Revival Road

Chapter 114 Prologue

Chapter 114 Prologue
Tao Tang's handling of the industrial accident in the 2nd branch really shocked the Red Star middle-level team.Under this deterrent, another 43 out-of-duty personnel "emerged" within two days according to the Human Resources Department's statistics. Those who were going to hide and not report due to various reasons were all reported within a day and a half.It is a recognized unspoken rule that the law does not blame the public, but no one dares to bet on their own future.

Liu Xiuyun is now in a state of desperation.Since she took charge of personnel affairs, there have been at least 30 people who have left their posts under her personal instructions and tacit approval.After the Human Resources Department issued a strong notice under pressure, those people who had left their jobs who had been "grateful" to her came to her one after another. Most of them had new jobs outside, and of course they didn't want to come back. The "iron rice bowl" of her family asked her to continue to take care of her, which brought great pressure on her.The thrill of power that once brought great enjoyment has become unspeakable pain.

In particular, Yang Tao, the deployment chief of the human resources department who was dismissed due to a work-related injury in the 2nd branch, did not dare to go to Tao Tang for a theory, but entangled Liu Xiuyun and insisted on Liu Xiuyun giving him an explanation.Originally, Yang Tao was Liu Xiuyun's capable subordinate, and he followed Liu Xiuyun very closely. Liu Xiuyun ordered Yang Tao to do many things that could not be put on the table, including privately greeting the branch factory to let people go.Liu Xiuyun also hinted that she would help Yang Tao improve.It's a good thing now, because the industrial accident in the 2nd branch factory has affected Chiyu, and even Yang Tao's section chief has been spared.Yang Tao couldn't swallow this breath anyway, especially Yang Tao was even more angry when he learned that Liu Xiuyun didn't speak up for him at the party-government joint meeting. Qiu Lin, who was at the opposite door of Liu Xiuyun, came forward to persuade him.The news spread quickly, saying that Yang Tao was holding Liu Xiuyun's handle and was going to kill him.

But at this time Liu Xiuyun was ill, and instead of being admitted to the factory hospital, he was admitted to the city's first hospital.So the rumors became more ferocious.

After Zhao Qingmin learned about Liu Xiuyun's "illness", he secretly scolded Liu Xiuyun for being too muddy to support the wall.How can you pretend to be sick at this time?Isn't this giving people the handle?As a company leader, even if you are a little uncomfortable, you have to stand up in this situation. This is also a kind of political quality.

But she was a member of the team after all, and she was the only lesbian, so Zhao Qingmin had to say something. He greeted Tao Tang, ordered the secretary to prepare a gift, and took Zhu Ning to visit Liu Xiuyun in the Municipal First Hospital.

When Liu Xiuyun saw Zhao Qingmin coming, she immediately kicked her husband Gao Ping and secretary Chen Yan out of the single ward. She wanted to take this opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk with the secretary.

According to Chen Yan's original intention, she was unwilling to accompany Liu Xiuyun.But there is no way, the general manager's office must send an escort, and she is the most suitable one. If she doesn't come, who will come?Who made her the only female secretary and also followed Liu Xiuyun?
In the two days since she came to the hospital, Chen Yan got to know another side of Liu Xiuyun's life. This is a difficult person to take care of. Thinking of the scandalous rumors she had heard, I really don't know how her husband endured it.

Liu Xiuyun's husband is Gao Ping, the branch secretary of the Physical and Chemical Metrology Center. The company is famous for being a good guy, and he is probably the only one who can match Liu Xiuyun.Thinking of the so-called life experience that Li Zhibin talked to her recently, those who flatter their superiors will always bully their subordinates. Liu Xiuyun is exactly this kind of person. She is obedient and obedient like a cat in front of her senior officials, but she is completely a tigress to her subordinates.

"Old Gao, is Mr. Liu's illness all right?" Zhu Ning was not qualified to go in, so he asked Gao Ping in the corridor.

"High blood pressure, always shouting dizziness..."

Chen Yan on the side laughed secretly, a high blood pressure of 130 is not considered high blood pressure, is it?
"Xiao Chen, take good care of Mr. Liu with all your heart." Seeing Chen Yan's expression that shouldn't be there, Zhu Ning said with a straight face.

"Secretary, I have a lot of things in my hands. Can someone be replaced? The most indispensable thing in our unit is lesbians who take care of patients. They are all more experienced than me..." Chen Yan took the opportunity to make a request.

"What urgent matter do you need to do?" Zhu Ning frowned.

"It's true that noble people forget things too much. The work you personally assigned, you forget it in the blink of an eye..."

"You mean propaganda manuscripts... You can also write here. This is a pediatrics for you. Not only must you write, but you must also write carefully. The factory office is the headquarters of the company, so you can't lag behind in this aspect."

After the revision of the factory newspaper, Deputy Secretary Chang and the Propaganda Department paid close attention to the newly opened column, and held a branch secretary meeting to organize manuscripts.Chang Wenhai not only asked the first-line branch factories to write, but also the office departments.Zhu Ning has been very active recently and asked the general manager to do at least two manuscripts per month. In order to report, he personally arranged for Chen Yan to write a "weighty" article from the perspective of a secretary. According to the report, I asked Li Zhibin for the materials, but Chen Yan had to do the manuscript.

Chen Yan said to Zhu Ning, Mr. Tao told me personally in the single building that it is not appropriate to publicize the leadership less and publicize the ordinary employees more?Zhu Ning said that there is a dialectic in it. Less publicity does not mean no publicity. Mr. Tao insists on going deep into the grassroots to set the best example for the change of cadres' style. This kind of publicity cannot be regarded as personal propaganda. Mr. Tao represents the image of the company's cadres Well.

Now Chen Yan took out the task assigned by Zhu Ning as a shield, and clearly asked to leave the hospital, "But my secretary, I really can't write here. The atmosphere here is too depressing, I can't write."

Zhu Ning thought for a while, "Okay, let me think about it. Before sending someone, you have to stick to your post."

Zhao Qingmin stayed inside for a full hour before coming out. Zhu Ning went in to say goodbye to Liu Xiuyun. Seeing that Liu Xiuyun had obviously cried, Zhu Ning would not be so stupid as to ask him why he was crying. He just greeted him politely and left. .

Zhu Ning came back with Zhao Qingmin, saw Zhao Qingmin went directly to Tao Tang's office, and knew that it must be related to Liu Xiuyun.

There were guests sitting in Tao Tang's office, accompanied by Li Luo and Liu Shulin, it was estimated that some big client came to the door.Zhao Qingmin was about to back out, but Tao Tang stopped him, "This is Boss Bai from Dile Company in S Province. He is a big user of our agricultural machinery. If you have nothing to do at noon, let's have a meal with Boss Bai and the others. Bai Boss, this is Party Secretary Zhao."

After exchanging pleasantries, Li Luo and Liu Shulin took the guests to visit the production site of the workshop. Tao Tang guessed that Zhao Qingmin was busy, and asked, "Just came back? Is she okay?"

"She's fine, there's no big problem... I think it's mainly because of the pressure. I still stick to that opinion, and you can go there when you have time."

"Our lesbian..." Tao Tang sighed, "Didn't you read the report from the Labor Department? I asked Pan Chenggui to give you a report."

"I saw it, and I heard what Xiao Liu said... What are you going to do?"

"What do you think of the human resources department's opinion?" Tao Tang asked back.

The Human Resources Department’s report on the investigation of the off-duty personnel included handling opinions. There are two main points. The first is to deal with the off-duty personnel.The second is the penalty for the unit that releases personnel privately, which is also two, a notice of criticism and a fine.

Zhao Qingmin thought for a while, "I've been thinking about this issue in the car just now, and it's really tricky. It involves 19 units, 13 branch factories, and 6 agencies. It's a bit too big. It can't be dealt with. Where, everyone is watching. I'm afraid it's not good to deal with it seriously... Dude, you just listen to me." The implication is that Tao Tang still thinks that it is too much to remove Liao Junwei.

Tao Tang smiled and said, "You are criticizing me. This time, the human labor did a good job. Not only the people were checked, but also the money was checked. At least seven units were involved in wage withholding. The specific who took it needs to be further investigated. Investigate. In fact, Han Zhiyong led my army that night. I have already talked about my attitude. It is one way to deal with violations of discipline, and another to deal with discipline violations... What else can I do? Pretending to be confused is not enough. I can’t explain it to the common people. The key is that there are members of the team here who are famous, which is quite annoying.”

"Just now, Xiao Liu gave me a self-examination. He even cried a lot. We can't get involved too much." Zhao Qingmin thought, if Tao Tang wanted to attack Liu Xiuyun, he would never agree.

Tao Tang did not answer Zhao Qingmin directly, "I disagree with the opinion of the Human Resources and Labor Department, it is too soft. For those who leave their posts, those who have not received their wages must return the collective part of social security. Those who have received wages must return all their wages and social security. Hand it back. For the leaders, you must not just report criticism. Those who are not intercepted are dealt with in one way, those who are intercepted but not put in personal pockets are dealt with in the second way, and those who are pocketed in private pockets are dealt with in the third way. Lao Zhao, I am not afraid that everyone will call me a cruel official. I have a clear conscience. To change your style, you must not just shout. Without Liao Junwei, there would be no current results. If this matter is dealt with, a series of problems may be solved. The atmosphere is so slow If you turn around slowly, you can’t do without paying the price. Isn’t there still half of the branch factories that have no problems? To deal with discipline violations, we must affirm those comrades who abide by the law, otherwise we will lose to those honest people.”

"I don't quite agree with your handling principles. Comrade Tao Tang, do you think about it again? You can't impact the overall situation of production and management." Zhao Qingmin said seriously.

"Old Zhao, it's more than that. An Zhongliang asked me to talk about it yesterday. The procurement department has a big problem with the recycling of waste. I asked him to write a written material, and he readily agreed. What should I do? Should I deal with it? Chairman Guo and Mr. Han organized the inventory of the secondary warehouse. Although it is not over, according to Chairman Guo, there are many problems. Also, someone reported to the Ministry of Mobile in real name, should they be investigated? Comrade Zhao Qingmin, it is not because I, Tao Tang, came to Red Star The civil strife was only provoked, because the past has already planted evil results. After Yang Wenhuan and Song Yue collapsed, these things will be exposed sooner or later, and there is no way to avoid it. Instead of passively coping, it is better to take the initiative! You are an old Jianghu Alright, I have much more work experience than me, let's think about it in light of the current situation, does the situation allow us to back down?"

Same as Zhao Qingmin's attitude just now, Tao Tang treated Zhao Qingmin so sternly for the first time.

"I've figured out the waste recycling. There must be a problem with the secondary warehouse, but it won't be a big problem. It's just a small treasury at most. But what's wrong with the Ministry of Mobile, is the equipment procurement? Large equipment procurement is all open bidding, I know this .”

Tao Tang found a letter from the drawer, "Take it and read it. Don't read it from me, take it back and read it."

Zhao Qingmin couldn't help but pulled out the letter, and his expression changed after he glanced at the signature, "Mr. Tao, what are you going to do?"

Tao Tang said, "Old Zhao, I know that you are doing it for my own good and for the good of the company. But the situation really does not allow us to turn a blind eye to it. You ask me what to do, I really don't think about it, help me Let me think about it, what order should we be in? When?"

"Should I go to headquarters?"

"There is no life-saving straw. Who will take the responsibility for us? Director Feng or Mr. Qi? It's better to ask yourself than to ask others."

"You must have your own plan, tell me."

"I really didn't think about it. I feel that it's better to start with the easy and then the difficult. Let's deal with the matter of leaving the post first, and then talk about it. You are right, this matter does have a taste of not blaming the law, but you have to give an explanation to the following." Wen Tian and Wu Xi, this is the status quo of Red Star’s two-level team. I’m afraid it won’t work unless a few heads are taken. Lao Zhao, I’m not worried about production and management. Let’s divide the work, I’ll be the bad face, you’ll be the red face. Who will make your old man’s chair comfortable?”

"Look at what you said, am I that kind of person? Well, I agree with your order, let's take care of the matter of leaving the post first. No one knows about this thing, right?" He raised the report letter in his hand.

"The person involved knows, you and I know. And God knows."

(End of this chapter)

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