Revival Road

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Returning from the living room to the bedroom, the toothache seemed to be relieved. He leaned on the bedside and turned on the TV in the bedroom. He tuned to the Hiraizumi News Channel as usual. The news broadcast had just finished, and it was the prime commercial time. A woman with a pill box He was blowing hoarsely the miracle of curative effect.He found that the advertisement girl was very similar to someone he knew, after much deliberation, he finally remembered that she was a bit like Xu Deyu, but much younger than the Xu Deyu brought back from the city yesterday.

His thoughts naturally turned to Xu Deyu.Yesterday was the latest contact. In the car, she was sitting side by side with me in the back seat. She was basically turning her head to look out the window, but during the intermittent chat with her, I carefully looked at this miserable woman. She should Did not notice.

The reason why he looked at her was to find Xu Deguang's shadow on her face.Xu Deguang, who has been dead for 25 years, is already blurred in his memory, leaving only a graduation photo. Xu Deguang happened to be standing in front of him, with his mouth slightly open, as if he was talking about something.

I couldn't find any trace of his brother on Xu Deyu's face...but he found that this woman was actually pretty good, with a small nose and small mouth, which matched her small eyes very well. With her fair and delicate skin, she had a kind of classical beauty. beautiful.At that time, he thought that if she straightened her hair well and put on an elegant cheongsam, she would still look very elegant.But her somewhat messy hair and smock top ruined everything... making her look haggard and aged.

That's right, since Sun Dunquan introduced her misfortune in detail, he began to pay attention to her, out of sympathy, of course, but also a little bit of guilt.He remembered that he had been to Xu's house, the house she lived in now, and he must have seen her, but he couldn't remember what she looked like at that time.

The unfortunate incident 25 years ago brought a turning point to several people. The most unfortunate one was of course Xu Deguang who died. He and Tang Yikun had nothing to do with each other.Tang Yikun didn’t mention it, he was actually lucky that he was delayed for a year, because at his level at the time, there was almost no possibility of being admitted to Fudan University.It was a year of vigorous repetition that made him improve by at least [-] points.The most important thing is that without that incident, it would be impossible for him to meet Lu Yaozu and become a bedmate, or a bunk bed.As a result, he and Lu Yaozu became the best friends, and they were friends with strong moral principles.At first, he hated Lu Yaozu's big words unconsciously, and his unconcealable sense of superiority.But later I found out that the boy has many advantages, and there are many things worth learning.He learned about Lu Yaozu's family background when he was in his junior year. No wonder, given his family background, Lu Yaozu was very, very low-key.He must be the only one among the classmates who knew about Lu Yaozu's family background. Lu Yaozu even took him to his home in Yanjing to meet his famous but old grandfather... He graduated and entered the Brilliant Headquarters (which had not yet been restructured into an enterprise group at the time) ), largely due to Lu Yaozu's contribution, Lu Yaozu still valued friendship, in order to be able to see each other often (Lu entered the middle × department under the envious eyes of his classmates), he insisted on going to Yanjing to work by himself... he Admittedly, without Lu Yaozu, it would be difficult for him to get to where he is today.He was always a little unconvinced in his heart, but reason told him that was the case.

Life is like this, one thing will benefit some people and make others bad.There is often a connection between the beneficiary and the unlucky...

Since Sun Dunquan accompanied him to visit Xu Deyu's home, he found that Xu Deyu was consciously avoiding him, instead of taking the opportunity to approach him.After he mastered certain powers, he always met the latter kind of person, and she was obviously an exception.This increased his affection for her.What he saw at her house that day also made his heart ache.The poverty standards of each era are different. During the summer vacation of his sophomore year, he participated in a social investigation team organized by the student union and went to western Sichuan, which made him see what it means to be destitute.In the villages he went to, that kind of poverty was common. The scene shocked the teachers and students of the social investigation team, and they had the most intuitive impression of the unbalanced economic development.

He firmly believes that after more than [-] years of development, even if that kind of extreme poverty exists, it will not be as common as it was then.After graduation, he and several classmates (including Lu Yaozu) of the social investigation team at that time got in touch with the stockade and provided targeted support for more than a dozen children. A few of those children passed the Dashan test and had occasional contact with them. Report After seeing the changes in the village, the changes certainly made him happy.But he admits that when the food and clothing are solved in that village, there are already higher living standards in other places, and society is constantly advancing like this. The difference between rich and poor will always exist, and it will always be a relative difference.I remember the joy of introducing tap water to every family in the factory when I was a child. Now it seems that it is very common. Now any resident of the Red Star Factory will definitely not be excited about the tap water entering the house. What they pursue is a larger apartment with more functions. A perfect house is a family car, a holiday trip, and sending children to study abroad... Of course, there are also very few who are still struggling on the poverty line, such as the employee who committed suicide due to economic despair.The poverty he saw at Xu Deyu's house that day was relative, but it was enough to shock him.There is not a decent electrical appliance in the house, the furniture is old-fashioned, and the floor is made of cement. Considering the nature of its owner, the house is not tidy. The master is a person with a relatively rich spiritual world, and a person with a substantial spiritual world is powerful and worthy of respect.

Then he began to pay attention to Xu Deyu's articles, and found that this woman's articles were well written, especially the short editor's notes, which were accurate and sharp, not at all what she appeared on the outside...

He was recruited by Lu Yaozu yesterday afternoon, he was not in the office, but in the municipal party committee guest house.Like himself, Lu Yaozu also lives in a free hotel.The conversation was casual, he thought that Lu Yaozu might have encountered some troubles and wanted to chat with a friend.He understands this feeling, because he has been here for the past few years, and it is difficult to find a partner who can chat willfully.So when Sun Dunquan took his wife to Binjiang to play, he chatted with Sun Dunquan until late every night, which was very pleasant.

Maybe now he is playing the role of Sun Dunquan.The chat with Lu Yaozu yesterday afternoon was also very pleasant. It basically didn't involve work. Apart from talking about the history and customs of Hiraizumi, it was just chatting with classmates from all over the world. Lu Yaozu obviously had a wider connection with his classmates than he did. The whereabouts of his lost classmate Lu Yaozu are known.Finally asked about his work, this is the unequal between the two, Lu Yaozu can lightly ask about his work again and again to express concern, but he can't, unless he said it himself.So he talked about Liao Junwei, and it was right to chat.Lu Yaozu said, it would be nice if everyone grasped the business like you do.He said that now it seems a bit wronged.Lu Yaozu sneered, which temple doesn't have ghosts who died?You are right to do so.

It is completely the tone of the superior to the subordinate.When did it become like this?Needless to say in college, they are completely close friends.It's the same when you graduate to Yanjing. Every Sunday, as long as you don't work overtime, you will always get in touch to have a meal together. You can talk about everything, and even your girlfriend will show off to the other party to "comment" or show off.In each other's marriage, the other party is the main force to help each other. Lu Yaozu and Lu Yaozu became each other's best man... But after that, things gradually changed, especially after Lu Yaozu became the director, that kind of intimate relationship was no longer found. Lu Yaozu I remember many things I said to him, and I think they are very incisive. One of them is particularly impressive: Do not make friends with the leader. The leader can treat you as a friend, but you cannot.

What Lu Yaozu said was very correct, this sentence benefited him a lot.

In their class or even that year, if measured by traditional standards, Lu Yaozu was the best.Some people recorded Lu Yaozu's success in his family, Lu Yaozu's success must have been influenced by his family, but he didn't think so.That guy has an extremely strong heart. Behind his great ambition and excellent organizational and publicity skills are his virtues of learning, self-discipline, and abiding by morality. In this regard, the two are very similar, so they can become friends who share morality and faults. .Some people one-sidedly think that the so-called high-ranking officials' children are dandies who are obsessed with sensuality. He also had such misunderstandings, especially when he read a novel based on the corruption case of the former Yanjing Municipal Party Committee Secretary when he was in college. The portrayal of the powerful young master of the municipal party committee is both enviable and disgusting.When he found out about Lu Yaozu's background, that notion was partially overturned. Lu Yaozu's family education was extremely strict, much stricter than that of ordinary civilian families. It has a deep background.

He saw the thick "Pingquan County Chronicles" on Lu Yaozu's desk, it should be the local chronicles compiled in the Qing Dynasty, or the vertical version.Lu Yaozu's study of Hiraizumi's annals is definitely not a study of history, but a study of the past to learn about the present. Now the local leaders are learning to manage the city, and gradually understand that digging out the historical and cultural characteristics of a city and finding out its unique places are more important than blindly Building high-rise buildings is more important.Therefore, reading local chronicles has become inevitable.It's just that Lu Yaozu started to think about urban construction so quickly (he stubbornly believed that Lu Yaozu studied local chronicles to prepare for this), which still made him a little unexpected. Didn't he think about how to really control power?
He had a premonition that Hiraizumi's new city plan was an unavoidable knot between him and him. He was completely on the side of Red Star, but the other side was of course standing on the level of the entire city.Many conflicts between people come from different positions, and behind the positions are real interests.Different positions determine different ways of thinking, just like his handling of Liao Junwei, few people really understand his intentions.

At the end of the chat, Lu Yaozu talked about the only "business" yesterday, which was Lu Wei.Lu Yaozu said, "I got to know the person you introduced, he's not bad, I'm going to use it..."

Since Lu Yaozu said so, it's a deal.He didn't say a word about it, since Lu Yaozu decided to use Lu Wei, all the intersections between him and Lu Wei should be interrupted.He understands this rule.

He declined Lu Yaozu's invitation to have dinner together, went to the book market, bought a few more books, then took Xu Deyu with him, and then saw Lu Qi when he returned to the factory, got off the car and told her about Lu Wei.He didn't say a word before, but now he can. He hoped to facilitate this matter, so he told Lu Qi in advance. The purpose was to make Lu Wei, who had never met before, mentally prepared. The first meeting is very important, so be prepared. The difference between is huge.

Why recommend Lu Wei?It was completely subconscious at the time.Since Lu Yaozu wants to change his secretary, then give Lu Wei a chance.But he didn't know Lu Wei at all.If he hadn't returned to Red Star, if Lu Qi hadn't talked about his younger brother in his office, he would have no idea that there was such a person.Therefore, what he did was entirely because of Lu Qi.

Thoughts inevitably turned to Lu Qi.Today he will not consciously avoid this woman who has been buried deep in his heart.Since returning to Hongxing and Lu Qi as colleagues, during the dozens of long nights spent alone, whenever Lu Qi popped up from the bottom of his heart, he always drove her away without hesitation.Anyway, he had so many things to ponder over, he couldn't finish them all.

Lu Qi must be the first woman he ever liked.When I fell in love with her, she was a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. She always combed her ponytail and wore a light gray embroidered lace top. She was quiet and beautiful. She was sitting next to her, and she could smell the fragrance on her body. A nice smell.In fact, they didn't communicate much, and they even learned very little.He just likes her, likes her beauty and tranquility, and likes the way she rests her chin and thinks about problems.

After being divided into arts and sciences, he often pretended to find someone and wandered around the door of her class, hoping to see her, just looking at her was enough, what else could he do?
The reason why he said like instead of love is because he finally understands the difference between like and love now.

It's not that he didn't think about finding out about her school and writing to her.But that thought was quickly dismissed.At that time, he already understood that he and her would not have any intersection.Under the influence of Lu Yaozu, he initially established his life goal, at least he will not return to Hiraizumi, but it is obviously unlikely that she will go to Yanjing or Shanghai.What Lu Yaozu said was right. The so-called success means to dream about the future down-to-earth. First, you must be down-to-earth, and second, you must have illusions. Both are indispensable.

In the long life that followed, Lu Qi was never really driven out of his memory.Always stubbornly emerge from a certain corner, especially in dreams, and laugh, recall, talk and even cry with him.He wondered why this happened?They only had one year's experience at the same table, and they had never dated alone, nor had any contact beyond that between classmates, but the memory was so stubborn.At that time, he had already established contact with some of the classmates who stayed in Hiraizumi, and he learned from them that she returned to Red Star after graduation and returned to her parents.But he just refrained from inquiring about her, because he had already established a relationship with Fang Lan at that time.In the following years, he returned to Red Star countless times, because it was his home, where his parents, siblings lived, worked and lived, and it was impossible for him not to go back.When his status in the Brilliant Group was enough for Red Star's upper echelon to come forward to receive him, he chose to keep a low profile, and every time he went home, he would go in quietly and come out quietly like a thief.

He wanted to know her present, her family, especially her husband.I really want to see which man married Lu Qi.Faintly, he was somewhat envious of that man.He firmly believes that she will live well, and the scenes of her crying and crying in those dreams are all unrealistic dreams.She had been a fine girl and must be a fine woman now.As long as she lives well, that's enough.

But life is so wonderful, in the sixth year after losing his wife, he returned to Red Star as the leader of Red Star.What made him feel strange was that when Qi Jianmin officially notified him of his new job position, she was the first thing he thought of.So, he met her, and it was exactly the same as in the dream, she was graceful and radiant, brimming with happiness from the outside to the inside.

That's good.

But Tang Yikun ruined him because of his success.He never expected that Lu Qi, just like himself, was silently thinking about each other.

Damn it!There is nothing more distressing than this.

The stoicism and restraint he had developed over the years paid off.He managed to pull back a train that was about to skid off the tracks.He knew that if he indulged himself, the day he got Lu Qi, he would completely lose her, not only Lu Qi, but many others.He didn't have the courage, and he didn't have the right to do that. That wasn't loving her, but destroying all her happiness.

Just let it all go.However, he will use his way to care about her and help him, including about Lu Wei.

My thoughts finally turned back to Hongxing's relatives, and I didn't worry.Except for some rumors about my brother, but that has nothing to do with me. He knows who his brother is. Fortunately, he is about to retire, so there is no trouble to add.But the sister-in-law brought up Youdao's future. Yes, Youdao is his only nephew. Traditionally speaking, he is the only seedling of the Tao family.Of course he will care about Youdao's future, but he will not backfire.In addition, my sister-in-law disapproves of Youdao's marriage, and has talked to him twice. He thinks that the reasons why my sister-in-law objected are untenable. The girl surnamed Wang has seen it once. She is not very beautiful, but she is by no means ugly.As for character, he didn't know, and didn't need to know.Youdao's liking is the biggest reason, including brother and sister-in-law, no one has the right to interfere with Youdao's happiness.At his nephew's request, he formally discussed this issue with his sister-in-law. Obviously, Bai Shuxian cared about his persuasion. Now that he's done, he's finally on the right track. This year, he will definitely have his nephew's wedding candy.

He has always admired his brother-in-law Wu Shi'an, he is steady and dignified, and has a good relationship with his younger sister. The brother-in-law's family is not rich, but certainly not poor.Originally, he didn't need to worry about it, but Meiling approached him a few days ago, asking if he could let Shi'an do some business?He asked what kind of business it was, and Meiling said it was to buy some materials for the factory, but he immediately refused.Meiling said hesitantly that most of the relatives of the leaders are engaged in this kind of business, but not too many, they just act as an agent to purchase low-value consumables for the branch factory.They can do it, why can't we?He asked if Wu Shian came up with this idea?Meiling said no, it was her friend who reminded her. The friend said that your brother is the leader, and if you want to do it, it will not be smooth sailing. Who dares to block your way?She said that she discussed it with Shi An, but Shi An disagreed, so she discussed it with her brother.He said it would be fine if it wasn't Shi'an, but I said Shi'an wouldn't be so confused.Your friend is hurting you and me too. Haven't you heard what happened in the factory recently?Are you out of your mind?The above clearly requires leading cadres not to engage in power rent-seeking. I fight corruption on the one hand, and connive on my sister to engage in corruption on the other hand?
Meiling was very upset.There is nothing he can do if he is unhappy, he will never make such a mistake, this determination was made at the beginning of his tenure...

Only Fang Lan never caused any trouble for him.

There was a period of time before getting married that he was particularly prone to colds. Fang Lan joked that it was over now and married a sick man.Because he prefers to use injections instead of taking medicine to treat diseases, she learned to give injections.But after getting married, he seldom gets sick... After Fang Lan left, little things would remind him of his dead wife. She was the softest part in his heart, and he always touched her when he didn't want to touch her.

Did I betray Fang Lan?He tried his best to recall the bits and pieces of his dead wife amidst the pattering rain outside the window, and before he knew it, the toothache disappeared, and his drowsiness completely disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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