scold, "What bastards! You bastards!"

The work injury happened to a temporary worker, that’s not enough, the key is that the injured person was working for someone else, the stamping worker temporarily asked his sister-in-law to work for him, and as a result, two fingers were washed away, it was still the thumb and index finger, no doubt seriously injured.The person who answered the phone was the statistics of the second branch factory, saying that Mr. Tao was losing his temper on the spot, and the injured had already been sent to the hospital.

This makes the human resources department inseparable.Pan Chenggui, who is suffering from a headache because of a large number of off-duty people here, thought, why do you just recite it like this?He put down his work, called the deployment section chief, and immediately set off for the second branch factory.

At 11:30 in the morning, the general manager's office held a plenary meeting, including the driver of the small car at home.

Zhang Xingwu first told about Wang Zhiping's work mistakes, and then conveyed Tao Tang's instructions on rectifying the style of work, "This incident did not happen by accident. Mr. Tao saw the root problems of the factory office. After research by the team, he is now announcing that Five disciplines," Zhang Xingwu took out a piece of paper, "1. Office members, no matter which group they are in, must go to work 20 minutes earlier. If they go out to do private affairs during work, they must follow the regulations to ask for leave. 2. Dress neatly and uniformly, even for small cars Drivers must also wear work clothes. 3. During work hours, they are not allowed to play computer and mobile games, read books, newspapers and magazines that have nothing to do with work, and do not gather to chat with people. Regarding the above three items, the team leaders must take their responsibilities seriously. Anyone who violates this article will be punished together with the team leader. There are two forms of punishment, verbal criticism or fines, which must be recorded in the record and used as the basis for year-end evaluation. 4. Pay attention to political discipline, especially the secretary team. No ears or mouth, no news that should not be spread. This is a red line. If there is any violation, you will be transferred from the current post immediately. 5. Private use of public vehicles is not allowed, and private banquets are not allowed at public expense. If this is violated, Take it seriously."

Zhang Xingwu knew that Tao Tang hated dawdling the most, so he chose to act resolutely.Tao Tang has not come back from the workshop, and he has no way to report the five "prohibitions" they studied to Tao Tang.Zhu Ning thought it was unnecessary, "This is our own business, should Mr. Tao help us rectify it?" Zhang Xingwu thought it was right, so he immediately moved.

Zhang Xingwu announced the punishment of Wang Zhiping after finishing his five-point request, "After research, Wang Zhiping was fined 100 yuan, and the fine will be handed over to the finance before leaving get off work this afternoon. In addition, Comrade Wang Zhiping must write a thorough written inspection and report it within two days. Secretary Zhu."

Wang Zhiping drooped his head.Since Tao Tang took office, he has been unlucky, because an insignificant incident led to such a incident.He knew that everyone in the general manager's office must be scolding himself in their hearts.This is not allowed, and that is not allowed. Do you want everyone to sit in the office like a fool?He suspected that it was Li Zhibin who did it, but he couldn't afford to mess with Li Zhibin now, so he had to be patient.

Secretary Zhu Ning added three points, "The first is the performance of the supervisory function. Mr. Tao has clear requirements in this regard, and we cannot push it all to the planning department like in the past. We studied it just now and divided the division of labor. Zhang The director is in charge of marketing, finance, procurement, regulation, mobility, quality, and infrastructure. I am in charge of party affairs and discipline inspection, and Director Jia is responsible for the rest. For example, there was a work-related injury in the second branch this afternoon. Xiao Jia, you should promptly Follow up... The target of the supervision is Mr. Tao's work arrangement. Let's manage the progress first. Mr. Tao's work arrangement has clear progress requirements, which are very clear. Li Zhibin, you are with Mr. Tao. In order to communicate internally, except for the matters that Mr. Tao expressly requires not to spread to the outside world, the first thing to do is to report to the director in charge for follow-up supervision. The second is to implement lean management and create model office buildings and offices. The general manager’s office must Taking this lead, I took a look. Some of our offices are in disarray. We need to rectify them immediately, and use our spare time, not to exceed this week. The third is to strengthen learning, learn culture, and learn business. "Especially your secretarial team, Whichever leader you are with, you should learn that aspect of business first, and it can’t be like now, just say that I don’t understand, so just learn if you don’t understand. "

Chen Yan found that Zhu Ning, who had been a transparent person before, was also busy now.Before Tao Tang came, Zhu Ning was actually the third in command in the factory office, but now he has finally turned around and can boss around.

"The three points mentioned by Secretary Zhu are jointly studied by our team. Please follow this. In addition, Xiao Jia, you are in charge of the guest house, and you must take care of Mr. Tao's life. Secretary Zhao emphasized this at the last team meeting. Point, you have to check the environment and safety of Xiaozhao from time to time, and you have to be responsible for this matter. Like what happened last time, it is not allowed to happen again.” Zhang Xingwu beat Jia Jianxin in particular.

Unexpectedly, in front of all the staff of the General Manager Office, Jia Jianxin suddenly proposed that he did not want to take care of the guest house. "Both leaders, let me make a request. Can I not take care of the guest house? Even if I take care of other affairs more. These I feel guilty that I failed to manage the hostel well during the year, and the factory office was criticized. It’s better to adjust the division of labor. I suggest that Secretary Zhu manage the guest house. Secretary Zhu is careful and experienced, and he must be better than me.”

Since the in-factory business hospitality was returned to the guest house, the business volume of the big move has increased sharply, and Zhang Xingwu is thinking about adjusting the division of labor.Because of Li Luo, it's hard to speak up. Now that Jia Jianxin offered it, it was equivalent to giving him a pillow from sleepiness, "Since Director Jia has this request, I think it's okay to change it. Secretary Zhu, you can take over the guest house. Let Xiao Jia Duo goes to the grassroots level, which is good for young comrades."

Zhu Ning was surprised.Jia Jianxin didn't mention it when the three of them were working behind closed doors in the morning. Instead, he brought it up in front of all the employees. trap.The guest house has always been the fattest part of the factory. Jia Jianxin has never smoked a cigarette below 50 yuan. Needless to say, it is a tribute to the guest house. He suddenly asked whether the guest house is a test or something hidden.After pondering for a while, "Director Zhang, do you want to report to Mr. Tao and make a decision?"

Of course Zhu Ning didn't know that Li Luo called Jia Jianxin to his home last night to give an opportunity to face-to-face. Even if they didn't have a meeting today, Jia Jianxin would make a request.

"It's okay, Secretary Zhu is thoughtful." Zhang Xingwu said, "Until he makes a decision, Director Jia still needs to continue to manage the guest house. Recently, the business volume of big recruits has surged. Now is a critical moment, and we can't lose the chain."

"Wang Dabin is here, and he can prove it. Since the company issued a document to transfer the business reception in the factory to the guest house, the reception volume at noon has doubled every day, and it has more than quadrupled at night. We must strengthen our strength, from personnel to equipment. It’s not enough, otherwise something will really go wrong. What’s more, the guest house itself still has an income-generating target, and also undertakes red and white banquets for the employees’ families, so it really needs to be invested.” Jia Jianxin’s words are in line with his status.

"After the business reception is centralized, the income generation index is not a problem," Zhu Ning said, "we still have to focus on official reception, and we can't separate the priorities."

Zhang Xingwu understood that Jia Jianxin and Wang Dabin would of course prefer to host private banquets, such as wedding banquets.Inside the Red Star Factory, the hardware environment, especially the reception capacity of the guest house, is second to none. Eighty or ninety tables can be opened at the same time, and the children of employees can’t even line up for weddings.Mr. Tao ordered the withdrawal of official receptions, but actually received opposition from two parties. Ren Dao's private hotels lost business, and the guest houses were not happy.

"The secretary is right. In the current situation, we still need to focus on official reception. We must take into account the overall situation. Well, let's leave today's meeting as it is."

(End of this chapter)

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